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6. Velocity
Tip: Since each zone can have its own
keyboard velocity settings, lower register
bass sounds can have minimum dynamics to
provide a constant bottom, while upper
register lead sounds can be played more
Caution: When VCA Level is set to
100%, additional modulation from pedals,
LFOs, etc. will not increase the level. You
must reduce the VCA level (Digital
Processing, 2) from the 100% mark for
additional modulation to have any effect.
Tip: The VCA Attack settings interact
with the VCA AHDSR attack time setting
(Dynamic Processing, 2). You will probably
need to fine tune the AHDSR attack time
setting for optimum results.
ESI-32 Operation Manual
Velocity data from your MIDI keyboard, sequencer or other controller
can control any or all of nine different parameters, as selected on three
pages in this submodule.
1. Activate Dynamic Processing module.
2. Select Submodule 6.
3. Move the cursor to the parameter(s) to be adjusted, and select
the desired value(s) with the data entry knob. The first page
VCA Level:
VCA Attack:
Values are adjustable from -100% to +100%.
• Pitch: ties velocity to pitch. With negative values, playing more
forcefully lowers pitch. With positive values, playing more forcefully
raises pitch.
• VCA Level: ties velocity to overall amplitude. At 0%, the overall
level remains at the maximum level set in Dynamic Processing, 2.
VCA, and produces the loudest possible dynamics, no matter how
forcefully or softly you play the keyboard. Progressively higher
positive values give a progressively wider dynamic range by lowering
the level as you play more softly (standard dynamics). Progressively
higher negative values give a progressively wider dynamic range by
lowering the level as you play more forcefully (reverse dynamics).
Use velocity to add dynamics to sampled sounds that don't contain
dynamics, such as samples from older synthesizers.
• VCA Attack: ties velocity to the VCA envelope attack time. With
negative values, playing softly gives shorter attack times and playing
more forcefully lengthens the attack. With positive values, playing
softly gives longer attack times, while playing more forcefully
shortens the attack. VCA attack is useful for string and horn sounds,
where bowing or blowing softly produces a slower attack than rapid
bowing or blowing, which produces a much faster attack.
4. Select page two by pressing the right cursor button. The second
page shows:
VCF Cutoff:
VCF Attack:




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