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OREC RM983F 4WD Operation Manual page 67


Start the engine when it is installed in the machine.
seconds, and if it does not start at one time, pause for 10 seconds, or more and then start
again. However, if the operation does not start even after performing this operation, the battery
life may be suspected. Check the battery and starting circuit.
7.4.3 Battery life
During use, the battery gradually loses its capacity and reaches the end of its life. If the
performance does not recover even with supplementary charging, it has reached the end of its
・The life is shortened by the following factors.
1) High temperature (environmental temperature)
2) Frequency of use (too little or too much is affected)
3) Insufficient charging (insufficient supply due to generator failure, etc.)
4) Severe use (usual use in cold regions, insufficient charge, etc.)
5) Inadequate maintenance (when the battery goes up due to failure to check the liquid level
of the battery or water supply, contact failure due to loose terminals, forgetting to turn
off the engine switch, etc.)
6) Excessive charging (regulator failure, overcharging without finishing charging even after
completion time)
・The following signs occur at the end of life.
1) The rotation noise of the starter motor is lower and weaker than usual.
2) The amount of electrolyte in the battery decreases quickly.
When any of these signs appear, pay attention to the above and perform supplementary
charging. If the sign does not disappear after supplementary charging, it is recommended that
you replace the battery as it has reached the end of battery life.
The start operation should be within 5
7. 点検表

