Hfs - Hall Fire Service Input; Hri - Hospital / Hall Recall Input; Hro - Hall (Hospital) Recall Output; Idn - Inspection Down Input - ECD 100-194 EN81 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S

HFS - Hall Fire Service input

HFS input turns on when the HFS recall switch at the HFS floor is turned on
"Hall Fire Service" shall be shown on the LCD screen
If the lift is on normal operation mode and HFS input is turned on, the lift shall return to the HFS floor
See also EEPROM settings HFS – Hall Fire Service
HRI – Hospital / Hall Recall Input
HRI input turns on to initiate HR mode.
HR mode is used to return the lift to a particular floor in an emergency
"Hall call Return" shall be shown on the LCD screen. When in HR mode, OS output turns on and HRO output
turns on for indication
When HRI switches to 0V (HRI does not have to be held on as input shall latch), the lift cancels all calls (car and
hall if simplex, car if duplex), stops at the next available landing without opening its doors and returns to the
designated floor set at parameter HRF or HR1
Once the lift arrives at the HRF floor, it is then switched to IND or CFS
If the lift is not switched to IND or CFS the doors shall remain open for the time set as per DTR. After the time
set at DTR, it shall return to normal operation
If HRI input is held on the lift shall remain at the HR floor with the doors open. DTR shall not operate
See also EEPROM settings HRF, HR1, DTR
See also Inputs – Outputs HRO, IND, CFS
HRO – Hall (Hospital) Recall Output
Darlington output
HRO output turns on when the lift is in HR mode
Used for driving an external relay, to provide audible/visual indication
See also Inputs – Outputs HRI

IDN - Inspection DowN input

IDN input turns on when the top of car down button or onboard INSP DN button is pressed
Onboard INSP DN button shall be inoperative if lift is already on PIT or top of car inspection
See also Inputs – Outputs INSP DN onboard switch

IND - INDependent service input

IND input turns on when keyed to IND unless inverted with MOD setting
"INDependent service" shall be shown on the LCD screen
If the lift is on normal operation mode and the lift is keyed to independent service the operation shall be as follows.
The car doors shall remain open
When a car call is entered the doors shall close only whilst the Door Close Button is being pressed
If the door close button is released before the doors are fully closed, the doors shall re open
IND allows only one car call to be entered at a time and shall toggle to the most recent call
To change the desired destination floor, press the new car call button to toggle the call
Car Fire Service, Hall Fire Service, Inspection and Emergency lowering operation shall over-ride Independent
See also Inputs – Outputs DCB

INSP - INSPection control input

INSP input turns on for normal operation
INSP input turns off when the lift is switched to Top of Car and/or onboard inspection. The LCD shall display
"TOP Insp" or "On-Board Insp"
INSP input shall still be on when lift is on PIT inspection
If the lift is switched to Pit Insp and Top of Car Insp, the LCD shall display "TOP & PIT Insp"
See also Inputs – Outputs PINS, SIn1


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