Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R Series User Manual

Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R Series User Manual

Canopen module
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MELSEC iQ-R CANopen Module
User's Manual (Application)


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Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R Series

  • Page 1 MELSEC iQ-R CANopen Module User's Manual (Application) -RJ71CN91...
  • Page 3: Safety Precautions

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Read these precautions before using this product.) Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The precautions given in this manual are concerned with this product only. For the safety precautions of the programmable controller system, refer to the MELSEC iQ-R Module Configuration Manual.
  • Page 4 [Design Precautions] WARNING ● Configure safety circuits external to the programmable controller to ensure that the entire system operates safely even when a fault occurs in the external power supply or the programmable controller. Failure to do so may result in an accident due to an incorrect output or malfunction. (1) Emergency stop circuits, protection circuits, and protective interlock circuits for conflicting operations (such as forward/reverse rotations or upper/lower limit positioning) must be configured external to the programmable controller.
  • Page 5 [Design Precautions] WARNING ● Especially, when a remote programmable controller is controlled by an external device, immediate action cannot be taken if a problem occurs in the programmable controller due to a communication failure. To prevent this, configure an interlock circuit in the program, and determine corrective actions to be taken between the external device and CPU module in case of a communication failure.
  • Page 6 [Installation Precautions] WARNING ● Shut off the external power supply (all phases) used in the system before mounting or removing the module. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or cause the module to fail or malfunction. [Installation Precautions] CAUTION ●...
  • Page 7 [Wiring Precautions] CAUTION ● Individually ground the FG and LG terminals of the programmable controller with a ground resistance of 100 ohms or less. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or malfunction. ● Use applicable solderless terminals and tighten them within the specified torque range. If any spade solderless terminal is used, it may be disconnected when the terminal screw comes loose, resulting in failure.
  • Page 8 [Startup and Maintenance Precautions] WARNING ● Do not touch any terminal while power is on. Doing so will cause electric shock or malfunction. ● Correctly connect the battery connector. Do not charge, disassemble, heat, short-circuit, solder, or throw the battery into the fire. Also, do not expose it to liquid or strong shock. Doing so will cause the battery to produce heat, explode, ignite, or leak, resulting in injury and fire.
  • Page 9 [Startup and Maintenance Precautions] CAUTION ● Startup and maintenance of a control panel must be performed by qualified maintenance personnel with knowledge of protection against electric shock. Lock the control panel so that only qualified maintenance personnel can operate it. ●...
  • Page 10: Conditions Of Use For The Product

    CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PRODUCT (1) Mitsubishi programmable controller ("the PRODUCT") shall be used in conditions; i) where any problem, fault or failure occurring in the PRODUCT, if any, shall not lead to any major or serious accident; ii) where the backup and fail-safe function are systematically or automatically provided outside of the PRODUCT for the case of any problem, fault or failure occurring in the PRODUCT.
  • Page 11: Introduction

    Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and develop familiarity with the functions and performance of the MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller to handle the product correctly. When applying the program examples provided in this manual to an actual system, ensure the applicability and confirm that it will not cause system control problems.
  • Page 12: Table Of Contents

  • Page 13 Window Structure............... 79 Menu .
  • Page 14 Setting parameters ..............223 List of buffer memory areas where parameters are set.
  • Page 15: Relevant Manuals

    CANopen module e-Manual [SH-081734ENG] e-Manual refers to the Mitsubishi Electric FA electronic book manuals that can be browsed using a dedicated tool. e-Manual has the following features: • Required information can be cross-searched in multiple manuals.
  • Page 16: Terms

    Non-profit organization for standardization of CAN protocols. The abbreviation for the command interface. CPU module A generic term for the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module Device A device (X, Y, M, D, or others) in a CPU module Engineering tool...
  • Page 17: Chapter 1 Functions

