E-Mu ESI-32 Operation Manual page 229

Table of Contents


Pitch control 79
Pitch bending 42
Place sample 101
Portamento 178
Positional crossfade 174
Preserve order 85
Preset 11
Preset size 111
Pressure (aftertouch) assign 79
Primary sample 15
Problem solver 214
Q 35, 187
Quick zone 182
RAM test 75
Realtime controls 42, 159
Realtime crossfade 162, 175
Realtime switch 175
Recalibrate 71
Redo 118
Release 186, 189, 191
Rename bank 57
Rename disk bank 60, 62
Rename preset 108
Rename sample 96
Restore 69
Reverse 131
Reverse path 152
Reverse region 135
RMS mode 142
SMDI 203
S/PDIF 8, 206
Sample calculator 131
Sample input 6
Sample integrity 131, 137
Sample rate convert 138, 139
Sample setup 99
Sampling 10, 11, 45
Practice sampling session 48
Sampling (recording) time 100
Sampling level 99
Save bank 23
in software version 1.04 69
Saving 16
to a floppy disk 30
to a hard disk 31
Sawtooth wave 189
SCSI 8, 201
SCSI ID number 201
SCSI problems 204
SCSI setup 60, 61
Scrub wheel 120
Secondary sample 15
Select sample 95, 121, 122
Select zone 183
control source & destination 43
presets 22, 29
current preset 22
zero crossing points 22
Sine wave 197
Software version 73
Solo mode 195
Source 99
Special 70
Specifying the zone 34
Square wave 189
Stereo <-> mono 131, 135
Submix 6, 197
Submodule 15
Sustain 186, 188
Syquest drive 13
Taper 51, 131, 132
Ten key pad 21
Terminate sampling 102
Termination, SCSI 202
Threshold 99
Time compression 138, 146
Tracking, filter 187, 188
Transform multiplication 148
Transpose 25, 57
Transposing a zone 169
Transposing the keyboard 32
Triangle wave 189
Trigger buttons 74
Trigger, envelope 195
Trigger mode 24
Truncating a sample 47
Truncation 125
Tuning 57, 184
Tuning to other instruments 32


Table of Contents

Table of Contents