Uefi Shell Scripting; Startup Scripting; Create A Startup Script - Kontron CP3005-SA User Manual

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The uEFI Shell commands are not case-sensitive. Each uEFI Shell command is provided with
a detailed online help that can be invoked by entering "<cmd> <space> <-?>" in the command
line. To display the uEFI Shell command list, enter <help> or <?> in the command line.

13.4. uEFI Shell Scripting

13.4.1. Startup Scripting

If the ESC key is not pressed and the timeout is run out, the uEFI Shell tries to execute some startup scripts
automatically. It searches for scripts and executes them in the following order:
Kontron flash-stored startup script
If there is no Kontron flash-stored startup script present, the uEFI-specified startup.nsh script is used. This
script must be located on the root of any of the attached FAT formatted disk drive.
If none of the startup scripts is present or the startup script terminates, the default boot order is continued.

13.4.2. Create a Startup Script

Startup scripts can be created using the uEFI Shell built-in editor edit or under any OS with a plain text editor of your
choice. To create a startup shell script, simply save the script on the root of any FAT-formatted drive attached to the
system. To copy the startup script to the flash use the kbootscript uEFI Shell command.
In case there is no mass storage device attached, the startup script can be generated in a RAM disk and stored in the
SPI boot flash using the kramdisk uEFI Shell command.
flash drive or harddisk.
Programs an onboard device via the JTAG interface
Manages the NVRAM to restore the system's default settings, Since all uEFI settings
are stored inside the NVRAM, the default settings are loaded after invoking this
Controls uEFI Setup and Shell passwords, This command is used to determine the
status of both passwords (set or not set) and to set or clear the uEFI Shell and Setup
passwords. Both user and superuser (Supervisor) passwords can be controlled with
this command. Call without options to get current password status. Entering an
empty password clears the password.
Creates and manages RAMdisks, This command is used to perform file operations
when no real filesystem is connected to the system.
Controls the board's reset behavior, This command controls if the board shall react
on a CompactPCI backplane reset if it is used in a peripheral slot. It has no effect if the
board is installed in the CompactPCI system slot. The parameter of this command is
volatile and set to off at the next start.
Controls the Kontron common update tool, When using the kupdate command, the
structure of the ZIP archive must not be altered. kupdate automatically starts the
update procedure via kupdate -u. If a certain image is intended to be used, enter
kupdate -s to select the respective image.
Configures the Kontron onboard Watchdog, This command is used to enable the
Kontron onboard Watchdog with reset target before OS boot. This can be used to
detect if the OS fails to boot and react by reset.
CP3005-SA – Rev. 0.6 Preliminary
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