Yamaha DME Designer Owner's Manual
Yamaha DME Designer Owner's Manual

Yamaha DME Designer Owner's Manual

Version 1.2
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Table of Contents


Version 1.2
Version 1.2


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Yamaha DME Designer

  • Page 1 Version 1.2 Version 1.2 OWNER’S MANUAL OWNER’S MANUAL...
  • Page 2 You can build an entire system from input to output with the DME Designer software, then send the data from that system to the DME64N/24N, which becomes an independent processor.
  • Page 3: About Dme Designer

    The DME can also be kept connected to the computer and controlled in realtime from DME Designer software. If multiple DME units are connected to the computer, you can use the DME Designer software to build a configuration that includes those multiple units.
  • Page 4 BGM & MC Band Band 1 Band 2 Local parameter link settings Local parameter link settings Band 3 External device settings External device settings Specifies the parameter to be linked between DME units. Grobal Parameter Link DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 5 Memory At least 256 MB Hard Disk Capacity At least 300 MB Display 1,280 x 1,024 pixels or better/High Color 16 bit or better Other Mouse, CD-ROM drive, 100Base-TX/10Base-T Ethernet or USB connection environment. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 6 DMEs in a zone and a Local Link function that links parameters within a single DME unit. ( page • The Synchronization function can now not only send data from DME Designer to the DME unit, but can also synchronize by reading data from the DME unit. ( page •...
  • Page 7 DME and DME Designer are limited to parameters within components, AD824/ AD8HR/DME24N AD/DA setting data, or MY card setting parameters. * If the file was saved when DME Designer was closed, there will be no break in sound even in the first synchronization after saving.
  • Page 8 (AD824, AD8HR) are turned on. Execute a scene recall to send DME settings an external head amp. • This manual is now separate from the DME Designer installer, and can not be accessed from the DME Designer menus.
  • Page 9 • When using project files (*.daf) created by version 1.1.5 or earlier, synchronize from the DME Designer to the DME unit for the first synchronization. • Project files (*.daf) created using version 1.2 will not open properly on version 1.1. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 10: Table Of Contents

    User Control ............... 70 Equalizer (EQ) ..............344 Parameter Link ..............73 Fader ................348 Synchronization Filters ................349 (DME Designer and DME Unit Synchronization)....75 Meter.................357 GPI ..................79 Miscellaneous ..............358 MIDI ..................90 Mixer .................360 User Defined Button (User Defined Parameters) ....98 Pan ...................378...
  • Page 11: Chapter 1 Before Using

    Chapter 1 Before Using Installing DME Designer To use DME Designer, you must first install the software on the computer. Before you can connect the DME Designer software to the DME unit, send and receive configurations, or perform control, you must first install the USB MIDI Driver or the DME-N Network Driver, according to how you will be connecting,...
  • Page 12 Starting by Opening a Project File DME Designer starts when a project file with a saved configuration is opened. When the project file is opened, DME Designer is started with the window configuration that was in place when the file was last saved.
  • Page 13: Closing Dme Designer

    Chapter 1 Before Using Closing DME Designer To close DME Designer, click [Exit] on the [File] menu of the Main Panel window. It can also be closed by clicking the [Close] button on the Main Panel window. Click [Exit] on the Main Panel window [File] menu.
  • Page 14: Chapter 2 Dme Designer Overview

    Resource Meter Window Main Panel Window Menus and buttons are available in the Main Panel window. The current DME Designer environment, including the active scene and zone, the currently logged on user name, and the connection status to the DME unit are displayed on the right side of the Main Panel window.
  • Page 15 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Designer Window The Designer window displays several different windows. First among them is the Area window, where you can manage the entire system. The Area window includes one or more Zone windows, which in turn include one or more DME units that are used to build a zones within the area. Next is the Configuration window, where you create the internal configuration of each DME unit.
  • Page 16 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Zone Window The Zone window is used to design zones within the area. A zone is a more concrete blueprint that includes at least one DME. It shows the DME’s connections with other devices and the wiring between them.
  • Page 17 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Toolkit Window The Toolkit window displays the objects that you can use in each window that can be displayed in the Designer window. Those windows are the Area, Zone, Configuration, and User Module windows. The Toolkit displays different objects, according to the currently active window. To place an object in a window, double-click it in the Toolkit window where it is displayed or drag it to the currently active window.
  • Page 18: Resource Meter

    Operations in all windows are the same as for normal Windows applications. The windows are controlled with the [Minimize], [Maximize/Restore], and [Close] buttons at the upper right of the title bar. DME Designer is closed by clicking the [Close] button on the Main Panel window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 19: Users And Security

    DME Designer, users who will only operate the system can be restricted to functions that will not allow them to accidentally change the settings. DME Designer is used with one user at a time logged on. To change the user, click the [File] menu [Log Off] command on the Main Panel window.
  • Page 20 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Logging On The “Log On” dialog box is displayed whenever the application is started or a user is logged off. Whenever one user is already logged on, another user cannot be logged on. To log on as another user, first log off the currently logged on user.
  • Page 21 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Logging Off Logoff is used when changing users. When you log off, the document currently being edited is closed, and the “Log On” dialog box is displayed so you can log on the next user. Log off with the [Log Off] command on the [File] menu in the Main Panel window.
  • Page 22: Project Files

    Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Project Files Project Files Systems built with DME Designer are saved as project files. Project files have “.daf” as the extension for their filenames. These files include settings for the area, zones, configurations, and each parameter.
  • Page 23 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Saving Project Files Project files are saved using the [File] menu [Save] and [Save As] commands in the Main Panel window. The [Save] command overwrites the previously saved version of the file. The [Save As] command lets you give a new name to the file before saving it.
  • Page 24 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview 7 [Save as type] Selects the format for the file you are saving. When saving project files including Wave files set for Wav File Player, select “Project File with wave (*.daf)”. Otherwise, select “Project File (*.daf)”.
  • Page 25: Saving A File With A New Name

    Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Saving Project Files Click [File] menu [Save] in the Main Panel window. If there is a file already saved with the same name, it will be overwritten. When saving a project file for the first time, you must name the file before saving it. The “Save As”...
  • Page 26 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Protecting a Project File with a Password When you save a project file with a new name, you can set a password and protect the file. If a password is set, an ID and password will be requested when the file is opened.
  • Page 27 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Opening Project Files Project files are opened using the [File] menu [Open] command in the Main Panel window. Since the currently opened project file must be closed before another one can be opened, a “Project file has been modified.
  • Page 28: Opening A Project File That Has Security Set

    Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Opening a Project File That Has Security Set If security is set for a project, the “Enter ID & Password” dialog box will be displayed when you click the [Open] button in the “Open” dialog box.
  • Page 29 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Double-Click the Icon for the Project File When you double-click the icon for the project file, the file will open. If DME Designer is not started, it will start. After logon, the project file will open.
  • Page 30: Dme Data File

    Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview DME Data File You can import or export parameters for a DME that is arranged in a configuration file. Parameters for a single DME unit in the current configuration (the one being edited) are saved as a file. Saved parameters can be imported into another project file.
  • Page 31 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview On the submenu, click on the DME into which you will import settings. The “Open” dialog box will be displayed. Select the DME data file and click the [Open] button. [Import DME Configuration] Submenu The DMEs included in the current configuration will be displayed on the [Import DME Configuration] submenu.
  • Page 32 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview DME Export This exports parameters from a DME included in the current configuration and saves them as a file. Make active the configuration that includes the DME from which you will export. If there are multiple configurations, display the window in front for the configuration that arranged the DME from which you are going to export.
  • Page 33 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview [Export DME Configuration] Submenu The DMEs included in the current configuration will be displayed on the [Export DME Configuration] submenu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 34: Configuration Creation Procedure

    Creating a New Project. When you start DME Designer, a new project is created. If another project file is already open, use the [File] menu [New] command in the Main Panel window to create a new file.
  • Page 35: Online

    You can connect the DME unit to your computer and transfer configurations, scenes and parameters created in DME Designer into the DME unit. You can also read data from the DME unit into DME Designer, synchronizing it with the status of the DME unit.
  • Page 36 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Storing and Checking Scenes. When moving online, the lowest scene must be stored. You can check if a scene is stored using the “Scene Manager” dialog box. See “Scene Manager” on page Recalling Scenes. When going online, the scene will be recalled. Its scene number must be displayed in [Scene Number], and its scene name will be displayed in Scene Name.
  • Page 37 Clicking the [Go On-Line] button displays a dialog box where you can decide the synchronization method. Click the [Designer DME] direction button. Transfer of the configuration will begin, and DME Designer will be synchronized with the unit. If there are many zones, this process may take time. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 38 Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview When going online is finished, the [Go On-line] button will be grayed out, and the Main Panel window [On-Line] button will light up. The dialog box will close automatically if [Close this window after synchronization] is checked.
  • Page 39: Chapter 3 Main Panel Window

    Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Main Panel Window The Main Panel window is the main window of DME Designer. Log On User Title Bar Menu Bar Tool Buttons (Small) Tool Buttons (Large) Communication Current Scene Current Zone [Mute] Button Status Title Bar “DME Designer”...
  • Page 40 Opens the “Parameter Link” dialog box. See “[Parameter Link]” on page [Clock] Button Opens the “Clock” dialog box. See “[Clock]” on page [User Control Manager] Button Opens the “User Control Manager” dialog box. See “[User Control]” on page DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 41 See “Synchronization” Dialog Box on page [Event Logger] Button Opens the Event Logger window. See “Event Logger” Window on page 111. [Event Scheduler] Button Opens the “Event Scheduler” dialog box. See “Event Scheduler” Dialog Box on page 116. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 42: Mute] Button

    Press <Ctrl> key and <+> key simultaneously recall the next scene and press <Ctrl> key and <-> key simultaneously recall the previous scene. These settings can be changed via the Shortcut keys dialog box (page 134). [Scene Name] Displays the name of the current scene. [Scene Manager] Button Opens the “Scene Manager” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 43: Current Zone

    The indicator will light when the DME unit is on-line. Message Transmit/Receive Indicators [Rx] Lights when MIDI messages from the DME unit are received by DME Designer. [Tx] Lights when MIDI messages are transmitted from DME Designer to the DME unit.
  • Page 44: Main Panel Window Menu

    Closes the project without saving it. If the file has already been given a name and saved, the most recently saved version will remain as is. If the project has not been given a name and saved, it will be lost. [Cancel] Button Cancels creation of a new project. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 45: Save As

    [Export DME Configuration] Exports parameters of a DME that is arranged in a configuration file. See “DME Data File” on page DME File Storage Opens the “DME File Storage” dialog box. See “DME File Storage” on page DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 46: Log Off

