Operating States; Power Off" Operating Status; Startup" Operating Status; Boot Menu" Operating Status - Pilz PMCprimo MC Operating Manual

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Operating states

"Power Off" operating status

In the "Power Off" operating status, the motion controller is voltage-free. By switching on
the supply voltage, the system changes to the "Startup" operating status.

"Startup" operating status

The following steps are performed in the "Startup" operating status:
Initialise hardware
Initialise fieldbus interfaces
Load operating system
Load user program
If no errors are detected during "Startup", the controller changes to
"RUN" status, if a user program has been loaded.
"STOP" status, if no user program has been loaded.
Status of LEDs:
"STAT" LED flashes yellow, "FUNC" LED off: "Startup" operating status active
"STAT" LED flashes green for 4 s when startup has been run. During this time it's pos-
sible to change to "Boot Menu" operating status.
Change to "Boot Menu":
Press the reset button while the "STAT" LED flashes green.

"Boot Menu" operating status

In the "Boot Menu" operating status, the operating parameters for the motion controller can
be configured in the command language in the terminal program using the CD command,
Configuration of the interfaces
Deletion of the user program
The PC and motion controller must be connected via the Ethernet interface.
Status of LEDs:
"STAT" LED: Flashes green
"FUNC" LED: Lights up yellow

"RUN" operating status

In "RUN" operating status
All system sections are in a RUN condition and are operating without error.
A PLC user program is run as part of each cycle.
It is possible to communicate with the motion controller in the terminal program via the
command language.
Operating Manual PMCprimo MC
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