Lcd Lift Status - ECD 100-194 EN81 Manual

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LCD Lift Status

ECD Aust. V-6.05
List of Lift Status;
 BCG "Bridged Car Gate" fault. CG input is on with doors open. Doors shall remain open until bridge is
removed. See CG, DFO input
 BL1
"Bridged door Lock1" fault. LCK1 input is on with doors open Doors shall remain open until
bridge is removed. See LCK1, DFO input
 BL2
"Bridged door Lock2" fault. LCK2 input is on with doors open Doors shall remain open until
bridge is removed. See LCK2, DFO input
"BRK Drop Timeout". Brake did not drop. Fatal error. See BKS1, BKS2 input
"BRK Lifting Timeout". Brake did not lift. Fatal error. See BKS1, BKS2 input
 CG
Car Gate not made. See CG input
 CGC "Car Gate relay Close" fault. CG relay contact closed when should be open. Fatal error requires
inspection on/off to reset. See also Inputs - Outputs CGM LED
CG fault is displayed and logged when;
1. Doors are opening
2. CG input turns off, dropping CG relay
3. CG relay contact in the safety circuit stays closed (CGM LED on)
 CGO "Car Gate relay Open" fault. CG relay contact open when should be closed. Lift returns to normal
when fault clears. See also Inputs - Outputs CGM LED
 DCP "Door Close Protect." Doors failed to close. See DFC input
 DOP "Door Open Protect." Doors failed to open. See DFO input
Lift idle
 L1O
"Lock #1 relay Open" fault. LCK1 relay contact open when should be closed. Lift returns to
normal when fault clears. See also Inputs - Outputs LCK1 LED
 L2O
"Lock #2 relay Open" fault. LCK2 relay contact open when should be closed. Lift returns to
normal when fault clears. See also Inputs - Outputs M3
Door lock(s) not made. See LCK1, LCK2 input
 LDN Levelling down, displays with doors closed, on re-level down. See MSU input
Levelling up, displays with doors closed, on re-level up. See MSD input
 L1C
"Lock1 relay Close" fault. LCK1 relay contact closed when should be open. Fatal error requires
inspection on/off to reset. See also Inputs - Outputs LCK1M LED
L1C fault is displayed and logged when;
1. Doors are opening
2. LCK1 input turns off (dropping LCK1 relay) before CG input turns off
3. LCK1 relay contact in the safety circuit stays closed (LCK1M LED on)
 L2C
"Lock2 relay Close" fault. LCK2 relay contact closed when should be open. Fatal error requires
inspection on/off to reset. See also Inputs - Outputs M3
L2C fault is displayed and logged when;
1. Doors are opening
2. LCK2 input turns off (dropping LCK2 relay) before CG and LCK1 input turns off
3. LCK2 relay contact in the safety circuit stays closed (M3 LED on)
Waiting PRV input to run. See PRV input
 RDN Running down
"Run Protection Timer". Run time exceeded. Fatal error. See EEPROM settings - RPT
The lift Status is shown in the top right centre of the LCD display.
The above example shows the lift Running Up


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