Msd Relay; Msu - Magnetic Switch Up Input; Msu Relay; M1 - M1 Output Terminal - ECD 100-194 EN81 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S
the same until the lift passes through DZ. At floor level the MSD input zone must be within the DZ input zone or
a dual advance count may occur
Counting Operation (MSL=01) – MSD input is not required between floors. Only used at floor level
Re-levelling Operation – If the lift is stationary at a floor and MSD input turns off (DZ and MSU on), then the lift
shall re-level up. LUP status is displayed on LCD (when doors closed). A 10 seconds on, 3 seconds off re-level
cycle shall continue whilst the lift is on an appropriate mode with the doors fully closed or fully open, until MSD
input turns back on
If lift is re-levelling and the doors start to close, re-levelling shall continue. However, if another re-level cycle is
required, it shall not initiate unless the doors return to the fully open or closed position
When MSU and MSD inputs turn off within the door zone with the doors not in the closed position, UIM
(unintended movement) output shall turn off.
Ensure the MSD input activates just before the Bottom Slowing Limit (BSL) at the bottom floor
See also Inputs – Outputs MSU, UIM

MSD relay

Onboard Magnetic Switch Down relay
MSD relay pulls up when MSD input turns on
No external relay contacts available – internal use only
MSU – Magnetic Switch Up input
MSU input turns on via the MSU sensor in the shaft
MSU input controls MSU relay
MSU input is used for counting the lift position (MSL = 00) and for the floor level masking/re-levelling circuit
Counting Operation (MSL=00) – When the lift is running up between floors, it shall advance the position count
when the MSU input is received. The outputs 1P to 12P shall change accordingly. The LCD position shall remain
the same until the lift passes through DZ. At floor level the MSU input zone must be within the DZ input zone or
a dual advance count may occur
Counting Operation (MSL=01) – MSU input is not required between floors. Only used at floor level
Re-levelling Operation – If the lift is stationary at a floor and MSU input turns off (DZ and MSD on), then the lift
shall re-level down. LDN displayed on LCD (when doors closed). A 10 seconds on, 3 seconds off re-level cycle
shall continue whilst the lift is on an appropriate mode with the doors fully closed or fully open, until MSU input
turns back on
If lift is re-levelling and the doors start to close, re-levelling shall continue. However, if another re-level cycle is
required, it shall not initiate unless the doors return to the fully open or closed position.
When MSU and MSD inputs turn off within the door zone with the doors not in the closed position, UIM
(unintended movement) output shall turn off.
Ensure the MSU input activates just before the Top Slowing Limit (TSL) at the top floor
See also Inputs – Outputs MSD, UIM

MSU relay

Onboard Magnetic Switch Up relay
MSU relay pulls up when MSU input turns on
No external relay contacts available – internal use only
M1 – M1 output terminal
High Voltage AC board terminal only. Not monitored by processor. No LED


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