    FUNCTIONS Overview of CANopen and CAN This section describes overview of CANopen and CAN. Function modes The RJ71CN91 has three function modes. Available functions and buffer memory assignment vary depending on the function mode. ( Page 154 Buffer Memory) The following table lists and describes the overview of the function modes. Function mode Overview CANopen 405 mode...
  • Page 18 CAN-ID CAN-ID is an identifier used for bus arbitration and identification of CAN messages. In bus arbitration, a CAN message with a smaller ID has higher priority to use the bus. CAN-IDs with lower priority will wait until the bus is free. This section describes CAN-IDs used in each function mode.
  • Page 19 : Available, : Not available CAN-ID Availability Remarks  0000H Used in the NMT function. 0001H to 007FH  Use prohibited in CANopen.  0080H Used in the SYNC function. 0081H to 00FFH  Used in the EMCY function.  0100H Used in the TIME function.
  • Page 20: Nmt

    NMT is a function to manage the CANopen network status. The NMT master controls all NMT slaves within the CANopen network. NMT state NMT state is the operating status of a CANopen node. When the NMT state is Operational, the CANopen node is capable of all communications.
  • Page 21 Path Condition for the NMT state to change Number NMT master NMT slaves • Remote node start is accepted. • Remote node start is accepted. • Pre-operational transition is accepted. • Pre-operational transition is accepted. • A communication error is detected. •...
  • Page 22: Node Control

    Node control Node control is a function to control the NMT state of a CANopen node via the NMT master. It can also control the NMT state of other NMT master from the own NMT master. However, the NMT state of an active NMT master can be controlled only by the active NMT master itself.
  • Page 23: Nmt Start-Up

    NMT start-up NMT start-up is a function to start up the network by setting parameters in NMT slaves (2) that were detected in the network when the NMT master (1) starts. Initialization Pre-operational → Initialization Pre-operational → : Remote node start Function details The NMT state of a CANopen node automatically transitions to "Pre-operational"...
  • Page 24 Check if all mandatory slaves have been booted successfully. When the boot start process fails, to start up each NMT slave again, the NMT master must be reset. (The process ends.) Check if the state of the NMT master should be automatically transitioned to "Operational". When the NMT master start is enabled, the state of the NMT master automatically transitions to "Operational"...
  • Page 25: Error Event Control

    Error event control When the NMT master detects an error in an NMT slave, this function controls the status of the NMT slave or network. An error in an NMT slave is detected by node guarding or heartbeat. For details on node guarding and heartbeat, refer to the following. Page 56 Node Guarding Page 58 Heartbeat The following table shows the actions of the NMT master when detecting an error in an NMT slave.
  • Page 26: Flying Master

    Flying master Flying master is a function to continue network control by making one of its own nodes to become the NMT master (2) when the NMT master in the same network is in failure (1). Among those flying masters, the CANopen node that works as the actual NMT master is called the active NMT master, and the other CANopen nodes are called the hot standby NMT masters.
  • Page 27 • When using the flying master function, set all NMT masters in the same network as flying masters. • When the flying master setting of the RJ71CN91 is enabled, and the "Producer heartbeat time" is not set, the "Producer heartbeat time" will automatically set to 1000ms. ( Page 98 "Heartbeat" window) •...
  • Page 28: Lss

    LSS is a function to configure a CANopen node via the network in case the node ID and baud rate cannot be set via switches. Function details When the LSS master starts, an LSS slave is detected based on NMT slave identification information, and its baud rate and node ID are set.
  • Page 29: Configuration Manager

    Configuration manager The configuration manager sets parameters of an NMT slave when the NMT master starts the NMT slave. Function details The NMT master configures an NMT slave according to the CDCF when starting the NMT slave. Available setting items vary depending on the target slave. For details, refer to the manual and EDS file of the target slave. To set parameters of any NMT slave at any timing, write 666E6F63H (ISO8859 string code fnoc(conf)) in the Configuration request (index 1F25H subindex 01H to 80H) of the NMT master via SDO.
  • Page 30: Sdo