    See “Users and Security” on page [Exit] Closes “DME Designer.” A confirmation dialog box asking “Project file has been modified. Save?” will be displayed. To save, click [Yes]. To close without saving, click [No.] DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 47 4 [Delete All] Button Deletes the entire history of operations displayed on the list. When an operation is deleted from the list, it cannot be undone. Operations undone from the [Undo History] can be re-executed one-by-one using [Redo]. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 48 See “User Control/User Module Editor” on page 279. NOTE Controls that are not available to the currently logged-on user are not shown in the menu. [Tools] Menu [Scene Manager] Opens the “Scene Manager” dialog box. See “Scene Manager” on page DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 49 Opens the “Parameter Link” dialog box. See “Parameter Link” on page [Synchronization] Opens the “Synchronization” dialog box. See “Synchronization (DME Designer and DME Unit Synchronization)” on page [Event Scheduler] Opens the “Event Scheduler” dialog box. See “Event Scheduler” on page 116.
  • Page 50 Opens the “Shortcut Keys” dialog box. See “Shortcut Keys” on page 134. [Backup] Opens the “Backup” dialog box. See “Backup” on page 135. [Firmware Update] Updates the DME unit firmware. See “DME Firmware Update” on page 107. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 51 [Close All Editor Windows] Closes all editor windows. NOTE Each design windows within the Designer window can be switched using the [Window] menu in the Designer window. [About] Menu [About DME Designer] Displays information about this application. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 52: Dme File Storage

    Deletes selected files from the DME. NOTE Synchronization may become impossible if the [Remaining Memory] value (the amount of remaining DME memory) becomes too small. If this occurs, delete unwanted files to increase the amount of available memory. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 53: Preferences

    Undo history will not be cleared. This setting has no effect when the file being worked on has not previously been saved, or the computer is online. • [Interval in minutes] Specifies the auto-save interval in minutes. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 54 Place a checkmark here to have a confirmation dialog box displayed when storing a scene. [Save after synchronization] If a save is performed after the DME Designer is synchronized to the DME unit, the next synchronization will be significantly faster because one the difference needs to be synchronized.
  • Page 55: Security (Creating Users And Making User Settings)

    When you click the [Security] command on the [Tools] menu, the “Security” dialog box is displayed. Here you can create and delete users. You can also set the security level for each user. Users are saved as DME Designer settings. You don’t need to create users for each file. Auto-Logon User User Setting Restrictions Various restrictions apply, depending on the security level of the user that is currently logged on.
  • Page 56 Levels are also set for user control. The logged on user can display or edit user controls at levels equal to or lower than his or her own level. The log-on user can use zones that are checked in the [View Zone] field. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 57: Enable Auto-Log On

    Click the [ ] at the right of the box, and select the user for auto-logon from the displayed user list. If auto-logon is turned OFF, the “Log On” dialog box will be displayed whenever the DME Designer is started. Each time a user must be selected and a password entered in order to log on.
  • Page 58 Furthermore, the currently logged on user cannot delete himself. 5 [Change] Button Changes settings for the user selected on the list. Opens the “Change User Information” dialog box. The contents of the dialog box are the same as the “Add User” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 59 When a user is created, automatically this is set to “One level lower than the user above.” The initially set level is the highest level that can be set for that user. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 60 In the “Add User” dialog box, this creates new users according to the settings made there. In the “Change User Information” dialog box, this applies the dialog box settings and changes the user settings. [Cancel] Button Cancels user creation or setting changes, and closes the dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 61 You can also create users with no password. If you do not want to set a password for the user, leave the [Password] box blank. Enter the password into the [Confirm Password] box also. If you do not want to set a password for the user, leave the [Confirm Password] box blank also. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 62 To lower the level, enter a larger number in the box. Click the [OK] button and the dialog will close. You can continue creating new users without closing the dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 63: Scene Manager

    When you click [Scene Manager] in the [Tools] menu, the “Scene Manager” dialog box is displayed. [Copy] Button [Insert] Button [Paste] Button [Cut] Button [Recall Safe] Button [Clear] Button [Store] Button [Detail] Button List [Recall] Button DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 64 Fade is used when Fader components are used in a configuration. It sets whether fade is applied (ON) or not (OFF) when a scene is recalled. NOTE The fade function cannot be simulated in DME Designer. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 65 Pastes the contents of the cut or copied scene into the scene selected on the list. The selected scene will be overwritten. If no scene has been cut or copied, the button will be grayed out and cannot be used. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 66 Whichever you click, the scene itself will be deleted. NOTE The [Cancel] button on the “Delete Preset?” message does not cancel the [Clear] for the scene. It merely cancels deletion of the presets. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 67 The currently logged on user can store scenes at a security level equal to or lower than his or her own only. NOTE When the computer and DME unit are online, a scene stored in the DME Designer will also be stored on the DME unit, regardless of the DME settings.
  • Page 68: Preset List

    “Preset001,” “Preset002,” and so on. Presets created with the [New] button are named “New Preset.” You can select the presets used in a scene by clicking the radio buttons to the left of the preset names. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 69 Changes from storing/recalling scenes or editing, such as changing names or contents, will be applied immediately. With the dialog box open, you can make the Designer window active and add components or change parameters. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 70: User Control

    There they can be created or deleted. You can also edit the name and security level of user controls here. NOTE Only controls available to the currently logged on user are shown in the list. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 71 Displays the name of the user specified in User Control. Clicking here will display a list of the available users. NOTE Levels at or below the security level of the currently logged on user are displayed in the list. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 72 Click [OK] to create the specified User Control setup. [Delete] Button Deletes the user control selected on the list. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 73: Parameter Link

    Links to the parameters of multiple DME units in the zone. • Local Link Links to the parameters of one DME unit. NOTE Because there is a large load on the network, the maximum number of Global Links will be limited to eight. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 74 Displays the parameters that belong to a group. You can display or hide minimum and maximum values for a parameter by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) signs. You can delete a parameter from a group by selecting the parameter name and pressing the <Delete> key. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 75: Synchronization

    35). Online and Offline When a DME unit is connected to the computer and synchronized with DME Designer, its status is called “Online.” When a DME unit is not physically connected to the computer or is not synchronized even when it is connected, its status is called “Offline.” You can check the online/offline status and message transmission in [Communication Status] in the Main Panel window.
  • Page 76: Synchronization" Dialog Box

    When you click the [Synchronization] command on the [Tools] menu, the “Synchronization” dialog box is displayed. The data from the current zone in the Designer is synchronized with the DME unit. Here you can make settings for synchronizing the unit in DME Designer one-on-one with the DME that actually exists on the network.
  • Page 77 [Designer DME] button Data from the DME unit is read into DME Designer. Current data stored in the DME unit, such as scenes, are read into DME Designer. This assumes that the configurations in the DME unit and the DME Designer agree.
  • Page 78 Before this can be done, configurations, such as cards inserted in the slots and any connected serial devices, must agree for the DME unit and DME Designer. Preset data overwritten in the DME unit is read, along with every type of parameter setting managed in DME Designer.
  • Page 79: Gpi

    DME. [DME] GPI IN GPI OUT [Cancel] Button [Apply] Button [OK] Button [DME] From the list, select the DME where you will be making settings. Configuration The current configuration name will be displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 80 The [Parameter], [Min], [Max], and [Terminal] items will change according to the selected function. • [No Assign] No function assigned. This is the default setting. Select [No Assign] to clear an assigned function. The [Parameter], [Min], [Max], and [Terminal] items are not available. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 81 Example: Relationship between the voltage applied to GPI IN and the Fader Level when [Fader Level] is set in the [Parameter] box. [Max] parameter value [Min] parameter value [Max] parameter value Max. voltage applied to GPI IN Median voltage Min. voltage applied to GPI IN DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 82 The scene number will be incremented each time the voltage applied to GPI IN drops from above to below the median voltage.* Trigger Max. voltage applied to GPI IN Median voltage Min. voltage applied to GPI IN Same as Same as DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 83 The scene number will be decremented each time the voltage applied to GPI IN drops from above to below the median voltage.* Trigger Max. voltage applied to GPI IN Median voltage Min. voltage applied to GPI IN Same as Same as DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 84 Mute will be alternately turned ON and OFF each time the voltage applied to GPI IN rises from above to below the median voltage.* Max. voltage applied to GPI IN Median voltage Min. voltage applied to GPI IN DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 85 GPI Lock will be alternately turned ON and OFF each time the voltage applied to GPI IN rises from above to below the median voltage.* Max. voltage applied to GPI IN MUTE OFF Median voltage MUTE ON MUTE ON Min. voltage applied to GPI IN DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 86 The internal clock time will be adjusted each time the voltage applied to GPI IN drops from above to below the median voltage.* Trigger Max. voltage applied to GPI IN Median voltage Min. voltage applied to GPI IN Same as Same as DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 87 * “Median voltage” refers to the voltage halfway between the maximum and minimum voltages detectable by the GPI input terminals. Refer to the “GPI Page” section of the “Utility Screens” chapter of the DME64N/24N Owner’s manual for details on GPI voltages. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 88 A pulse will be output when the value of the parameter changes from below to above the threshold. A pulse will be output when the value of the parameter changes from above to below the threshold. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 89 User Defined Button is shown when [GPI OUT] is set in “User Defined Button.” See “User Defined Button (User Defined Parameters)” on page Event Log Event Log is shown when [GPI OUT] is set in “Event Logger.” See “Event Logger” on page 111. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 90: Midi

    “echoed” (re-transmitted) via the output port that corresponds to the input port via which it was received. Detailed settings for program change, control change, and parameter change are made on the [Program Change] tab, the [Control Change] tab, and the [Parameter Change] tab. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 91: Control Change] Tab

    Displays the assigned components. Control changes that have no component assigned to them are blank. If you click here, a list will be displayed. Usable components are on the list. Click the component name to select it. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 92 If you drag the left edge of the black part, the [Min] value will change. If you drag the right edge, the [Max] will change. [Clear] Button Clears assignments for the selected control change numbers. [All Clear] Button Clears assignments for all control change numbers. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 93: Program Change] Tab

    When you click here, a list of scenes is displayed. Select the scene you want to assign. [All Clear] Button Clears all scene assignments. [Clear] Button Clears the scene assignment for the program number selected in the list, so that no scene is assigned to that number. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 94: Parameter Change] Tab

    Click the [ ] and select the bank where you will make settings. [Parameter Change] Tab Specifies the parameter to be controlled by parameter change commands for each address. Up to 128 can be set. [DME] From the list, select the DME where you will be making settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 95 Click the component name to select it. Parameter Set the assigned component link parameter. When you click here, a list is displayed of parameters included in the component selected in the [Component] box. Select the parameter you want to assign. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 96 [Max] will change. [Clear] Button Clears the assignment for the parameter change selected in the list, so that nothing will be assigned to it. [All Clear] Button Clears all parameter change assignments. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 97: Port] Tab

    Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Port] Tab Sets the MIDI port for the current zone used by DME Designer. MIDI PORT Selects the MIDI driver used for transmitting and receiving MIDI messages. [Tx] Selects, from a list, the MIDI driver used for transmitting MIDI messages.
  • Page 98: User Defined Button (User Defined Parameters)

