Using The Apply Command - Agilent Technologies 33220A User Manual

20 mhz waveform generator
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Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference

Using the APPLy Command

Using the APPLy Command
See also "Output Configuration" starting on page 55 in chapter 3.
The APPLy command provides the most straightforward method to
program the function generator over the remote interface. You can select
the function, frequency, amplitude, and offset all in one command as
shown in the syntax statement below.
APPLy:<function> [<frequency> [,<amplitude> [,<offset>] ]]
For example, the following command string sent from your computer will
output a 3 Vpp sine wave at 5 kHz with a -2.5 volt offset.
APPL:SIN 5 KHZ, 3.0 VPP, -2.5 V
The APPLy command performs the following operations:
• Sets the trigger source to Immediate (equivalent to sending the
TRIG:SOUR IMM command).
• Turns off any modulation, sweep, or burst mode currently enabled
and places the instrument in the continuous waveform mode.
• Turns on the Output connector (OUTP ON command) but does not
change the output termination setting (OUTP:LOAD command).
• Overrides the voltage autorange setting and automatically enables
autoranging (VOLT:RANG:AUTO command).
• For square waveforms, overrides the current duty cycle setting and
automatically selects 50% (FUNC:SQU:DCYC command).
• For ramp waveforms, overrides the current symmetry setting and
automatically selects 100% (FUNC:RAMP:SYMM command).
The syntax statements for the APPLy command are shown on page 175.


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