Door Disable Onboard Toggle Switch; Ds - Down Slow Relay Output; Dup - Direction Up Output; Dz - Door Zone Input - ECD 100-194 EN81 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S
(car or hall calls latched), OS output shall turn on after 30 seconds and cancel the hall calls until the doors close.
See also Inputs – Outputs, CFS, OS

DOOR Disable onboard toggle switch

When the Door Disable switch is ON, the doors are disabled from opening
DDO mode, "Door Disable Open" shall be shown on the LCD screen
OS output turns on and hall calls are disabled. Door disable allows the lift to be sent to floors via car calls without
the doors opening. Useful for testing/adjusting etc
Door open button, Independent Service and Fire Service override DDO
See also Inputs – Outputs, OS

DS - Down Slow relay output

DS relay output contacts are used to control down slow speed operation
See also Section 6: Motion, for more on the relay operation

DUP - Direction UP output

Transistor Output
Direction up output switches for indication of lift advanced up direction.

DZ - Door Zone input

DZ input turns on when the lift is in the Door Zone.
DZ input controls DZ relay.
DZR – Door Zone Rear output
Darlington Output
Used to control DZR relay for rear door operation
See also EEprom settings, FD2
See also Inputs – Outputs, EP, for rear door operation with emergency power

DZ relay

Onboard Door Zone relay
DZ relay pulls up when DZ input turns on
No external relay contacts available – internal use only

EDP - Electronic Door Protection input

EDP input turns off when the light ray is obstructed, unless inverted with CNT setting.
The loss of EDP input shall reopen the doors when on normal or independent modes. The doors shall remain
open until the obstruction is removed and EDP input turns back on.
EDP operation with Eeprom setting NR = 00 or 03;
After 30 secs with EDP off and demand exists for the lift via latched hall or car calls, the lift shall be determined
Out of Service. OS output will turn on, cancelling all hall calls. Lift will remain in OS state until EDP turns back on
and doors are allowed to close.
EDP operation with Eeprom setting NR = 04;
After 180 secs with EDP off and demand exists for the lift via latched hall or car calls, the lift shall be determined
Out of Service. OS output will turn on, cancelling all hall calls
Lift shall remain in OS state for 10 secs. OS then turns off and lift goes back into service and hall calls can be
latched again. Sequence repeats if EDP remains off. This setting is used for nursing homes to allow for longer door
open times.
See also Inputs – Outputs, OS.
See also EEprom settings, NR


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