Xilinx EZTag User Manual page 61

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The IDCODE read from the specified part does not conform to the
1149.1 standard. This is often the result of a bad cable connection.
Check the integrity of the cable connection.
While reading back data to calculate the checksum, errors occured.
Check if data security is enabled as this disables the readback
functionality. If this is not the case, check for the integrity of the
cable connections. If error persists you may have a bad part and
Xilinx customer service should be contacted.
The specified device instance could not be programmed. Check if
data protect or data security is already enabled as this disables the
programming functionality. If data security is enabled, first issue an
"erase" command then execute the program command. Also check
for the integrity of the cable connections.
While reading back data to generate a JEDEC file, errors occured.
Check if data security is enabled as this disables the readback
functionality. If this is not the case, check for the integrity of the
cable connections. If error persists you may have a bad part and
EZTag User Guide
Error 1026: Illegal IDCODE read from device
identification register on instance string . IDCODE
value: string
Error 1028: Error reading data value from address
string on device string while calculating checksum.
Error 1029: Data integrity errors while reading data
values from device string will result in an incorrect
Error 1030: Unable to program data protect bit at
address string on device string.
Error 1031: Programming failures when programming
data protect bits of device string.
Error 1032: Unable to program data security bit at
address string on device string.
Error 1033: Programming failures when programming
data security bits of device string.
Error 1034: Error reading data value from address
string on device string while generating JEDEC file.
Error 1035: Data integrity errors while reading data
values from device string will result in an incorrect
or incomplete JEDEC file.
Error Messages


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