Graphics Windows - Nikon Scanners Software Reference Manual

Table of Contents


Introduction to the Nikon Scanner Plug-in
In order to change the selected item, hold the mouse button down and move up
and down the pop-up menu or combo box. This will display all the menu options, the
currently selected option being designated by a check mark next to it. Place the reverse
text box (white text in a black box) over the option you wish to select, as shown in
Figure 7.15a and Figure 7.15b. Release the button and the selection box will display the
new choice.
Color Positive
Color Negative
B & W Positive
B & W Negative
Figure 7.15a Pop-up menu options – Macintosh.
Figure 7.15b Combo box options – Windows.

Graphics Windows

A graphics window is an area of the Scan dialog box that displays all or part of an
active image. The preview image area in the Scan dialog box and the Gamma Curve
Editor are graphics windows. Special rules apply to the use of these windows and each is
described in detail in the relevant chapters.
Page 60
Chapter 7
Software Reference for Scanners


Table of Contents

Table of Contents