    24 (four pages times six) presets, and operated on the DME unit or ICP1 even if DME Designer is not being used. This function sets parameters in DME Designer that can be called by these function keys <F1> through <F6>.
  • Page 99 Allows initiation of Wave file playback. The Wave file setting is made in the [Parameter] field. Wave files set by the Wav File manager can be specified. Files can not be selected unless a Wav Player is included in the DME configuration. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 100 [Clear] Button Clears assignments for the selected function keys. This is the same as “No Assign.” [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 101 [LCD Display] box names. When you enter a user defined parameter name into an [LCD Display] box and press the <Enter> key to confirm it, the next [LCD Display] box down will be selected, and you can enter text there immediately. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 102: Word Clock

    • The number of channels varies according to the card inserted into the slot. From the list, select the DME where you will be making settings. Clock Information Displays the word clock frequency for the DME selected in [DME]. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 103 (44.1kHz/48kHz/88.2kHz/96kHz), [Word Clock] (WCK IN), [Cascade] (IN/OUT, 64N only). Clock buttons that are grayed out cannot be selected. [Close] Button Closes the dialog box. NOTE You can close the dialog box using the Close button, or by pressing <Esc> or <Alt>+<F4>. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 104: Monitor

    From the list, select the card that will be the destination for the monitor output. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 105: Clock

    Set the date in the left box and the time in the right box. You can change the numbers using the [ ] and [ ] at the right of the boxes. NOTE You can close the dialog box using the Close button, or by pressing <Esc> or <Alt>+<F4>. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 106: Language Settings

    Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. NOTE You can close the dialog box using the Close button, or by pressing <Esc> or <Alt>+<F4>. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 107: Dme Firmware Update

    If the firmware has been updated from V1.07 or lower to V1.10 or upper, perform the update twice. Because the text display data in the DME unit is changed, text display for Japanese is not possible with one update only. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 108 Check the DME you wish to update. You can click on a checkmark to turn it ON/OFF. The [Select All] button places a checkmark next to all the DMEs. The [Clear All] button turns OFF all the DME checkmarks. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 109 While updating, be very careful not to disconnect the USB or Ethernet cable or turn off the power to the DME. The DME Designer MIDI setting information will be lost. When the DME update is finished, the DME unit will be automatically restarted. You also need to restart DME Designer.
  • Page 110 While updating, be very careful not to disconnect the USB or Ethernet cable or turn off the power to the DME. The DME Designer MIDI setting information will be lost. When the DME update is finished, the DME unit will be automatically restarted. You also need to restart DME Designer.
  • Page 111: Event Logger

    (Information): Other events • [Zone] Displays the name of the zone in which the event occurred. • [DME] Displays the name of the DME in which the event occurred. • [Event] Displays the content of the event. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 112 When turned ON, Warning events are displayed in the Event Logger window. • [Display Error] Button Switches between displaying and hiding Error events. When turned ON, Error events are displayed in the Event Logger window. [Clear Screen] Button Clears (erases) events. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 113: Log Setup" Dialog Box

    When a check is placed here, “Log Buffer Full” messages will be displayed on the displays of all DME units in the zone. [Log List Setup] Button Sets events sent from the DME units. Clicking here displays the “Event Log List” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 114: Get Log" Dialog Box

    Sets the file name and save location for the log file. Clicking the [Browse] button opens the file select dialog box, where you can select a file. [DME Log Clear] Clears (erases) logs in the DME checked. When you click this button, a confirmation dialog is displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 115: Event Log List" Dialog Box

    You can turn sending of logs for each event ON or OFF. [Type] If you click here, a list will be displayed. Select type of event. [Information], [Warning], and [Error] are displayed in a list. [GPI OUT] Sends GPI output for each event. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 116: Event Scheduler

    Displays the event names. Clicking an event will select it, allowing you to change its name. There is no limit to the number of characters. [Operation] Displays the function that will be executed when the event starts. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 117 [Copy] Button Copies the selected event. This button is grayed out when no event is selected. [Paste] Button Pastes the copied event. The event is added. This button is grayed out when no event has been copied. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 118 The following three items are on the list: • [Scene Change] Changes the scene. • [Parameter Value Edit] Changes a parameter. • [GPI Out] Sends GPI output. • [Play Wav File] Allows initiation of Wave file playback. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 119 Select the parameter that will change. Parameters for the component that is selected in the [Component] box are displayed in a list. [Value] Set a value for the parameter. Change the parameter using the spin buttons or the slider on the right. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 120 Select a scene from the list. [Wave] Select a Wave file from the list. Wave files set by the Wav File manager can be specified. Files can not be selected unless a Wav Player is included in the DME configuration. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 121 Only [Day Of The Week] can be selected. Set the day of the week. When the event period is [Day]/[Hour] Condition settings on the area on the right are not needed. [Exception] Button Opens the “Event Exceptions” dialog. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 122 • When the event cycle is [Day] Only the [Month], [Week], [Day], and [Day of the week] settings are available. • When the event cycle is [Hour] Only the [Month], [Week], [Day], [Day of the week], and [Hour] settings are available. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 123: Remote Control Setup List

    Registers the parameters to be controlled from an external controller. Refer to the “DME-N Remote Control Protocol Specifications” document for details about the communication protocol. Information about the “DME-N Remote Control Protocol Specifications” document can be found at the Yamaha pro Audio website (URL below).
  • Page 124: Parameter List

    However, parameters displayed in the user module editor are displayed here. [ID] Displays the component or parameter ID. The following is displayed for the parameter ID: “Element No. : X : Y : Parameter No. : Index No.” [Value] Displays the value for the parameter. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 125 Buttons will be added to the upper part of the dialog box. [Print] Button Prints a list of parameters. Clicking here displays the “Print” dialog box. When you click the [Print] button, printing begins. NOTE The displayed [Print] dialog box will vary according to the connected printer. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 126 Ends the preview and returns the screen to the original dialog box. [Prev] Button/[Next] Button Switches the page being previewed when there are multiple pages. The [Prev] button goes to the previous page. The [Next] button goes to the next page. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 127: Component Lock

    Only users who's [Edit] box is checked can edit the lock status. [Select All] Button Checks all component checkboxes. [Clear All] Button Clears all component checkboxes. [OK] Button Enters the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without entering the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 128: Wav File Manager

    You can set up to 27 characters as a label separate from the Wave file name. The Wave file name is displayed here by default. [File Name] Up to 31 characters are displayed as the wave file name. If you double-click the name, the file selection dialog is displayed, where you can select a file. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 129 Contents Folder. Click the library to be read. [Open File Dialog] Displays the file select dialog box. You can select a library file that is saved in the folder set as the Contents Folder, and read it. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 130 [Play] Button Plays the selected Wave file on the computer. Allows monitoring and checking of the Wave file. [Stop] Button Stops playback of the Wave file. [Remaining Memory] Displays the remaining size that can be added. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 131 To add a Wave file, select the line where you want to add the file, then click the [Add] button. You can also add a Wave file by dragging and dropping it from the desktop to the “Wav File Manager” dialog box list. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 132: Daw Control

    The following can be set for each channel from 1 to 64: [Function], [Controller], [Label], [Parameter]. [Function] Selects the function that will be changed by the DAW controller. If you click here, a list will be displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 133 • When [Scene Change] is set in [Function] Displays scenes that can be selected. • When [Parameter Value Edit] is set in [Function] Selectable parameters are displayed. • When [Play Wav File] is set in [Function] Selectable Wave files are displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 134: Shortcut Keys

    If assigned, the current shortcut will be displayed. A shortcut entered via the computer keyboard will be displayed. [OK] Button Enters the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without entering the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 135: Backup

    file sent to the DME will be the file in the folder whose file name that matches the DME’s IP address. [Load] Button Sends the backed up file to the specified DME. [Save] Button Obtains data from the specified DME, and saves it as a backup file. [Close] Button Closes the dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 136: Chapter 4 Designer

    Edit Mode There is an “Edit Mode” in the Designer window. When the Edit Mode is ON, configurations can be edited. When it is turned OFF, the DME is controlled by DME Designer. Edit Mode=ON When Edit Mode is ON, you can do configuration editing tasks such as arranging objects, making connections, and changing properties.
  • Page 137: Designer Window

    [Minimize], [Maximize]/[Restore], and [Close] buttons at the right edge of the title bar. Menu Bar Commands that can be executed in the application are collected into categories on the menu bar. When you click one of the categories, a list of commands is displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 138 The digital signal delay value is displayed in the Configuration window. "Show Signal Delay (Delay Display Value)" in "Configuration Window" (page 246) [Probe Monitor] Button Turns the probe monitor ON or OFF. “Probe Monitor” in “Configuration Window” (page 244) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 139: Status Bar

    If a configuration is compiled at fs=44.1kHz or 48kHz, and the sampling frequency is then changed to 88.2kHz or 96kHz, it is necessary to recompile at 88.2kHz or 96kHz. If this is not done some configurations may produce no sound. In such cases a “DSP Power Shortage” message will be displayed on the DME unit. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 140 [+]. If you click this button, the subordinate items will be displayed. Subordinate items are also displayed and the button changes to [-] when you click on an area, zone, configuration, user module, or DME device. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 141 User Module The window specified by “User Module Properties [Double Click Action]” will open when clicked. Components Included in the User Module Click a component in the user module and the component editor will be displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 142 Used to design user modules configurations. A module that combines a number of other components, yet is treated as a single component, is called a “user module.” It is arranged in the Configuration window. See “User Module Window” on page 257. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 143 Toolkit Window The Toolkit displays objects that can be arranged in each design window. The displayed contents vary according to which window is active. See “Toolkit Window” on page 152. Floating-style Displayed in the designer window DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 144: Designer Window Menu

    “Printing Each Design Window” in “Design Window Shared Settings and Operations” (page 214) [Preferences] Displays the “Preferences” dialog box. Sets the line thickness and the design window edit operations. “Preferences” in “Design Window Shared Settings and Operations” (page 207) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 145 NOTE There are some objects that cannot be deleted with the [Delete] command. [Select All] Selects all objects in the active design window. [Duplicate] Duplicates the selected object. The data on the clipboard does not change. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 146: Display Order

    Configuration window. When this command is selected, the “Edit Legend” dialog box will be displayed. “Legend (Descriptive Fields)” in “Objects” (page 198) [Properties] Opens the “Properties” dialog box for the selected objects. See “Object Types” on page 156. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 147 User Module window) exclusively, with it covering the entire screen. A context menu appears wherever you right-click on the screen, containing the commands that are needed at that location. To return from the full-screen mode to the original display status, press the <Esc> key. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 148 Selects the display magnification from a submenu. [Actual Size] Returns the display to normal dimensions. [Fit in Window] Increases or decreases the display magnification so that the sheet exactly fits the current window. The entire sheet will be visible. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 149 See “Adding, Deleting, and Renaming a Configuration” on page 233. [Save User Module] This command can be used only when a User Module is selected in the Configuration window. Saves the selected user module. “User Module Manager” Dialog Box in “User Modules” (page 255) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 150 Allows you to draw horizontal and vertical wires only. Diagonal wires cannot be drawn. “Drawing Settings” in “Drawing and Editing Wires” (page 223) [Grid] Opens the “Grid” dialog box. Displays or hides the grid and sets the grid spacing. “Grid” in “Design Window Shared Settings and Operations” (page 210) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 151 Arranges multiple windows. The lower part of the menu displays the names of currently open windows. A checkmark appears next to the active window. When you click the name of a window, that window becomes active. [Cascade] Displays the windows overlapping one another. [Tile] Displays the windows arranged side-by-side. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 152: Toolkit Window

