Juniper MEDIA FLOW MANAGER 2.0.2 - ADMINISTRATOR S GUIDE AND CLI Administrator's Manual page 134

Administrator’s guide and cli command reference
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CHAPTER 5 CLI Commands
cache-response age <seconds>
hash-verify share-secret <string> time-interval deviation <seconds>
match {city | continent | country | isp | state | zip | default}
xml-response <name> <http-url>
players. There are two configuration options:
crossdomain.xml in the document root directory.
query issued by a player is,
the query-url-host is Once the query is matched with the right
hostname, the IP address is matched to one (and only one of) country, state, city, zip, or
ISP specified by the match "entity" value and a response (either configured host-
response or xml-response) is sent. More than one query-url-host can be configured to
allow different types of response-to-IP address depending on which Geo-Load Balancing
server in the system is being hit.
order in which the hosts are added; as soon as Service Director finds a matching entity, it
takes it, so you want to enter the most specific entities first. For example if you configure
"Country USA" as the first entry followed by "City Santa Clara" then all the IP addresses
from USA are mapped *only* to the entry "Country USA" and Service Director never sees
any entities entered after.
cache-response age
HTTP response it sends, to allow the browser to cache. The default value is 1 day
(86400 seconds). A value of 0 indicates that the response should be made non-
configure a share-secret, and, optionally, a time-interval deviation.
and a response value.
xml-response <name> <http-url>
located at an external server; the configured file <name> and <http-url> allow the file to
be extracted from a server, this file should be installed in the document root directory.
host-response {<hostname>|<IP_address>} [<hostname>|<IP_address>]...
xml-response {<hostname> | <IP_address>]
—Configure the crossdomain.xml file that has to be returned to flash
—Enter up to four domain names to be used to auto generate the
—Give the name configured under xml-response name (below).
—This defines the hostname of the incoming query. For example, if a
—Make this host active.
—Allows the Service Director to set a maximum age in the
—Hash verification of incoming URL is optional. If enabled you must
shared-secret {append | prefix}
appended or prefixed (as specified) to the URI, to calculate the hash which is then
"matched" with the match query-string-parm hash value.
time-interval deviation
not accepted. Used to avoid denial-of-service hijacks repeatedly sending the
same request over and over. Default is 10 seconds.
—Enter location option (isp, zip, city, state, country, continent) or default
—Enter up to three domain names or IP addresses to be used to
auto generate the crossdomain.xml in the document root directory.
—Give the name configured under xml-response name (below).
Media Flow Manager Administrator's Guide
Under query-url-host, mapping is done in the
—Enter a secret key that is then
—Enter a value in seconds after which requests are
—A configured XML file (format given below)
Copyright © 2010, Juniper Networks, Inc.


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