    SDO is a function to directly access an object entry in the object dictionary of any CANopen node. The RJ71CN91 can read and write data in the object dictionary of other CANopen nodes or own nodes. (1) Object dictionary (2) Object entry : Request (Read/Write) : Response Use 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) to run the SDO.
  • Page 31 SDO abort codes When the SDO function ends abnormally, the SDO abort code is stored in 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066). ( Page 162 Command interface (CIF) (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066)) The following table lists the SDO abort codes. Abort code Description 05030000H The toggle bit was not changed.
  • Page 32: Sdo Read

    SDO read The following is the procedure for executing the SDO read. RCPU RJ71CN91 CANopen node Object dictionary Un\G1000 Transmit/Receive Object entry message Read Un\G1066 Ò Ó Ö × Ø instruction instruction MOV/FROM MOV/TO Control by the program instruction instruction 'Command execution request' (Y17) Õ...
  • Page 33 Buffer memory area assignment This section describes 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) assignment for SDO read. The following table shows the transmit message assignment. Address Description Transmit message Un\G1000 Command code • 0004H: SDO read Un\G1001 Set the node ID. •...
  • Page 34: Sdo Multi Read

    SDO multi read The following is the procedure for executing the SDO multi read. The following figure shows the first SDO multi read. For buffer memory areas for the second and subsequent SDO multi read operations, refer to the following. Page 33 Buffer memory area assignment RCPU RJ71CN91...
  • Page 35 Buffer memory area assignment This section describes 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) assignment for SDO multi read. The following table shows the transmit message assignment. Address Description Transmit message Un\G1000 Command code • 0008H: SDO multi read Un\G1001 First SDO multi read Set the node ID.
  • Page 36 The following table shows memory assignment for a receive message. Address Description Receive message Completed successfully SDO read completed with an Completed with an error error Un\G1000 Command execution result code Command execution result code Command execution result code • 0009H: SDO multi read succeeded •...
  • Page 37: Sdo Write

    SDO write The following is the procedure for executing the SDO write. RCPU RJ71CN91 CANopen node Object dictionary Un\G1000 Transmit/Receive Object entry message Read Un\G1066 Ò Ó Ö × Ø instruction instruction MOV/TO MOV/FROM Control by the program instruction instruction 'Command execution request' (Y17) Õ...
  • Page 38 Buffer memory area assignment This section describes 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) assignment for SDO write. The following table shows the transmit message assignment. Address Description Transmit message Un\G1000 Command code • 0002H: SDO write Un\G1001 Set the node ID. •...
  • Page 39: Sdo Multi Write

    SDO multi write The following is the procedure for executing the SDO multi write. The following figure shows the first SDO multi write. For buffer memory areas for the second and subsequent SDO multi write operations, refer to the following. Page 38 Buffer memory area assignment RCPU RJ71CN91...
  • Page 40 Buffer memory area assignment This section describes 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) assignment for SDO multi write. The following table shows the transmit message assignment. Address Description Transmit message Un\G1000 Command code • 0006H: SDO multi write Un\G1001 First SDO multi write Set the node ID.
  • Page 41 The following table shows memory assignment for a receive message. Address Description Receive message Completed successfully SDO write completed with an Completed with an error error Un\G1000 Command execution result code Command execution result code Command execution result code • 0007H: SDO multi write succeeded •...
  • Page 42: Pdo

    The PDO function transfers data in real time between multiple CANopen nodes. There are two types of PDO: TPDO and RPDO. TPDOs send data and RPDOs receive data from any TPDO. Data flow The following figure shows the flow of sending/receiving buffer memory data using PDOs. Any CAN-ID can be set to each TPDO and each RPDO, and RPDO receives data from the TPDO whose CAN-ID is the same as its CAN-ID.
  • Page 43: Tpdo

