Matrox Iris E Series Installation And Technical Reference page 44

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C h a p t e r 4 : Y o u r M a t r o x I r i s E - S e r i e s w i t h o u t D H C P
• NetBios. NetBios is used by Microsoft as a peer-to-peer networking protocol.
• Peer-to-peer. A peer-to-peer network is a type of network in which each computer
• Private IP address. A private IP address is an IP address that is reserved for use on
• Public IP address. A public IP address is an IP address that can be used anywhere,
• Static IP address. A static IP address is an IP address that does not change. Unlike
Windows CE uses NetBios over TCP/IP to synchronize and communicate with
networked computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system. NetBios
associates a computer's name with its IP address so that, to connect to the
computer, you can use its name instead of its IP address. This domain name service
(DNS) is also provided by DHCP.
has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. This differs from client/server
architectures, in which some computers are dedicated to serving the others. In this
manual, a peer-to-peer network refers to when your network is composed of only
your Matrox Iris E-Series and your computer, and these are directly connected to
each other without using another device (for example, a router).
private networks. These IP addresses cannot be used on the Internet. The range
of private IP addresses includes the following:
S u b n e t r a n g e
1 0
1 6 9 . 2 5 4
1 7 2 . 1 6 t o 1 7 2 . 3 1
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 t o 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 5 5
including on the Internet. The ranges available include everything from
to, with the exception of (the IP address used by your
computer to point to your computer) and those ranges defined as private IP
addresses, above.
a dynamic allocation, a static allocation does not expire. Your Matrox Iris E-Series
and your computer can both be assigned static IP addresses manually or through
S t a r t I P a d d r e s s
1 0 . 0 . 0 . 0
1 6 9 . 2 5 4 . 0 . 0
1 7 2 . 1 6 . 0 . 0
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 . 0
E n d I P a d d r e s s
1 0 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5
1 6 9 . 2 5 4 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5
1 7 2 . 3 1 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5


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