Insert; Change; Delete - Xilinx EZTag User Manual

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EZTag User Guide
addition, if you want to start over, you can use File
Chain. This will clear all entries in the Chain Description.


The insert softkey allows you to insert a new device into the chain.
When you insert, the device number selected and all subsequent
devices are moved down one in the chain. To insert a device, follow
these instructions:


The change softkey changes the entry on a Chain Description line,
deleting the entry at the line and replacing it with a selected file. To
change a device:


The delete softkey deletes an entry in the Chain Description. All
items below that line move up one entry in the chain.
With the mouse, click once on the number (#) in the Chain
Description. The number column is found to the left of the
Device Type. The #, Device Type and File Name on that
row should be highlighted, indicating that this is the selected
element for this operation.
Click the Insert softkey once.
Select a file to enter into the chain and double-click. The file
should enter at the highlighted line and push all files at and
below the highlighted line down the chain by one. The high-
lighting disappears and the element number is no longer
With the mouse, click once on the number (#) in the Chain
Description. The number column is found to the left of the
Device Type. The #, Device Type and File Name on that
row should be highlighted.
Click the Change softkey once.
Select a file to enter into the chain and double-click. The device
should enter at the highlighted line and replace the file that was
on the line. The highlighting disappears and the element number
is no longer selected.
Xilinx Development System


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