Analysis - Curvefit Commands - Agilent Technologies 86038A User Manual

Optical dispersion analyzer
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Base Commands
Programming Commands

Analysis - CurveFit Commands

The Analysis property returns an object, which in turn, contains the
CurveFit property. The CurveFit property returns an object with methods
and properties for controlling the application of curve fits to the data
returned from the ODA.
Calculate Method
Applies the specified curve fit to the passed-in data and returns the
resultant trace.
ByVal CurveFitName As String - The name of the curve fit. A list of the
curve fit names can be retrieved via the Catalog command.
ByVal XStartPoint As Double - The start wavelength of the input data.
ByVal XIncrement As Double - The wavelength spacing between points of
the input data.
ByRef InputActualData() As Double - The data to apply the curve fit to.
ByRef GeneralForm As String - The general form of the equation for the
specified curve fit.
ByRef Equation As String - The actual equation that best fits the input data
using the specified curve fit.
Double() - An array of the curve fitted data is returned.
VB.NET Syntax
Dim OutTraceData() As Double
OutTraceData = odaClient.Analysis.CurveFit.Calculate _
("Quadratic", XStart, XIncrement, InTraceData, GeneralForm, Equation)
VB 6.0 Syntax
Dim OutTraceData() As Double
OutTraceData = odaClient.Analysis.CurveFit.Calculate _
("Quadratic", XStart, XIncrement, InTraceData, GeneralForm, Equation)
Agilent 86038A Optical Dispersion Analyzer, Third Edition


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