    You can move the Toolkit window by dragging it. If you drag the window to right or left side, it will remain fixed. If you drag it to other locations, it will float independently. When DME Designer is started, the Toolkit window is displayed at the left side of the Designer window.
  • Page 153 [Area Parts List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet. NOTE You can create multiple zones in an area. They are added using the menu bar [Tool] menu “Zone” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 154 [Component List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet. [Component List] submenu on the [Tools] menu [Tools] menu or on the context menu Toolkit window DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 155: Component List] (User Module Window)

    [Component List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet. [Component List] submenu [Tools] menu on the [Tools] menu Toolkit window or on the context menu DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 156: Objects

    Size is set using the [Width] and [Height] boxes in the “Properties” dialog box. The maximum size values that can be set may vary according to the sheet size and object position. You can set a size that allows the object to fit in the sheet. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 157 If you right-click on the name of a zone object located in the Area window, a context menu will be displayed. Zone Context Menu [Open] Opens the Configuration window. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the “Area Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 158 • Horizontal Position Select [Left], [Center], or [Right]. [Width] Box Specifies the width of the object in pixels. The default is 50 pixels. [Height] Box Specifies the height of the object in pixels. The default is 50 pixels. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 159 Specify an image file and set its display method. For information about the “Select Image” dialog box, see page 205. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 160 DME24N with no I/O card installed. DME24N with an I/O card installed in its expansion slot. DME64N DME64N with no I/O cards connected in slots. DME64N with I/O cards installed in expansion slots 1, 2, and 4. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 161 If “Show Cascade Port” is turned OFF in the DME64N “DME Device Properties” dialog box, cascade I/O components will also be deleted automatically in the Configuration window. (Even if the Cascade I/O components are deleted, the wiring will remain.) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 162 To open a configuration window for a DME object arranged in the Zone window, first select it by clicking on it, then double-click on it. If you right-click on the object, a context menu will be displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 163 When selected the DME front panel will flash, and will continue flashing until selected a second time. [Output Level] When you select this command, the “Output Level” dialog box will be displayed. This sets the DME master volume. [Properties] Displays the “DME Device Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 164 Sets the color for the I/O port label text. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. [Color] Button Sets the color of the object. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. NOTE For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 203. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 165 Sets the label and type for each port. Click to display the [Edit Port Label] dialog. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 166: Cascade Setting" Dialog Box

    DME is set. [Check All] Button Checks all checkboxes. [Clear All] Button Clears all checkboxes. [OK] Button Updates the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 167 To set labels enter the [Port Name] for [Left] and [Right]. Each name can be up to 100 characters in length. To set the port type use [Port Type] to select the [Left] and [Right] types. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 168 [Delete] Deletes the object you clicked on. [Duplicate] Duplicates the object you clicked on. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the properties dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 169 Ethernet Port Turns Ethernet port rendering on or off. Ethernet port display will appear when the checkbox is ON. The radio buttons can be used to specify whether the display is on the left or right side. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 170: External Device

    You can connect Yamaha AD824 and AD8HR A/D converters to a DME unit and control them remotely from DME Designer. DME Designer has a component editor for controlling [AD824] and [AD8HR] units.
  • Page 171 AD824 or AD8HR, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Label] Box You can enter up to 100 English characters to display over the object. [Width] Box Specifies the object width in pixels. [Height] Box Specifies the object height in pixels. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 172 Sets the label and type for each port. Click to display the [Edit Port Label] dialog. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 173 Select the DME you will control remotely from AD824 and AD8HR. • [DME Unit] The DMEs in the current configuration will be displayed in a list. Select the DME you will control remotely. • [ID] Selects an ID from 1 to 8. The default is 1. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 174 Saves the component parameters. Click to display the Store dialog. If you then save without changing the folder, the parameters will be added to the library. Refer to “Library” on page 275 for more information. [Properties] Displays the “Component Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 175 Sets the style of the object. From the list, select [Plain], [Raised], or [Sunken]. [Label Font] Button Sets the font for the label. Clicking here displays the “Select Font” dialog box. For information about the “Select Font” dialog box, see page 202. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 176 Sets the color of the object. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. NOTE For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 203. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 177: Spx Component

    [Effect Type] displayed in the submenu. NOTE Libraries can be recalled only by users for whom [Control Component Editor] in security is turned ON. The command is grayed out for users for whom [Control Component Editor] is turned OFF. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 178 NOTE For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see “'Select Color' Dialog Box” (page 203). [OK] Button Updates the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 179: Slot Component

    Opens the Slot Out component editor. [Cut]/[Copy]/[Paste]/[Delete]/[Duplicate] The functions cannot be used with Slot components. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the “Slot Out Component Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 180 NOTE For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see “'Select Color' Dialog Box” (page 203). [OK] Button Updates the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 181 Recalls a library into which component parameters have been saved. Click to display a sub-menu. Select a library from the sub-menu to load the parameters into the component. Refer to “Library” on page 275 for more information. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 182 To display the “User Module Properties” dialog box, select a user module object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. NOTE The “User Module Properties” dialog box is also displayed when a [Blank User Module] is arranged in the configuration window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 183 Sets the action that occurs when you double-click on a user module object arranged in the Configuration window. • [Open User Module Design Window] Opens the User Module window. • [Open User Module Editor] Opens the User Module editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 184 NOTE When security is active the editor cannot be opened unless the appropriate password is entered. Once the password has been entered security is temporarily disabled until the DME Designer is quit, or a different file is opened. • [Set Password] Button Changes the password for user modules.
  • Page 185 The default for the “Preferences” dialog box [Application] tab [ContentsFolder] in the Main Panel window is “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer.” The [Designer] folder is located in the [DME Designer] folder. Within that folder, there is an [Images] folder prepared for saving image files. NOTE Background images for sheets are specified in the “Sheet”...
  • Page 186 Deletes the object you clicked on. [Duplicate] Duplicates the object you clicked on. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the “Picture Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 187 When On a Picture object can be double clicked to open the component editor specified by the [Select Component] button. [Select Component] Button Specifies the component editor to be opened when a Picture object is double clicked. Only effective when [Link Component editor] is On. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 188 Sets the label and type for each port. Click to display the [Edit Port Label] dialog. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 189: Text Box

    Deletes the object you clicked on. [Duplicate] Duplicates the object you clicked on. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the “Text Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 190 Specifies the component editor to be opened when a Text object is double clicked. Only effective when [Link Component editor] is On. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 191: Box (Rectangle)

    Deletes the object you clicked on. [Duplicate] Duplicates the object you clicked on. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the “Box Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 192 Sets the color of the line that frames the box. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 203. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 193 Deletes the object you clicked on. [Duplicate] Duplicates the object you clicked on. [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Properties] Displays the “Ellipse Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 194 Sets the color of the line that frames the ellipse. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 203. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 195 Cuts the selected object and moves it to the clipboard. [Copy] Copies the selected object to the clipboard. [Paste] Pastes the object that is on the clipboard. [Delete] Deletes the line segment where you right-clicked. [Duplicate] Duplicates the wire object. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 196 Termination Context Menu [Continue Wire] Begins drawing wire from a termination node. [Start Wire] Begins drawing a wire from the location where you right-clicked. [Delete Wire] Deletes the entire wire. [Properties] Displays the “Wire Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 197 Sets the color of the selected line. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. NOTE For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 203. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 198: Legend (Descriptive Fields)

    Legend, the displayed context menu will have the [Edit Legend] command only. If you click there it will display the “Edit Legend” dialog box. The “Edit Legend” dialog box is used to enable/disable Legend display and to set the contents displayed there. You can display the [Edit Legend] command from the [Edit] menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 199 Place a checkmark here to have the changes made here reflected in sheets in all design windows included in the area. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 200 Because any objects that are moved, cut, or deleted will return to the same location if the [Undo] command is used, the minimum sheet size will be determined by the boundaries in which any objects were located, now or in the past. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 201 205. • [Change for All Sheets] Changes all sheets so that they are the same. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 202: Select Font" Dialog Box

    Script From the list, select the script (language) for the text. There is no need to change the language setting unless you want to specify a specific language. Sample Displays an example of the current settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 203: Select Color" Dialog Box

    [Basic colors]. Even if you open the “Select color” dialog box from the Properties of another object, any custom color you save will be displayed and you can use that same color for the other object. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 204 You can save another color in a box that already has an original color saved in it. Just click on the box to select it. The new color will overwrite the previous color, which will be lost. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 205: Select Image" Dialog Box

    [Application] tab [ContentsFolder] in the Main Panel window is “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer.” The [Designer] folder is located in the [DME Designer] folder. Within that folder, there is an [Images] folder prepared for saving image files. If you click the [Image] button in the properties dialog box for an object that can display a background image or in the “Sheet”...
  • Page 206 “.bmp,” “.png,” “.xpm,” or “.jpg,” then click the [Open] button. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 207: Design Window Shared Settings And Operations

    Sets the port type. NOTE The initial color and thickness of the wires produced when drawing connections are specified here. The color and thickness of drawn wires can be changed via the Wire Properties dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 208 When ON numbered suffixes will automatically be appended to added SPX and user module objects. • [Other Objects] When ON numbered suffixes will automatically be appended to added objects not covered by the above two categories. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 209 NOTE Auto Delay Compensation will not function properly in configurations that have a loop connection. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 210 Place a checkmark here to make the current grid settings the default when a new sheet is created. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 211 • Picture objects and background images for the sheet or objects will all be eliminated. • [Style] attributes for boxes will be eliminated. When you select the [Print] menu [Export DXF] command, the “Export DXF” dialog box will be displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 212 Makes the blocks rectangular and groups the text in the port icons and port names. [Explode] Makes the blocks into sets of four lines, and does not group the text in the port icons and port names. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 213 Sets the vertical height of the sheet. [Unit] Selects the unit used for setting the sheet size. [OK] Button Saves the DXF file according to the settings in the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Cancels the DXF file export process. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 214 Prints on the paper with its long sides vertical. • [Landscape] Prints on the paper with its long sides horizontal. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 215 Closes the print preview window. [Print] Prints the active window. When you select this command, the “Print” dialog box will be displayed. Enter the number of copies to print into the [Number of Copies] box, and click the [Print] button. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 216 When a single object is selected, you can change the selection to the next object by pressing the <Tab> key. If you press <Shift> + <Tab>, the selection moves to the previous object. The selection order moves from left to right. NOTE Wires cannot be selected with the <Tab> key. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 217 You can also move a selected object using the arrow keys. If [Snap to Grid] is ON in the “Grid” dialog box, the selected object will move from grid line to grid line. If [Snap to Grid] is OFF, the object will move pixel to pixel. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 218 Moves the selected object to the bottom of the stack. [Front] Moves the selected object up one level in the stack. [Back] Moves the selected object down one level in the stack. Uppermost Object Bottom Back DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 219: Drawing And Editing Wires

