Quest Controls TELSEC MP1 User Manual page 44

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Comparison Operator and Value
The Comparison field is used to select the operator for creating the alarm strategy. The alarms are
looking for "true" statements and will alarm when the condition described is in the true state. The value
field is used with the operator to determine if the point being monitored is in the alarm condition.
Digital inputs are compared to 0 for OFF and 1 for ON. Thus, to create an alarm when the digital input
has an ON status, you would compare the input > (greater than) 0 or you could compare the input =
(equal to) 1, or input
(not equal to) 0. Analog sensors such as temperature and humidity, use the
greater than (>) value or the less than (<) value for alarm condition determination. An example would
be if the zone temperature sensor is greater than 80 degrees. Alarm values are entered as integer
Additional Qualifier
Alarm strategies allow for a qualifier to create additional conditions that must be true (on) before this
alarm statement is true or active. The qualifier field is optional and will contain a list of previously
defined alarm strategies and time schedules. Time schedules can be used to only create the alarm
during certain times of the day or days of the week. By using other alarm strategies as qualifiers, you
can create combinatorial logic to alarm based on multiple conditions. The MP1 will allow you to string
together multiple alarm strategies in this way to then generate the alarm condition. Keep in mind that
ALL conditions must be true or active for the alarm strategy to be in alarm (active/on). If any conditions
become false (off) then the alarm strategy is no longer active and has a status of off, which generates a
clear alarm in the alarm log.
Rev 3.0 9/15/22
Figure 50 - Select Comparison Operator
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MP1 User Guide


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