ZOE PPM3 User Manual page 15

Nightingale monitoring system
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WARNING - To avoid potential for spread of disease or infection,
single-use disposable components (e.g., electrodes, IBP catheters,
disposable SpO
sensors, disposable temperature probe covers,
single-use blood pressure cuffs, etc.) must not be reused.
CAUTION – For continued operation, always connect the monitor to a wall
outlet when a Low Battery alarm indication occurs. Failure to do this can
lead to an interruption of monitoring.
CAUTION – Do not operate the Nightingale PPM3 near high frequency
emissions (e.g. microwaves).
Note – The battery may need to be recharged if the Nightingale PPM3 has been powered
off for an extended period of time. See the Battery Operation chapter of this manual for
details regarding the battery.
Note – The Nightingale PPM3 NBP parameter is indicated for use pregnant patients,
including those with pre-eclamptic or eclamptic conditions.
Note – Single Use devices should not be reused.
April 2019
N i g h t i n g a l e P P M 3 U s e r ' s G u i d e


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