Cmc Profiles > Apply Profile; Figure 64 Cmc Profiles Page - Juniper MEDIA FLOW MANAGER 2.0.2 - ADMINISTRATOR S GUIDE AND CLI Administrator's Manual

Administrator’s guide and cli command reference
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Media Flow Manager Administrator's Guide
4. You can add a Generic Command by entering a Sequence # for where in the sequence
of existing commands for that profile this command should be executed, and entering a
CLI command in the Command text box. Click Add Command and that command
displays, in order, in the All commands list for that profile.
5. In the All commands for CMC profile "<profile>" area, each command issued to
configure the selected profile displays, in sequenced order, with a checkbox next to it. You
can select any displayed command for the selected profile and click Remove. The
command goes away from the profile.
Click Save at the top of the page to make changes persistent across reboots.
Figure 64
CMC Profiles Page
CMC Profiles > Apply Profile
You use the CMC Profiles > Apply Profile page to apply configured profiles to managed
nodes or groups.
configuration on the appliance. See
1. Select one of the radio buttons:
Profile—Choose a configured profile from the drop-down list.
CLI commands—Enter commands, in desired execution order, one per line.
Single CLI command—Enter a single CLI command with the secure echo (only
asterisks display).
2. Select either an Appliance or Group from the drop-down lists.
3. Select options:
Reset appliance configuration beforehand—Use this option to wipe most
configurations on the client system before applying the profile. These configurations
that may be better un-changed with a profile application are maintained: hostname,
interfaces, routes, ARP, SSH, timezone, and licenses. This is disabled by default.
Save appliance configuration to persistent storage afterwards—Does a save
operation on the managed node(s) after the profile is applied.
Click Save at the top of the page to make changes persistent across reboots.
When you apply a profile, its CLI commands are added to the existing
CHAPTER 3 Media Flow Manager Web-Based Interface
65, next.
CMC Profiles


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