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Christie Mirage 2000 User Manual page 79

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For video images that did not originate from film, or for
moving computer-generated images. NOTE: Applied for RGB HDTV
interlaced signals.
For video images that originated from film. This will optimize
image quality and stability.
NOTES: 1) For 60 Hz video standards: NTSC, PAL M, PAL 60. 2) Also
recommend for PAL video standard if the ADP module is present—note
that you must select film mode manually in this case. 3) Signals can be
from RGB video, composite video or S-video sources.
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only. Enter a checkmark (default) for most decoded video sources—this activates the
AGC circuit to ensure properly bright images. Delete the checkmark if a decoded
video image exhibits strange color artifacts such as stripes in highly saturated colors,
indicating an incompatibility between this source and the AGC.
When displaying 3D images, use this setting to artificially increase
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the amount of dark time between displayed frames. Higher settings provide more
time for shutters in 3D glasses to open/close, ensuring that each eye sees the full
display intended for it. Symptoms of cross-talk and/or color artifacts indicate that the
Dark Interval setting is incorrect for the current source. Note that the Dark Interval
default is approximately 375 µs, but slidebar values range from 0-255 and do not
indicate µs.
NOTE: See 3.8, 3D Images for a full explanation of Dark Interval use.
This control changes the relative offset to the default gain. The
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default PLL (Phase Lock Loop) Loop Gain setting of 10 is set automatically with a
Pixel Tracking adjustment and is correct in most cases. In rare instances, such as if
your image exhibits tearing or "flag-waving", increase the PLL loop gain setting as
necessary. Or, if your image is unstable and "breaks up", this may indicate that the
PLL loop gain setting is either too high or too low. PLL Loop Gain affects the current
channel only.
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access a submenu of controls affecting Advanced
Digital Processing module performance.
Noise Reduction: Set the amount of image
noise reduction desired, with "0" applying
no noise reduction (default) and "10" applying maximum noise reduction. The
higher the value, the softer the image.
Horizontal Filter: Set the amount of horizontal filtering desired for the current
source. Note that the default setting of "0" allows the projector to optimize the
amount of horizontal filtering according to the current source, and is the
recommended setting for most situations. You can override this by selecting a
value from 1-10, with "1" applying no filtering and "10" applying maximum
filtering. High filtering levels will soften the image slightly, particularly
evident along vertical edges.
Vertical Filter: Set the amount of vertical filtering desired for the current
source. Note that the default setting of "0" allows the projector to optimize the
The "automatic gain control" affects decoded video images
Select this option to



This manual is also suitable for:

Mirage 5000