Quest Controls TELSEC MP1 User Manual page 53

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log type = "COS" for change of state or "time" for interval time logging
log interval (min) = number of minutes for interval time logging or 0 when using COS.
#pt,name,type,offset,custom low,custom high,log type,log interval (min)
1,Outside Air,tempf,0,0,0,time,5
2,Zone 1,tempf,0,0,0,time,5
11.1.13 [outputs]
This section is for defining the two outputs on the MP1. See Section 9.3 for additional information on
defining outputs.
#pt = The point number of the output. All four points must be defined.
Name = The 32-character display name defined for the point
default state = 0 for De-energized, 1 for Energized
follows = equations for equation control, CR-alarms for critical alarms, MJ-alarms for major alarms, MN
for minor alarms, alarms for all alarms or TOD# where # is the schedule number.
ack input = for outputs following alarms add the input ID number i.e., UIN16
#pt,name,default state,follows,ack input
1,Turn on Tower Lights,0,TOD2,
2,Critical Alarms 2,0,CR-alarms,
11.1.14 [schedules]
The schedules section is for the time schedule programming. There are eight time schedules and each
schedule can have up to sixteen priorities. See section 9.4 for additional information on defining
#sched = The schedule number 1-8
Name = a 32-character name display name for each schedule.
Action-day mask 1 (action=bit7/ = The list of days or an alternate date for the priority
line along with the action bit where 1 = on and 0 = off. Ie ON 7 days a week would be the first eight bits
equal to 1 (11111111) which is 255 in decimal. Date Schedules use an additional byte where date
schedule 1 = bit 7.
time (0-1435) = Time in minutes the action is to take place with 0 = midnight.
Rev 3.0 9/15/22
- 48 -
MP1 User Guide


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