Error Messages - Christie 599 GS Series Technical Reference

Serial commands
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Prefix characters
Acknowledges the projector has responded or increases message integrity when added
before the three-character function code.
Function code
The primary projector function being queried or modified. Each function code is
represented by a three-character, upper or lower case ASCII code (A-Z).
The function code appears after the first parenthesis. If a command does not include a
subcode, a space between the function code and the first parameter (or special character)
is optional.
The secondary projector function being queried or modified.
Each subcode is represented by a four-character, upper or lower case ASCII code (A-Z and
0-9). The subcode appears after the function code, and it is separated from the function
code with a plus symbol (+). If a subcode is not included, the plus symbol is not required.
If a command includes a subcode, a space between the subcode and the first parameter
(or special character) is optional.
Request and reply
The question mark symbol (?) appears after the function code when the controller
requests projector information.
An exclamation mark (!) appears after the function code when the projector responds to a
Do not include a question or exclamation mark when creating a SET command.

Error messages

If a command cannot be performed, a descriptive error identifying the problem appears.
For example, the following message indicates a syntax error:
(ITP) - (65535 00000 ERR00005 "ITP: Too Few Parameters")
GS Series 599 Serial Commands Technical Reference
020-102403-02 Rev. 1 (04-2017)
2017 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
• Number symbol (#)—Request a full acknowledgment. A full acknowledgment sends
an echo of the message as a reply from the projector when it finishes processing the
command. Do not include a full acknowledgment in a request message.
Communicating with GS Series 599


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