    TPDO This section describes the flow of sending data from 'TPDO' (Un\G13000 to Un\G14023) of the buffer memory. RJ71CN91 Buffer memory Object dictionary TPDO1 CAN-ID = 181 Un\G13000 A000H TPDO2 Data Object CAN-ID = 182 Data Object CANopen network TPDO3 Data Object CAN-ID = 183...
  • Page 44 Flow of data transmission The following is the procedure up to the point of sending data. In this procedure, the communication process data is updated by refreshing. Ò Ô Ó Control by the program Device in the CPU module Data A Data B NMT state Data written...
  • Page 45 Data transmission timing The TPDO transmission condition or timing varies depending on the PDO transmission setting. ( Page 88 TPDO details window) The following describes each setting and timing of transmission. ■When the transmission type is SYNC When TPDO transmission data is changed, the TPDO sends data when it receives the next SYNC message. Note that the TPDO does not send data if the transmission data is not changed even when objects are refreshed or updated by 'Data exchange request' (Y1).
  • Page 46 • When the inhibit time is set but the event timer is not set The TPDO sends data when the TPDO transmission data is changed. However, it does not send data when the inhibit time (1) has not passed since the previous transmission. Data = A Data = B Data = C...
  • Page 47 • When the inhibit time and event timer are set (inhibit time > event timer) The TPDO sends data when the TPDO transmission data is changed. However, it does not send data when the inhibit time (1) has not passed since the previous transmission. It also sends data when time set for the event timer (2) has passed since the previous transmission.
  • Page 48: Rpdo

    RPDO This section describes the flow of receiving data in 'RPDO' (Un\G10000 to Un\G11023) of the buffer memory. RJ71CN91 Buffer memory Object dictionary RPDO1 CAN-ID = 201 Un\G10000 A480H RPDO2 Data Object CAN-ID = 202 Data Object CANopen network RPDO3 Data Object CAN-ID = 203...
  • Page 49 Flow of receiving data The following is the procedure of receiving data. Ò Ö × Control by the program Data A Data B Device in the CPU module NMT state Data read RPDO (Un\G10000 to Un\G11023) Data A Data B Õ...
  • Page 50 Timing of receiving data The timing of receiving data in Network output variable object (index A480H to A6C2H) varies depending on the PDO receive setting. ( Page 90 RPDO details window) The following describes each setting and receive timing. ■When the transmission type is SYNC The RPDO transfers data to the network output variable object (index A480H to A6C2H) every time it receives a SYNC message.
  • Page 51: Sync

    SYNC This function provides timing synchronization in the CANopen network. This function can synchronize the TPDO transmission timing and RPDO receive timing. Function details The SYNC producer (active NMT master) (1) periodically sends a SYNC message to synchronize the timing of the SYNC consumers (hot standby NMT master, NMT slave) (2).
  • Page 52: Time

    TIME This function provides time synchronization between CANopen nodes in the CANopen network. Function details The TIME producer (active NMT master) (1) sends a TIME message to synchronize the time of the TIME consumers (hot standby NMT master, NMT slave) (2). TIME message TIME message transmission interval...
  • Page 53: Emcy

    EMCY The EMCY function notifies other nodes (2) of an error that occurred in the own node (1). The own node sends an EMCY message to other nodes when it detects an error. The own node can also receive EMCY messages from other nodes. : EMCY message (broadcast) Function details The RJ71CN91 automatically sends an EMCY message when an error occurs in the own node.
  • Page 54 Error code Description Transmission in the RJ71CN91 8000H Monitoring   8100H Communications 8110H CAN overrun (object lost)  8120H CAN error passive mode  8130H Lifeguard error or heartbeat error  8140H Recovery from the bus off state  ...
  • Page 55 When sending a message manually To send an EMCY message manually, use 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066). RCPU RJ71CN91 CANopen node Un\G1000 EMCY message Transmit/Receive message Read Un\G1066 Ò Ó Ö × Ø instruction instruction MOV/TO MOV/FROM Control by the program instruction instruction 'Command execution request' (Y17)
  • Page 56 ■Buffer memory area assignment This section describes 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) assignment for sending an EMCY message manually. The following table shows the transmit message assignment. Address Description Transmit message Un\G1000 Command code • 000AH: EMCY message transmission Un\G1001 Emergency error code Un\G1002...
  • Page 57 When a message is received Received EMCY messages are registered in the buffer memory and event history. Check the event history to confirm received EMCY messages. ( Page 145 Event List) Ò Ó Ö × Control by the program 'EMCY message available' (X11) 'Data exchange request' (Y01) Õ...
  • Page 58: Node Guarding