    If you hold down the <Alt> key while clicking, you will select the entire wire. NOTE The color used when a wire object is selected can be set with [Selected Color] in the “Wire Properties” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 220: Line Segment

    If you select another object or an empty location on the sheet, it will cancel selection of the object you previously clicked. You can also cancel selections by holding the <Ctrl> key while clicking. Canceling Selection of a Line Segment <Ctrl> + Click Selected with <Ctrl> + Click DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 221 You can also cancel node selections by holding the <Ctrl> key while clicking. With this technique, you can cancel only the node you clicked on when multiple nodes are selected. Canceling Selection of a Node Selected with <Ctrl> + Click <Ctrl> + Click DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 222 If you click a hotspot, drawing will start. To select, press <Shift> + click. You can select multiple hotspots as follows: Select a hotspot with <Shift> + click, then select additional hotspots using <Ctrl> + <Shift> + click. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 223: Drawing Settings

    ON, and a checkmark appears next to it. If you select the command while it is ON, it will turn OFF. Even if “Prohibit Diagonal Connections” is turned OFF, this function will operate whenever you press the <Shift> key while drawing. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 224 Method 1 From Hotspot to Hotspot Click the hotspot where the connection originates to begin drawing, then click the location (which will become a node) where you want the line to bend. Finally, click the destination hotspot to complete the connection. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 225 Method 2 Connect Multiple Selected Hotspots Select multiple hotspots using <Shift> + click and <Ctrl> + click, then drag from one of the selected hotspots to the destination hotspot. The selected multiple origin hotspots will all be connected. Multiple Hotspots Selected DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 226 Press <Shift> + [F4] to connect the uppermost open hot spot to the left of the selected object and the uppermost open hot spot to the right of the object on the left. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 227 Method 1 Continue Drawing from a Wire End Point When continuing an existing wire, right-click on the wire end point, then click [Continue Wire] on the displayed context menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 228 When the hotspots or already drawn wires are connected, drawing is finished. To finish drawing without connecting to a hotspot, use one of the following methods: • Right-click the mouse • Double-click • Press the <Esc> key Drawing also finishes if another window is made active. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 229 Selected Node Editing by Dragging Moving Nodes You can move nodes by dragging them with the mouse. When multiple nodes are selected and dragged with the mouse, you can move all selected nodes simultaneously. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 230: Logical Connection

    • Both sides are destination (input side) signals • Two source (output side) signals are connected to a destination • There are two destination (input side) signals, and the wire is not connected to a source (output side) signal. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 231: Adding, Deleting, And Renaming A Zone

    Deletes the zone selected on the list. Clicking here displays the “Are you sure?” dialog box. Click the [OK] button, and the zone will be deleted. Click the [Cancel] button, and the deletion will be cancelled. NOTE A minimum of one zone is required. When only one zone remains, deletion is impossible. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 232 NOTE The current name of the zone you will be renaming is displayed in the “Current Zone Name” box of the “Enter new name for current zone name” message. [Close] Button Closes the “Zone” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 233: Adding, Deleting, And Renaming A Configuration

    Click the [OK] button, and the configuration will be deleted. Click the [Cancel] button, and the deletion will be cancelled. NOTE A minimum of one configuration is required. When only one configuration remains, deletion is impossible. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 234 NOTE The current name of the configuration you will be renaming is displayed in the “Current Configuration Name” box of the “Enter new name for current configuration name” message. [Close] Button Closes the “Configuration” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 235: Area Window

    You can change the position and design of zone objects in the Area window. Double-click to open a Zone window. Objects You can perform edit operations such as arrange, cut, copy, paste, delete, and move on all objects except zones. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 236 Toolkit window. You can also display the [Area Parts List] from the [Tools] menu or from the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 237: Zone Window

    There is a Zone window for each configuration where devices can be arranged. To switch configurations, click the desired configuration in the Navigator window. You can add, delete, and rename configurations in the “Configuration” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 238 You can place a created DME in another configuration, but you cannot place multiple identical DMEs in a single configuration. If there are multiple DMEs in a hardware configuration, create an equivalent number of DME objects. Place New DME Placed DME DME not placed in active configuration DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 239 To place multiple DMEs, drag the [New] icon to add each DME. Placing Existing DMEs When there are multiple configurations, you can place existing DMEs in configurations other than their original one. Drag the DME icon created in the Toolkit window to the Zone window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 240 Placed ICP Place New ICP Placing a New ICP Subordinate to the ICP folder in the Toolkit window is the [ICP1] folder. Below these folders you will find a [New] icon. Drag it to the Zone window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 241 Drag the ICP icon created in the Toolkit window to the Zone window. The ICP will be placed in the Zone window. The ICP added in the Toolkit window will be displayed with a muted color to indicate it has already been placed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 242: Configuration Window

    • When you set a slot in the properties for a DME placed in the Zone window, Slot I/O will be automatically added. You cannot apply edit operations like cut/copy/paste/duplicate to I/O components, Slot I/O, and Cascade I/O. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 243 You can arrange a number of components of the same type. If there are two or more of the same component, numbers will be attached to their names as follows: “Compressor (2),” “Compressor (3)” and so on. Multiple components placed in the configuration are independent, and you can set different parameters for each of them. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 244 The shape of the mouse pointer changes. Click the output port you want to monitor. The output port you clicked will be selected and monitoring will begin. Monitor object If you click another output port, the location being monitored will change. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 245 The software remembers the location being monitored even when probe monitoring is turned OFF. The next time probe monitoring is turned ON, the location that was being monitored previously will be selected. NOTE If the configuration is edited after turning monitoring OFF, the monitor location will not be selected. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 246 When [Show Signal Delay] is turned ON, the delay value for the Bypass ON status will be displayed. NOTE Delay values for Wav File Player components are displayed for external inputs. Delay values for local Wave files cannot be displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 247 Copies the selected monitoring point information. [Paste] Button Pastes the copied monitoring point information at the selected line. [Insert] Button The copied monitoring point information is inserted at the selected point. [Clear] Button Deletes the selected monitoring point information. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 248 Sets the monitoring point R channel port. Clicking here displays a list of ports for the component selected in the [Component R] field. Click the port you want to monitor. [OK] Button Updates the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 249 The [Analyze] command on the [Tools] menu can be selected only when a configuration window is active. Message Box Displays the progress of the analysis operation. When the analysis finishes, the results are displayed. If errors are detected during analysis, they will display as shown below. [Close] Button Closes the dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 250: User Module

    A “User Modules” folder will be created in the folder specified in [Contents Folder] in the “Preferences” dialog box in the Main Panel window. User modules will be saved there. If you do not change the setting in the “Preferences” dialog box, the location will be “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer\User Modules.”...
  • Page 251 [OK] button. The “Set Password” dialog box will be displayed. Enter the same password into the [Password] box and [Confirm Password] box, and click the [OK] button. Default Library Specifies the default library file for newly-created user modules. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 252 Click to display the Export dialog, All features of this dialog window are the same as the standard Windows file save dialog, except for the [Export Library] option. [Export Library] can be sued to select the library to be saved. [Import Library] Button Loads a file from the specified folder into the library. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 253 [Cancel] button to close the dialog box and return to the original unchanged settings. Please note that [Import], [Export], [Import Library], and [Export Library] will be applied even if the [Cancel] button is clicked. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 254 A user module will be created, and placed in the Configuration window. The user module properties can also be changed later. For information about the “User Module Properties” dialog box, see “User Module” on page 181. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 255 Sets the window that opens when you double-click on a user module placed in the component editor. [Open User Module Design Window] Opens the User Module window. [Open User Module Editor] Opens the User Module editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 256 If characters not usable in file names are used in the file name set in the “User Module Properties” dialog box, an error message will be displayed at the same time as the “Save User Module” dialog box. Delete the unusable characters before saving. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 257 Toolkit window. The same objects are displayed in the [Component List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet. For information about the User Module window [Component List], see page 155. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 258 You can arrange a number of components of the same type. If there are two or more of the same component, numbers will be attached to their names as follows: “Compressor (2),” “Compressor (3)” and so on. Multiple components placed in the configuration are independent, and you can set different parameters for each of them. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 259: Chapter 5 Components

    Some of the groups in the Toolkit window are further divided into subgroups. Click the [+]/[-] buttons to the left of the folders to display the components. Group Component NOTE When the User Module window is active, [User Module] is not present on the menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 260: Component List

    6 Way Delay Long 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 Output 5 Output 6 Output 7 Output 8 Output Short 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 Output 5 Output 6 Output 7 Output 8 Output DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 261 Mono Stereo Notch Mono Stereo Programmable BPF Mono Stereo Programmable HPF Mono Stereo Programmable LPF Mono Stereo Meter 1 Channel 2 Channel 4 Channel 8 Channel 12 Channel 16 Channel Miscellaneous Oscillator Mono Wav File Player DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 262 32 Input 16 Output 32 Output 64 Input 32 Output 64 Output 1 Channel 2 Channel 4 Channel 8 Channel 12 Channel 16 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 4 Channel 8 Channel 12 Channel 16 Channel Surround DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 263 16 Position 1 Channel Speaker Processor 1 Way 2 Way 3 Way 4 Way 5 Way 6 Way Slot Slot In Component Editor Slot Out Component Editor Cascade Cascade In Component Editor Cascade Out Component Editor DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 264: Component Editor Window

    Title Bar Snap Graph Meter [ON] Button Slider Edit Box Knob Title Bar Displays the label. Label settings are made in the “Component Properties” dialog box. For information about component labels see “Component” (page 174) in “Objects.”. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 265 ID is required for distinguishing the same components in the DME64N/24N. The component ID is included in the signal that controls the component parameters. For details about control methods, contact your nearest Yamaha representative or the authorized distributor at the end of the DME64N/24N Owner’s Manual.
  • Page 266 Specifies the edit box font. NOTE This is the font when the box is enlarged, not the font that is used when the box is at it's smallest size. The text may bleed beyond the box with some fonts. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 267 As you drag the knob to the upper, the value increases. Dragging it down decreases the value. NOTE To make a finer setting, press the <Shift> key while dragging the knob. If you click a knob while pressing the <Ctrl> key, the setting will return to its default value. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 268 The slider jumps to the location where you click. NOTE To make a finer setting, press the <Shift> key while dragging the slider. If you click a slider while pressing the <Ctrl> key, the setting will return to its default value. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 269 In button sets of this type, you can select one of several buttons. When you do all other buttons in the set turn off. Click here to execute a command. Click this button to switch all channels in the block. Displays a menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 270 Changing Values Using Spin Boxes When the mouse pointer is placed over an edit box, a spin box appears. Clicking the up arrow button [ ] increases the value, while clicking the down arrow [ ] decreases it. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 271 Rolling the mouse wheel upward (away from you) increases the value. Rolling it down (towards you) decreases the value. • Dragging Dragging upward increases the value, while dragging downward decreases it. • <ESC> Key The <ESC> key can be used to cancel a value being entered. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 272 When a graph that has control points is copied to the User Control Editor or User Module Editor, the controls points will not be displayed. The controllers assigned to the corresponding parameters must also be copied to display the control points. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 273: Snap

