AGFA SelectSet Avantra Series Operating Manual page 173

Table of Contents


Out of Media, 4–5
Output Device Mismatch, 4–7
Output devices, 1–12
Output Mode button, 2–55
Output Side Punch Jam, 4–6
Overexposure, 3–12
Overriding Error 44: Cut Not Allowed,
Oxidation, 3–14
displaying, 2–12
setting, 2–13
Pause button, 2–5-2–6
Pause mode, 2–35
Pause Pending Mode, 2–21, 2–35
Pause Screen, 2–3, 2–16, 2–21-2–22,
Plate Exposure Modes, 2–53, 2–55
Plate Overlap, 2–46
Plus button, 2–5
Plus Plus button, 2–5
Polarizer Error, 4–10
Positive imaging mode, 2–54
PostScript Support Environment, 2–18,
Preset parameters, 2–43
Processor Alarm Signal, 4–9
Processor Communication Error, 4–19
Processor Error, 4–18
Processor Timeout button, 2–54
Processor Top Door Open, 4–19
Program number, 2–43
SelectSet Avantra Series Control Panel and Operating Guide
Progress Bar
and test pages, 3–8
described, 2–20
Punch options, 1–8-1–9
Punch trays
20 and 25, 5–5
30, 5–8
36 and 44, 5–10
Punches, 2–38
Raster Image Processors, 1–13
Reference band, 3–2
Registration punch option, 1–8
Remote diagnostics, 4–32
rates, 3–14
setting, 3–14
Resolution, 1–2-1–3, 2–32
Retract Punches and Nips button, 2–49
Reverse Feed button, 2–50
Right reading imaging mode, 2–54
Right Side Door Open, 4–11
RIP Data Error, 4–8
RIP user tools, A–2
RIPs, 1–12
and shut down procedure, 2–17
downloading tools, A–6
hardware, 1–13
media optimization, 1–4
software, 1–13
user tools and control panel, A–2
Run button, 2–5-2–6
Run Screen, 2–3, 2–15, 2–19


Table of Contents

Table of Contents