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Description On Handling The Digital Mova - Docomo Digital Mova SO503iS HYPER Manual


Description on handling the Digital Mova

Do not use the phone while driving.
Doing so may adversely affect safety driving and cause
accidents. When you use the phone, park your car in a
safe place. Do not park in a place in which parking is
Be sure to turn off the power of the
Digital Mova near electronic equipment
of a high precision control or processes
of weak signals.
Not doing so may cause malfunctions of the equipment.
Examples of equipment you should pay attention to:
Hearing aids, heart pacemakers, other medical
electrical equipments, fire detector, automatic door and
other automatically controlled devices.
Users of other medical electrical equipment should
consult the manufacturer/sales agent of the equipment
to check whether or not it can be affected by radio
Do not swing around the phone while
holding the antenna or strap.
Doing so may cause injury, accidents or damage if it hits
you or others.
Do not use the phone near the electronic
equipment setup in the car.
Doing so may adversely affect the electronic equipment
of certain types of cars. Consult the manufacturer/
dealer of the car about protection from radio signals
before using the phone.
Do not put a magnetic card or similar
items near the Digital Mova.
The contents of the floppy disk or ATM card may be
Do not use the phone in a crowded place.
Doing so may cause injury if the antenna hits another person.
Do not disassemble or modify the
Doing so may cause accidents such as fire, injury,
electric shock or trouble.
Be sure to turn off the power of the
Digital Mova in a place where use of the
phone is prohibited.
Turn OFF the Digital Mova in airplanes, hospitals and
prohibited areas of use. The power from the Digital
Mova (when ON) may adversely affect electronic
equipments and/or medical electric equipments. It is
also important to cancel [Auto on] if it is set to turn ON.
Observe the instructions of each health-care facility
about use of the phone there.
In case of lightning when using the
phone outdoors, immediately turn off the
power of the Digital Mova and move to a
safe place.
Failure to do so may cause injury or electrical shock
from the lightning.
Do not get the Digital Mova wet.
If liquid such as water or animal urine enters the phone,
heat may be generated or electrical shock or trouble
may result. Pay attention to where you use the phone.
Do not use the phone when the antenna
is broken.
Doing so may cause burns if it touches you.