    When a parameter set that is different than when the editor was started has been recorded to a button The color of the button name changes on buttons for which the parameter set has changed. When a button is selected it lights up. ON OFF DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 274 Copying Parameter Sets Parameter sets can be copied between snap buttons [A]~[D]. • Select from the contextual menu. • Drag and drop. Drag-and-drop copy will also work between components of the same type. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 275: Library

    Menu If you store library files in folders that conform to the following path, they will be automatically displayed in the component editor [Recall Library] menu: “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer\Editor\Library\Component Group Name\Component Name.” The dialog box used for storing items in the library opens with the library folder displayed.
  • Page 276 filename. For example, when you are storing a parameter set in the stereo compressor library, the “Save Library File” dialog will be displayed with the “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer\Editor\Library\Compressor\Compressor Stereo” folder selected. If you save in that folder, the file you save will be displayed only in the [Recall Library”...
  • Page 277 [Recall Library] button in the editor window. If you select a library that is displayed in the submenu, that library is recalled. Not only the library name, but also the effect type is displayed in the submenu that appears when you right-click on an SPX component. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 278 The [Recall Library] menu will be displayed. Click the [Recall Library] menu [Open File Dialog]. The “Open” dialog box will be displayed. Move to the correct folder and select a library file. Click the [Open] button. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 279: User Control/User Module Editor

    If you select one, a window will open for it. The controls which can be opened by the user control editor are automatically set according to the user security settings of the currently logged in user. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 280: User Control] Menu

    When you select the “New User Control” command, the “User Control Manager” dialog box will be displayed. Here you can create, delete, rename, and otherwise manage user controls. For information about the “User Control Manager” dialog box, see page DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 281 Sets security for User Control. Different settings are provided for individual security levels and users. Security cannot be set higher than the user security level. Click the [User Level] [ ] button to select a security level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 282 When a new user control is created, it will be displayed in the [View] menu [User Control] submenu in the Main Panel window. If you click the control, it will be displayed in a user control editor window. [Snap] and [Library] appear appears in a new user control. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 283 The levels displayed on the list will differ according to the security level of the user. Click the level to be set for the User Control. The selected level will be displayed in the [Security Level] box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 284 If [Startup User Control] is turned ON, the user control editor will be automatically displayed when files that include user controls are opened. For information about the “Security” dialog box, see “Security (Creating Users and Making User Settings)” on page DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 285: User Module Editor

    For information about the “User Module Manager” dialog box, see page 250. For information about the “User Module Properties” dialog box, see page 181. A User Module can also be opened via the User Module contextual menu in the Designer window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 286 You can select controls in the component editor so that you can copy them into the user control editor/user module editor. When you want to select multiple objects, hold down the <Ctrl> key as you click each new object you want to select. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 287 Design Mode cannot be saved. When the password is entered it becomes temporarily possible to save the layout. The lock icon will not appear if the [Enable Security] checkbox in the “Properties” dialog box is not checked. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 288: Edit Palette

    Turns OFF the design mode. [Undo] Button/[Redo] Button Used to undo/redo operations. [Cut] Button/[Copy] Button Cuts or copies the selected controls. See “Cut/Copy/Paste Controls” on page 303. [Paste] Button Pastes cut or copied controls. See “Cut/Copy/Paste Controls” on page 303. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 289 It puts the same amount of space between each control and its neighbor. [Horizontal/Center Align] Button Aligns the selected controls horizontally with the center position. [Vertical/Center Align] Button Aligns the selected controls vertically with the center position. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 290 When there are controls that do not align with the grid, turn the grid OFF. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 291: Operation Mode

    [Close All Editor Windows] Closes all component editor windows. [Open Parameter Link] Opens the “Parameter Link” window. For information about the Parameter Link window, see “Parameter Link” (page 73). DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 292 See “Changing the Tab Order” on page 313. [Set Background Image] Sets a background image for a window. Clicking here displays the “Background Image” dialog box. See “Setting Background Images for Windows” on page 295. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 293 If you click a parameter link group name, a control is added to that group. [Property] Opens the properties dialog box for the control. See “Control Properties” on page 303. NOTE There some controls, such as edit boxes and sliders, that do not display the [Property] command. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 294 Even if you change the width of the window, the library button will remain where it is, in the upper right corner. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 295 Clicking here displays the “Select color” dialog box. This sets the color of the background. For information about the “Select color” dialog box, see page 203. NOTE If you select a light color, it may be difficult to see the grid. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 296 Expands or reduces the size of the image to match the size of the window where it will be displayed. [File] Box Specifies a path for the image file. Click the [Select Image] button and select an image file. The path will be automatically entered. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 297 <Ctrl> + click on a selected control, it will cancel that control’s selection. If you position the mouse in an empty location on the sheet and start dragging from there, a frame will be displayed as the pointer moves. All controls enclosed by that frame will be selected. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 298 Right-click in the component editor or the user control editor. The context menu will be displayed. Click [Design Mode] on the menu. Design mode will be turned ON. Drag the controls from the component editor to the user control editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 299 Right-click in the component editor or user module editor, then click the [Design Mode] command in the context menu. Design mode will be turned ON. Drag the controls from the component editor to the user module editor. Arrange the controls in the user control editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 300 With the target user control editor or user module editor active, press the <V> key while holding down the <Ctrl> key. You can also paste by clicking the [Paste] button on the edit palette. The controls will be copied. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 301 NOTE In the component editor, you can select multiple controls using <Ctrl> + click or by dragging. Once controls are copied, they will be pasted in the order in which they were copied. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 302 You can align controls using the following alignment buttons on the edit palette: [Align Left], [Align Right], [Align To Top], [Align To Bottom], [Align Horizontally], [Align Vertically], [Horizontal/Center Align], and [Vertical/Center Align]. You can only use the [Align Horizontally] or [Align Vertically] buttons when three or more controls are selected. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 303 Multiple properties of the same type can be set at the same time by clicking the controllers while holding the <Ctrl> key and then opening the properties dialog box. Edited items are shown in bold text until you either click [OK] or [Cancel]. NOTE Sliders have no property settings. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 304 Enter the text to be displayed by the button. You can set different text for when the button is ON and for when it is OFF. [Size] Select a button size from the list: [Small (37x11)], [Small (51x11], [Medium (74x11)], [Medium (74x22)], or [Large (111x33)]. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 305 Enter the text to be displayed by the button. [Text Font] Button Sets the font, size and style. Clicking here displays the “Select Font” dialog box. For information about the “Select Font” dialog box, see page 202. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 306 Specifies the component editor to be opened when text is clicked. [Text Color] Button Click this button to display the “Select Color” dialog box. Sets the color of the text. For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 203. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 307 [Sub-Partition Line] is a short partition line. • [Direction] Select the direction of a partition line from the list. [Vertical] inserts a vertical partition line and [Horizontal] inserts a horizontal partition line. When [None] is select, partition lines are not displayed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 308 Click the [Select Color] button to display the “Select color” dialog box. Refer to “Select Color” Dialog Box in the Object section on page 203 for information on this dialog box. Line Width Sets the thickness of the lines at [Top]/[Left]/[Right]/[Bottom]. Set “0” to display no lines. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 309 When ON, the graphic will be enlarged when a size that is bigger than it's original size is specified. [Link Component Editor] When ON, clicking the [Select Component] button selects the editor that is opened when the graphic is clicked. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 310 Sets the text color. Click to display the Select Color dialog box. [Alignment] Selects [Left], [Center], or [Right] text alignment. [Rotate] Rotates the text box. [Link Component Editor] When ON, clicking the [Select Component] button selects the editor that is opened when the text box is clicked. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 311 Fill Color • [Select Color] Button Sets the frame fill color. Click to display the “Select color” dialog box. Refer to “Select Color” Dialog Box on page 203 for more information on the Select Color dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 312 Sets the ellipse fill color when ON. • [Select Color] Button Sets the ellipse fill color. Click to display the “Select color” dialog box. Refer to “Select Color” Dialog Box on page 203 for more information on the Select color dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 313 Once you have finished specifying the order, click somewhere within the window where there is no tab number. The tab order numbers will disappear. The changed tab order will apply the next time DME Designer is started. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 314: Creating Parameter Links

    Groups that do not have the same type of parameters will be grayed out and cannot be selected. Global Link The group names for global link groups are displayed in the [Global Link] submenu. When you click a group name, a control is added to the group. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 315 The group names for local like groups are displayed in the [Local Link] submenu. When you click a group name, a control is added to the group. Adding Multiple Controls You can select multiple controls in Design Mode. When multiple controls are selected, multiple parameters can be added to a group simultaneously. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 316: Chapter 6 Component Guide

    Mutes the output signal level for each frequency band. Phase ON/OFF Reverses the phase of the output signal for each frequency band. Frequency Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the cross frequency between each frequency band. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 317 High Pass Filter (HPF), and the highest band with HPF. Each frequency band has its own color, with Low being red, Mid being green, and so on. These correspond to the colors of the lines on the graph. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 318 You can adjust the [Output Level] parameter by vertically dragging the control point in the center of each curve. Changing the [Output Level] Parameter You can adjust the [Frequency] parameter by horizontally dragging the control point at the intersection of the curves for each frequency band. Changing the [Frequency] Parameter DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 319 As second-order filters, the sum of the output voltages for LPF and HPF have a gain of 0 dB across the entire band. The pass band is flat, but the cutoff frequency gain is -6 dB. Butterworth Bessel Linkwitz-Riley DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 320: Crossover Processor

