Generating A Matrox Iris Gt Auxiliary Input Or Trigger Signal With; A Push Button - Matrox Iris GT Installation And Technical Reference

With design assistant
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A p p e n d i x E : T h e b r e a k o u t b o a r d
1. Connect the power and the digitial I/O signals of your Matrox Iris GT to the
2. If generating a trigger signal, turn on output-to-trigger bypass switch 2 (SW6[2]).
3. Press a push button to generate a auxiliary input or trigger signal. Your breakout
❖ Note that the trigger push button on your breakout board will not generate a
G e n e r a t i n g a M a t r o x I r i s G T a u x i l i a r y i n p u t o r t r i g g e r s i g n a l w i t h
a p u s h b u t t o n
You can generate a Matrox Iris GT auxiliary input signal or a Matrox Iris GT
trigger signal using the push buttons on the breakout board. To do so, perform
the following:
breakout board by following the steps in the Powering Matrox Iris GT and
connecting its I/O signals to the breakout board section.
This grounds the trigger signal (TRIG_OPTO_IN-).
board has 5 push buttons (Trig+ through Input 3), one for each of the four
auxiliary input signals of your Matrox Iris GT and one for the trigger signal. To
generate a signal that will be received by the Matrox Iris GT auxiliary input
signal 0 (AUX(USER)_OPTO_IN0+), press the input 0 push button.
trigger signal when Matrox Iris GT auxiliary output signal 4
(AUX(USER)_IND_OUT4) is routed to Matrox Iris GT trigger signal
Repeat for each Matrox Iris GT auxiliary input or trigger signal that you want to
generate. For more information on the push buttons, see the Push buttons section,
later in this chapter.


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