Measure Subsystem; Obw Subsection - Agilent Technologies N9340B Programmer's Manual

Spectrum analyzer
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Command Reference

MEASure Subsystem

OBW Subsection

This subsystem is used to make a measurement and return
scalar data. MEASure saves you the time of re- making the
measurement. You can only make a measurement from the
measurement that is currently active, it will not change to a
different measurement.
This subsystem command must be used after the measure
has been loaded by :INSTrument:MEASure
Select the measurement method of OBW
This command toggles the method of OBW measurement
between percent or xdB.
Set percentage (%) method of OBW
:MEASure:OBW:PERCent <para>
edit the percentage of signal power used when determining
the occupied bandwidth. Press {%} to set the percentage
ranging from 10.00% to 99.99%.
Set dBc method of OBW
:MEASure:OBW:XDB <para>
specify the power level used to determine the emission
bandwidth as the number of dB down from the highest
signal point, within the occupied bandwidth span.
N9340B Programmer's Guide


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