    Level - to +10 dB Sets the output signal level for each frequency band. Mute ON/OFF Mutes the signal for each frequency band. Phase ON/OFF Reverses the phase of the output signal for each frequency band. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 321 [Crossover Processor-Crossover] editor window Name Function Crossover Curve Displays the level of each frequency channel, distinguished by color. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Frequency Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the cross frequency between each frequency band. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 322 48 dB/Oct Bessel 48 dB/Oct Linkwitz Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the HPF cutoff frequency. -6 dB to +6 dB When [AdjustGc] (Adjustable Gc) is selected for [Type], this sets the gain for the cutoff frequency. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 323 Selects the units for setting the delay time. The Sample selected button will light up, and the units in the [Delay] Meter edit box will change. Feet If [Beat] is selected, use the knob to set the BPM Frame (beats/minute). Beat DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 324 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the frequency for each band. Gain -18 dB to +18 dB Sets the gain for each band. Bypass ON/OFF Turns ON bypass for each band. PEQ On ON/OFF Turns the PEQ ON. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 325 88.2 kHz: 3 ms to 23 s operating frequency. 96 kHz: 3 ms to 21.1 s Gain ±0 dB to +18 dB Sets the output gain. ON/OFF Turns the compressor ON. When you turn this button OFF, the compressor is bypassed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 326 Sets the input signal level. Mute ON/OFF Mutes the input signal. Output Gain - to +10 dB Sets the output signal level for each frequency band. Mute ON/OFF Mutes the output signal for each frequency band. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 327 Reverses the output signal phase for each frequency band. Mute Mute ON/OFF Mutes the signal for each frequency band. This is linked to the Mute setting in the original window. The display appears as a dotted line when muted. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 328 48 dB/Oct Bessel 48 dB/Oct Linkwitz Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the HPF cutoff frequency. -6 dB to 6 dB When [Adjustable Gc] is selected for [Type], this sets the gain for the cutoff frequency. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 329 Selects the units for setting the delay Sample time. The selected button will light up, Meter and the units in the [Delay] edit box Feet will change. Frame If [Beat] is selected, use the knob to Beat set the BPM (beats/minute). DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 330 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the frequency of each band. Gain -18 dB to +18 dB Sets the frequency gain for each band. Bypass ON/OFF Bypasses all PEQ bands. PEQ On ON/OFF Turn the PEQ ON. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 331 88.2 kHz: 3 ms to 23 s operating frequency. 96 kHz: 3 ms to 21.1 s Gain ±0 dB to +18 dB Sets the output gain. ON/OFF Turns the compressor ON. When you turn this button OFF, the compressor is bypassed. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 332: Delay

    Selects the units for setting the delay time. Sample The selected button will light up, and the Meter units in the [Delay] edit box will change. Feet If [Beat] is selected, use the knob to set the Frame BPM (beats/minute). Beat DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 333: Delay Short

    Selects the units for setting the delay time. Sample The selected button will light up, and the Meter units in the [Delay] edit box will change. Feet If [Beat] is selected, use the knob to set the Frame BPM (beats/minute). Beat DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 334: Dynamics

    Sets both the left and right input signals as the trigger source for stereo channel components. The strongest input signal will be the trigger source, whether from the left or right channel. • [KEYIN] The KeyIn input will be the trigger source. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 335 48 kHz: 5 ms to 42.3 s The setting range may very, depending on the 88.2 kHz: 3 ms to 23 s operating frequency. 96 kHz: 3 ms to 21.1 s Gain -18 dB to ±0 dB Sets the output gain. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 336 Mono channel compressors have one input, one output, and one KeyIn input. Stereo channel compressors have two inputs, two outputs, and one KeyIn input. Double-click a component to open the component editor for it. The parameters are the same for mono channel and stereo channel components. Compressor component editor DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 337 “S.” Both mono channel and stereo channel de- essers are provided. Mono channel de-essers have one input and one output each. Stereo channel de-essers have two inputs and two outputs each. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 338 Sets the minimum signal frequency for compression. ON/OFF Turns the de-esser ON. Ratio= 2 : 1 –10 Knee = Hard –20 –30 –40 –50 Threshold= –20dB –60 –70 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 +10 +20 Input Level (dB) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 339 96 kHz: 3 ms to 21.1 s KeyIn Mono SELF Selects the trigger source from a menu. KEYIN The currently selected trigger source is displayed on the button. Stereo LR BOTH KEYIN ON/OFF Turns the ducking ON. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 340 -54 dB to ±0 dB Sets the threshold value. Ratio 1:1 to :1 Sets the compression ratio. Knee HARD, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sets the way the expander is applied. Attack 0 to 120 ms Sets the attack time. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 341 Mono channel gates have one input, one output, and one KeyIn input. Stereo channel gates have two inputs, two outputs, and one KeyIn input. Double-click a component to open the component editor for it. The parameters are the same for mono channel and stereo channel components. Gate component editor DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 342 Mono channel and stereo channel components are provided. Mono channel components have a single input and output plus a key input, while stereo channel components have two inputs and outputs and a key input. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 343 The currently selected source is displayed in the button. Stereo LR BOTH KEYIN ON/OFF Turns the limiter ON. RATIO=20:1 Threshold=–20dB –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 +10 +20 Input Level (dB) DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 344: Equalizer (Eq)

    Component editor for GEQ & & & & Name Function Input Meter Displays the input signal level. EQ Curve Displays the equalizer effect. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 345 A number for each frequency band is displayed on these buttons. When you click the button, it lights up and the bypass turns ON. When you turn this ON, bypassed sound (unchanged sound) is output. When you turn this OFF, the sound is output with effects applied. Bypass OFF Bypass ON DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 346: Parametric Equalizer (Peq)

    Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the frequency for each band. Gain -18 dB to +18 dB Sets the level of the frequency that will be changed. Bypass ON/OFF Turns ON bypass for each band. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 347 This is a high-pass filter (Q=0.7). Attenuates the low frequencies with a gentle curve (12 dB/ Oct). • LPF This is a low-pass filter (Q=0.7). Attenuates the high frequencies with a gentle curve (12 dB/ Oct). DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 348: Fader

    See “The ‘Scene Manager’ Dialog Box” (page 63) for details about settings for the components to be faded and the time period when the [Fade] is On. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 349: Filters

    20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the center frequency. 0.1 to 16.0 Sets the band width of a frequency band. Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 350: High Pass Filter (Hpf)

    20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the cutoff frequency. Slope 6 dB/Oct Sets the attenuation for each octave. 12 dB/Oct Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 351: Low Pass Filter (Lpf)

    20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the cutoff frequency. Slope 6 dB/Oct Sets the attenuation for each octave. 12 dB/Oct Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 352: Notch Filter (Notch)

    20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the center frequency. 0.1 to 63.0 Sets the band width of the frequency band that will be changed Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 353 48 dB/Oct AdjustGc 48 dB/Oct Butrwrth 48 dB/Oct Bessel 48 dB/Oct Linkwitz -6 dB to +6 dB When [AdjustGc] (Adjustable Gc) is selected for [Type], this sets the gain for the cutoff frequency. Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 354 -6 dB to +6 dB When [AdjustGc] (Adjustable Gc) is selected for [Type], this sets the gain for the cutoff frequency. Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 355 -6 dB to +6 dB When [AdjustGc] (Adjustable Gc) is selected for [Type], this sets the gain for the cutoff frequency. Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 356 -6 dB to +6 dB When [AdjustGc] (Adjustable Gc) is selected for [Type], this sets the gain for the cutoff frequency. Bypass ON/OFF Turns bypass ON. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 357: Meter

    Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of channels varies depending on the component, but all share a common configuration in the component editor. Meter component editor Name Function Meter Displays signal levels for each channel. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 358: Miscellaneous

    This sound covers a frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. As the frequency doubles, the energy of the sound is cut in half. The sound level is equal at all frequencies. Burst Outputs pink noise continuously. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 359: Wav File Player

    Playback will be paused if synchronization is carried out in the “Designer DME” direction during playback. Playback will resume once synchronization is complete, but if a Wave file was being played it will resume playback from the beginning. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 360: Mixer

    Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of channels varies depending on the component, but all share a common configuration in the component editor. The auto mixer component editor consists of two sections: input channels and master output. Auto Mixer component editor DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 361 - to +10 dB Sets the input signal level for each channel. Master Output Gain Correct ON/OFF Turns ON gain correction. ON/OFF Turns ON each channel’s output. Master - to +10 dB Sets the output signal level. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 362 Input Master Opens the Input Master window. Output Master Opens the Output Master window. Matrix Delay meters Displays output level and delay time for each output Output level meters channel. Clicking here displays the Crosspoint window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 363 Click to open the “In 5-8 x Out Click to open the “In 1-4 x For 2 input matrix, click to 5-8” Crosspoint window. Out 1-4” Crosspoint window. open the “In 1-2 x Out 1-4” Crosspoint window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 364 Turns OFF input for all channels in the Input Master window. Nominal Resets all input signal levels in the Input Master window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all input signal levels in the Input Master windows, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 365 Turns OFF output for all channels in the Output Master window. Nominal Resets all output signal levels in the Output Master window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all output signal levels in the Output Master window, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 366 Output] editor window is displayed, and then click another output channel, that channel group will be displayed in the [Delay Matrix - All Inputs to One Output] editor window. One [Delay Matrix - All Inputs to One Output] editor window is displayed for each delay matrix component editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 367 The [Channel] buttons in the [Input] section of the [Delay Matrix - All Inputs to One Output] editor window switch the channel group that is displayed in the window. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 368 Turns OFF output for all channels in the Crosspoint window. Nominal Resets all output signal levels in the Crosspoint window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all output signal levels in the Crosspoint window, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 369: Matrix Mixer

    Matrix Mixer group, each with different numbers of input and output channels. There are seven groups based on the number of inputs, as follows: 2 Input, 4 Input, 8 Input, 12 Input, 16 Input, 32 Input, and 64 Input. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 370 Turns OFF output for all channels in the Crosspoint window (does not change the matrix mixer component editor). Nominal Resets all output levels in the Crosspoint window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all output levels in the Crosspoint window, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 371 Click to open the [Matrix Mixer - Crosspoint] editor window. Click to open the “In 1-4 x Out 5-8” [Matrix Mixer - Crosspoint] editor window DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 372 Turns OFF input for all channels in the Input Master window. Nominal Resets all output signal levels in the Input Master window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all output signal levels in the Input master window, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 373 Turns OFF output for all channels in the Output Master window. Nominal Resets all output signal levels in the Output Master window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all output signal levels in the Output Master window, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 374 Output] editor window is displayed, and then click another output channel, that channel group will be displayed in the [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window. One [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window is displayed for each matrix mixer component editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 375 Outputs] editor window is displayed, and then click another input channel, that channel will be displayed in the [Matrix Mixer - One Input to All Outputs] editor window. One [Matrix Mixer - One Input to All Outputs] editor window is displayed for each matrix mixer component editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 376 Turns OFF output for all channels in the Crosspoint window. Nominal Resets all output signal levels in the Crosspoint window, making them 0 dB. Minimum Resets all output signal levels in the Crosspoint window, making them - dB. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 377 Mixer - Crosspoint] editor window is displayed, that channel group will be displayed in the open [Matrix Mixer - Crosspoint] editor window. Only one [Matrix Mixer - Crosspoint] matrix window is displayed for each matrix mixer component editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 378: Pan

