Xilinx EZTag User Manual page 60

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Error Messages
cable connections and "part" command specification The current
"part" database can be displayed by typing "part" followed by a
carriage return.
You must specify a particular instance upon which to operated.
Respecify the command with that information. That is, specify "erase
instanceName" and not "erase".
The specified device instance could not be erased. Check if data
protect is enabled as this disables the erase functionality. Also
check for the integrity of the cable connections.
When running functional test using the INTEST instruction, the
applied functional vectors mismatched the predicted values. This
can be either a functional error in the design or an error in the vectors
specified. This will also occur when vectors targetted for a different
design are applied. Re-check the integrity of your design database
The specified device instance could not be verified. Check if data
security is enabled as this disables the readback functionality. If
this is not the case, check for the integrity of the cable connections.
If error persists you may have a bad part and Xilinx customer service
should be contacted.
Error 1018: In a multi-part boundary scan chain, the
name of the particular boundary scan part instance on
which to operate must be specified. Please retry this
command with an instance name specified.
Error 1021: Unable to execute erase command for
instance string
Error 1022: Unable to execute functional test command
using vectors in JEDEC file string.
Error 1023: Functional test vectors failed for
instance string.
Error 1024: Functional test vector value failed for
instance string at pin number value . Expected output
value: value Actual output value: value
error 1025: Mismatched address values during
verification of instance string . Check JEDEC file and
cable connections.
Read: value .
Expected addressvalue: value .
Xilinx Development System


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