2. Ensure that the 3274 Control Unit and the display station have power
switched on. The display station must have a keyboard and must be
attached to port AO of the 3274.
Note: When customizing a 3274 Model 1A, 18, 10, 21A, 218, 210, 31A,
or 310, do not set the on/off switch to the off position unless the rotary
switch on the control panel is in the Local/Offline position and the Local/
Offline indicator is on. The Power/Interface rotary switch must be in the
Local/Offline position and the Local/Offline indicator must be on.
3. Insert the feature diskette (see Figure 5-3) and, holding the Alt IML
Address switch in position 1, press and release the IML pushbutton; then
release the Alt
Address switch. Within 2 minutes, the 8 4 2 1
indicator code will be flashing:
1011 if you are customizing Configuration Support A, B, or C
0101 if you are customizing Configuration Support T.
4. If you have a customized load diskette, insert the customized load
diskette; otherwise, insert the customized system diskette.
Within 1 minute, the 8 4 2 1 indicator code will be a flashing 1110.
5. Insert the feature diskette again. Within 1 minute, the 8 4 2 1 indicator
code will be a steady 0001. If you-are using the 3279, refer to Appendix
E for the convergence procedure.
6. Look for a 3-digit sequence number in the upper left corner of the screen.
The first one is 001. Beneath the sequence number are Xs, which you
replace by typing in the response to sequence number 001 (below). If
the response you enter is acceptable, a new sequence number will be
displayed. If the response is unacceptable, a 2-digit operator code will be
displayed in the upper center portion pf the screen. See Figure 5-4 for
the meaning of this code.
If you are using a 3179 display station, it must be operating in 3279-
emulation mode. If you are using a 3180 display station, it must be
operating in 3278-emulation mode. lfyour 3179 or 3180 is not in
emulation mode (that is, if it is in native mode), the number 212 appears
in the operator information area of the display screen when the first key.-
stroke is attempted and customizing cannot proceed.
Sequence Number
2-Digit Operator Code
Ignore these numbers
if they are displayed
Note: If a 76- or 88-key Japanese English or Japanese Katakana key-
board is used, press the key circled in Figure 5-2 before proceeding.
The keyboard wil I be locked for about 10 seconds. When the keyboard
unlocks, continue.
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