    Components are available with 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 channels. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of channels varies depending on the component, but all share a common configuration in the component editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 379 Pan component editor Parameter Setting Range Function L63 - R63 Sets the LR orientation. Pan Nominal Position Center Selects the nominal position from a menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 380 You can set the sound location using the mouse in the two-dimensional surround pan graph. The sound image location is displayed at the bottom of the two-dimensional surround pan graph, but numbers cannot be entered there. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 381 Chapter 6 Component Guide Dragging You can move the control by dragging it with the mouse. Click If you click within the graph, the control point will move to that position. Click DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 382 Chapter 6 Component Guide Speaker Button If you click any speaker button besides the [LFE] button, the control point will jump to that speaker’s position. Click DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 383 F63 - C - R63 Displays the front-back surround location. Divergence Front 0 to 100% Sets the ratio for sending the front-center signal to front L and front R. Pan Nominal Position Center Selects the nominal position from a menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 384 Sets the ratio for sending the front-center signal to front L and front R. Level - to +10 dB Sets output level to the sub woofer. Pan Nominal Position Center Selects the nominal position from a menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 385 Sets the ratio for sending the rear-center signal to rear L and rear R. Level - to +10 dB Sets output level to the sub woofer. Pan Nominal Position Center Selects the nominal position from a menu. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 386: Router

    One output can be connected to one input only. A single input can be output to multiple channels, but multiple inputs cannot be output over a single channel. In other words, you can distribute the inputs, but you cannot mix them. You cannot setup routing for more signals than the number of output channels. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 387 Click Cleared Not Cleared Clearing Routing Settings If you click the dot that indicates routing, the routing indicated by that dot will be cleared and the dot will be erased. Click DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 388: Source Selector

    For example, a “4 Position 2 Channel” component allows you to select a single 2-channel source from four 2-channel input sources. 3 Position and 16 Position components are all 1 Channel types, while 1, 2, and 6 Channel versions of 4 Position and 8 Position components are provided. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 389 The Source Selector connects the selected input to the output. For example, if you select [1] for a 4 Position 2 Channel component, IN1-1 will be connected to OUT-1 and IN1-2 will be connected to OUT2. If you select [2] IN2-1 will be connected to OUT-1 and IN2-2 will be connected to OUT2. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 390: Speaker Processor

    Displays the output level for each band. Crossover Curve Display Button Turns crossover curve display for each output channel on or off. Section Parameter Range Function Delay Delay ON/OFF Applies delay to the crossover response. ON/OFF Applies PEQ to the crossover response. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 391 Different numbers of channels are provided by each component variation. 1 Way 2 Way Low/High 3 Way Low/Mid/High 4 Way Low/Low-Mid/High-Mid/High 5 Way Sub-Low/Low/Low-Mid/High-Mid/High 6 Way Sub-Low/Low/Low-Mid/Mid/High-Mid/High Each frequency band has its own color, with Low being red, Mid being green, and so on. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 392 The control point in the center of the graph can be dragged vertically to change the [Output Level] parameter. The [Output Level] parameter changes. Control points at the intersections between the frequency bands can be dragged horizontally to change the [Frequency]. The crossover phase response will change. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 393 48dB/Oct AdjustGc 48dB/Oct Butrwrth 48dB/Oct Bessel 48dB/Oct Linkwitz Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the LPF cutoff frequency. -6 dB to +6 dB Sets the cutoff frequency gain when the [Type] setting is [AdjustGc] (Adjustable Gc). DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 394 Delay Scale Selects the delay time units. The selected button will Sample light and the [Delay] edit box will change accordingly. Meter When [Beat] is selected the knobs can be used to Feet adjust BPM. Frame Beat DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 395 *2 Horn EQ: CD (Constant Directivity) horn speakers exhibit a roll-off in high-frequency level. Horn EQ is provided to compensate for this roll-off. For this reason the gain can only be set to higher than 0dB, and the frequency higher than 500Hz. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 396 (44.1kHz: 6ms to46s settings are available: [Fast], [Mid], and [Slow]. 48kHz: 5ms to 42.3s 88.2kHz: 3ms to 23s 96kHz: 3ms to 21.1s) ON/OFF Turns the limiter ON. The limiter is bypassed when the button is turned OFF. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 397: Spx

    Adjusts the balance between the fundamental tone and the effect tone. [Bypass] button When turned ON, the input signal is output without change. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Other Parameters Other parameters vary according to the effect type. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 398 Hi.Ratio 0.1 to 1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio THRU, 21.2 Hz to 8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency 50.0 Hz to 16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 399 -12 to +12 dB EQ (peaking type) gain EQ Q 10.0 to 0.10 EQ (peaking type) bandwidth HSH F 50.0 Hz to 16.0 kHz High shelving filter frequency HSH G -12 to +12 dB High shelving filter gain DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 400 -12 to +12 dB EQ (peaking type) gain EQ Q 10.0 to 0.10 EQ (peaking type) bandwidth HSH F 50.0 Hz to 16.0 kHz High shelving filter frequency HSH G -12 to +12 dB High shelving filter gain DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 401 Distortion type (DST = distortion, OVD = overdrive) One input, two CRUNCH output distortion Drive 0 to 100 Distortion drive effect. Master 0 to 100 Master volume Tone -10 to +10 Tone N.Gate 0 to 20 Noise reduction DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 402 21.2 Hz to 8.00 kHz Low shelving filter frequency LSH G -12 to +12 dB Low shelving filter gain HSH F 50.0 Hz to 16.0 kHz High shelving filter frequency HSH G -12 to +12 dB High shelving filter gain DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 403 Modulation speed Depth 0 to 100% Modulation depth Mod.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Modulation delay time FB.Gain -99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback) Wave Sine, Tri Modulation waveform DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 404 Early reflections decay characteristics (0 = dead, 10 = live) Ini.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins Diff. 0 to 10 Spread Density 0 to 100% Reverb density ER Num. 1 to 19 Number of early reflections DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 405 0.3 to 99.0 s Reverb time Ini.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins Rev Hi 0.1 to 1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio Diff. 0 to 10 Spread Density 0 to 100% Reverb density DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 406 0 to 100% Balance of early reflections and reverb (0% = all reverb, 100% = all early reflections) THRU, 21.2 Hz to 8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency 50.0 Hz to 16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 407 Limiter release time 48kHz: 5.0ms to 42.3s 88.2kHz: 3ms to 23.0s 96kHz: 3ms to 21.1s Lim.Byp ON/OFF Limiter bypass Lim.Knee 0 to 5 Limiter knee ON/OFF Low band solo ON/OFF Mid band solo High ON/OFF High band solo DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 408: Slot

    Right-click the component and select [Open Slot In Component] from the contextual menu to open the component editor. The component editor is the same for all types. Name Function Meter Shows the signal level for each channel. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 409 Reverses the phase of the output signal for each channel. ON/OFF Turns ON each channel's output. Delay 0 to 24 Samples Sets the delay time. Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output level. Dither Sets the quantization bit rate for conversion. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 410: Cascade

    Right-click the component and select [Open Component Editor] from the contextual menu to open the component editor. The component editor is the same for all types. Name Function Meter Shows the signal level for each channel. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 411 Right-click the component and select [Open Component Editor] from the contextual menu to open the component editor. The component editor is the same for all types. Name Function Meter Shows the signal level for each channel. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 412: Internal Head Amp

    Turns ON phantom power (+48V). Gain +10 to -60 dB Sets the head amp gain. Analog Out Double-click [Unit Output] to display the component editor for it. The displayed parameters are the same as for Slot Out component editor. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 413: My-Card

    When the MY card word clock is used as the master word clock, Double FS determines whether the speed of that word clock is to be doubled and used as the DME clock. The Double Fs setting is only available the word clock from an MY Card is used. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 414 When ON the speed of the word clock from the MY Card is doubled. Output Format Double Channel Selects the format for 88.2/96 kHz. Double Speed Sampling Rate ON/OFF Turns the sampling rate converter ON. Converter DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 415 Double Channel. When Off is set, the input format is Double Speed. Output Format Double Channel Selects the format for 88.2/96 kHz. For MY8-AE96, the Double Speed setting range is Double Channel/Double Speed. For Single other cards, it is Double Channel/Single. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 416 Function Setting Priority Setting Priority Hardware/ The MY16-C switch settings take priority when Software “Hardware” is selected, and the DME Designer settings take priority when “Software” is selected. Bundle Number Input 0 to 65279 Sets the input bundle number. Output 0 to 65279 Sets the output bundle number.
  • Page 417: Remote Controlled Head Amp

    Remote Controlled Head Amp There are AD824 and AD8HR components arranged in the zone window. AD824 Controls the Yamaha A/D converter AD824. The AD824 is an eight channel analog to digital converter. Double-click the component to display the component editor for it.
  • Page 418 Chapter 6 Component Guide AD8HR Controls the Yamaha A/D converter AD8HR. The AD8HR is an eight channel analog to digital converter. Double-click this component to display the component editor for it. NOTE If a DME is not selected in the properties dialog box, the component editor will not be displayed even if you double-click (page 170).
  • Page 419: Component Glossary

    Components: Ducking, Gate, Auto Mixer Delay Sets the time period by which a signal is delayed. Components: Crossover Processor, Crossover Processor II, Delay Long, Delay Short, Delay Matrix, Speaker Processor, SPX, Slot Output, Unit Output DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 420: Delay Scale

    Turns an input signal connected to a component's KeyIn port into a trigger that activates the component. You can select the trigger source in components that have KeyIn ports. Components: Compander, Compressor, Ducking, Expander, Gate, Limiter DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 421: Lfe (Sub Woofer Speaker)

    When Q is narrowed, only a specific frequency is boosted or cut. Components: Crossover Processor, Crossover Processor II, GEQ, PEQ, BPF, Notch, Speaker Processor, SPX DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 422: Release (Release Time)

    When the trigger signal level changes by 2 dB with the expansion ratio of the expander set at 5:1, the output level will change by 10 dB. In the compander, if the width is set at 90 dB, the expander effect will be essentially be turned OFF. Component: Compander DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 423: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting For the latest information about DME Designer, visit the Yamaha pro audio site at http://www.yamahaproaudio.com. Symptom Possible Causes Corrective Actions A compile error occurs during DSP total resource consumption has Delete unneeded components. The synchronization. exceeded the upper limit.
  • Page 424: Index

    ................303 Notch Filter (Notch) ............. 352 [Control Change] tab ..............91 Programmable BPF ............. 353 Crossover ..................316 Programmable HPF ............. 355 Crossover Processor ..............320 Programmable LPF ............. 356 Crossover Processor II ..............326 DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 425 “MIDI” dialog box ................90 Release (Release Time) .............. 422 Miscellaneous ................358 Resource Meter ................18 Mixer .................... 360 Resource Meter window .............. 139 Auto Mixer ................360 Router ..................397 Delay Matrix ................ 362 Matrix Mixer ................. 369 DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 426 ................231 Surround 6.1 ................385 renaming ................231 Synchronization Zone window ................. 16, 237 DME Designer and DME unit synchronization ...... 75 “Synchronization” dialog box ..........76 Tab Order changing ................313 Text box ..................189 Threshold ..................422 Title bar .................
  • Page 427 U.R.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation © 2004 Yamaha Corporation MW D0...

Table of Contents