Insp Controller Onboard Switch; Insp Com Onboard Push Button; Insp Dn Onboard Push Button; Insp Up Onboard Push Button - ECD 100-194 EN81 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S

INSP Controller onboard switch

Switch the INSP Controller onboard switch to ON for onboard inspection operation
"On-board Insp" shall be shown on the LCD screen
Top of Car Insp and PIT Insp must be off for on board inspection switch/buttons to operate
If the lift is switched to Pit Insp and Top of Car Insp, the LCD shall display "TOP & PIT inspection"
See also Inputs – Outputs INSP COM, INSP DN, INSP UP onboard push button

INSP COM onboard push button

Press INSP COM push button and INSP UP or INSP DN push button to move the lift on onboard inspection
Top of Car Insp and PIT Insp must be off for on board inspection switch/button to operate

INSP DN onboard push button

Press INSP DN push button and INSP COM push button to move the lift down on onboard inspection
Top of Car Insp and PIT Insp must be off for on board inspection switch/button to operate

INSP UP onboard push button

Press INSP UP push button and INSP COM push button to move the lift up on onboard inspection
Top of Car Insp and PIT Insp must be off for on board inspection switch/button to operate
IRO – Inspection Relay Output
Darlington output
IRO output turns on when the lift is on inspection.
Used for driving an external inspection relay, where extra inspection contacts may be required.
Eg: Inspection contact in series with up fast speed valve, so lift travels on slow speed when on inspection.

IUP - Inspection UP input

IUP input turns on when the top of car up button or onboard INSP UP button is pressed
Onboard INSP UP button shall be inoperative if lift is already on PIT or top of car inspection
See Inputs – Outputs INSP UP onboard switch
LCK1 – LoCK 1 input
High Voltage AC input
LCK1 input turns on when the primary door locks (LOCKS 1) are made
"LCK" shall be shown on the LCD screen when LCK1 input is off
If LCK1 input is on with the car door open, BL1 (Bridged Lock1) fault status will be displayed
LCK1 input pulls up LCK1 relay
See also Inputs – Outputs LCK1 Relay
LCK1M LED – LCK1 Monitoring LED
LCK1 relay and L1BP relay contact internal monitoring point
There is no input terminal connection on the board for LCK1M
LCK1M LED turns on when either the internal contacts of LCK1 relay or L1BP relay in the safety circuit are
See also Inputs – Outputs LCK1 relay, L1BP relay
See also LCD status – "L1C"

LCK1 relay

Onboard LCK1 relay
LCK1 relay pulls up when LCK1 input turns on
LCK1 relay contacts are monitored by LCK1M input
No external relay contacts available – internal use only


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