ABB REO 517 Applications Manual page 295

Multi-function terminals for railway application
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Binary signal transfer to remote end
The binary signal transfer function is preferably used for sending communication
scheme related signals, transfer trip and/or other binary signals required at the remote
end. Up to 32 selectable binary send signals, internal or external, and 32 selectable bi-
nary receive signals can be transmitted.
Together with the binary signals internal to the terminal, the function is utilising binary
inputs and outputs. The function can be provided with various 56/64 kbit/s communi-
cation modules for optical fibre or galvanic connection.
The communication can be done via direct galvanic communication line for shorter dis-
tances, via dedicated optical fibres up to around 30 km and via a communication net-
work for longer distances.
The function Binary signal transfer to remote end consists of two function blocks,
RTC1 and RTC2, each handling 16 inputs (SEND01-16) and 16 outputs (REC01-16).
Figure 161 shows the signal diagram for RTC1. This diagram is also valid for RTC2
since the signal inputs and outputs are the same.
A signal applied to an input of one function block, e.g. RTC1-SEND01, in one terminal
will be transmitted, via a data communication link, to a remote terminal and there ap-
pear at the corresponding output of the corresponding function block, that is in the ex-
ample RTC1-REC01. The transmission takes 10 - 25 ms plus communication link
delay. No additional security actions to that included in the communication handling,
that is CRC-check, checking length of telegram and addressing, are incorporated.
Both function blocks have an input BLOCK, which is available to block the operation.
When the input is energized, all 16 binary input signals of that function block will be
sent as zeroes. Incoming signals from remote end are not affected.
An output COMFAIL is also available to announce an alarm when there is a failure in
the communication with the remote terminal. The COMFAIL for both function blocks
works in parallel so information will appear simultaneously on both function blocks. At
COMFAIL all 16 output signal on both function blocks will be set to zero.


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