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Danfoss MCO 305 Design Manual page 205

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MCO 305 Design Guide
By setting this parameter to [1] the FC300 is infor-
med that the Positive Software End Limit is to be
monitored. In this case it is checked whether the
target position is located outside of the permissible
movement range during every movement. If neces-
sary an error message is issued and the drive con-
trol is switched off.
In the positioning mode this means that the corres-
ponding positioning process is not started and the
error can be cleared with the ERRCLR command.
In the synchronizing and speed mode an error can
only be recognized after the limit has been
exceeded, thus when the error message is issued
the drive is already outside of the permissible area
of movement. In this case, it is necessary to move
the drive, by hand, back to the admissible area,
and to erase the error to temporarily turn off the
corresponding Software End Limit and then delete
the error.
33-45 Time in Target Window
Range [Unit]
0 – 10 [ms]
Once the target window has been reached the posi-
tion is read twice and compared with the par. 33-
46 TESTVAL. If the result is less than TESTVAL,
then the position has been reached, otherwise a
new reading is taken. TESTTIM indicates the time
interval between the measurements.
The reason for the limitation to 10 ms is
to be seen, that the function diffval waits
really and in this time the monitoring of
the limit switch and the position error is not active.
For this reason the value should be not too long.
33-46 Target Window Limit Value
Range [Unit]
1 – 10000 [qc]
default setting
__ Parameter Reference __
[ ]
value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.33.L4.02 – VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark
Once the target window has been reached the posi-
tion is read twice with an interval of par. 33-45
TESTTIM and the interval is compared with the
Target Window Limit Value .
The result determines whether the position is
viewed as having been reached or not.
For longer time intervals it must be taken
into consideration that reaching this
target position will be delayed by this
amount of time in any case.
33-47 Size of Target Window
Range [Unit]
0 – 10000 [qc]
0 = Off
TESTWIN must always be less than par. 33-46
TESTWIN indicates the size of the target window. A
position is only viewed as reached when the refe-
rence-run (trapeze) is executed, the actual position
is within the window and the velocity is less than
par. 33-46 Target Window Limit Value (Precondition
I: TESTWIN and TESTTIM are activated.)
In this content the velocity is given as TESTVAL in
The controller wait to execute the next command
until the actual position is within the target
If TESTWIN is not active [0], then the target has
been reached if the set position is the target posi-
tion. However, this does not necessarily correspond
with the actual position of the drive.
If the target window surrounding the end
position is selected to be too small, the
drive could move in a very small area
around the end position without reaching the target
window. Thus the program would be 'stuck' after
the corresponding positioning command.
A target window of [0] deactivates the monitoring
of the actual position and only monitors the com-
mand position.