    Node Guarding The NMT master uses the node guarding function to monitor NMT slaves to detect errors in them. Function details The NMT master (1) polls each NMT slave (2) periodically for monitoring. And, each NMT slave monitors polling from the NMT master.
  • Page 59 Buffer area name Details reflected NMT state The NMT state obtained from each NMT slave through polling is stored. The obtainable NMT states are as follows. • Stop state • Operational state • Pre-operational state *1 The latest NMT state in which the NMT master instructed each NMT slave through node control. If nothing was instructed, the NMT state of each NMT slave is that of the point when the NMT master started monitoring.
  • Page 60: Heartbeat

    Heartbeat Heartbeat is the function to monitor and detect errors in other nodes from any CANopen node. Function details The producer (2) (CANopen node monitored by other nodes) sends a heartbeat message periodically to the consumer (1) (CANopen node that monitors other nodes). The consumer checks the heartbeat message receiving interval to monitor the producer.
  • Page 61 ■Error detection The consumer (2) monitors the interval of receiving heartbeat message from the producer (1). If the consumer does not receive a heartbeat message from the producer within the set heartbeat time (3), the consumer determines that an error has occurred in the producer.
  • Page 62: Operation Setting At Error Occurrence

    1.10 Operation Setting at Error Occurrence This function can set the NMT state that the RJ71CN91 transitions to if a communication error occurs when the NMT state of the RJ71CN91 is Operational. Function details The following three states can be set as the NMT state that the RJ71CN91 transitions to if a communication error occurs when the NMT state of the RJ71CN91 is Operational.
  • Page 63: Layer 2 Message Transmission And Receive

    1.11 Layer 2 Message Transmission and Receive Layer 2 messages are used to send/receive data between CAN nodes. Different from CANopen nodes, CAN nodes do not have node IDs, so they send/receive data based on the CAN-ID set in each message. CAN nodes can also request other nodes to send data by RTR. Layer 2 messages can send/receive messages when the own node is in Layer 2 online mode.
  • Page 64: Data Transmission

    Data transmission This section describes the procedure for sending data using a Layer 2 message. Setting method Configure the Layer 2 message data transmission setting in the buffer memory. The following table lists the settings and their locations. Item Location Setting value Remarks Send/receive setting...
  • Page 65 Flow of data transmission The following is the procedure up to the point of sending data. This section describes the procedure for sending data using message slot 1. Ò Ó Ö Control by the program MOV/TO instruction instruction instruction 'Data exchange request' (Y1) Õ...
  • Page 66 Data transmission timing The data transmission condition or timing varies depending on the setting of 'Pre-defined Layer 2 message configuration' (Un\G6000 to Un\G6167). ( Page 176 Pre-defined Layer 2 message configuration (Un\G6000 to Un\G6167)) The following describes each setting and timing of transmission. However, regardless of the transmission type, data is transmitted at the time of transition to online mode and also against a send request by 'Message transmit trigger request' (Y4).
  • Page 67: Rtr Transmission

    RTR transmission This section describes the procedure for sending an RTR using a Layer 2 message. Setting method Configure the Layer 2 message RTR transmission setting in the buffer memory. The following table lists the settings and their locations. Item Location Setting value Remarks...
  • Page 68: Rtr Response

    RTR response This section describes the procedure for sending data in a Layer 2 message in response to the RTR. An RTR response data can be sent automatically or manually. Use parameters to specify whether to send an RTR response automatically or manually.
  • Page 69 Flow of RTR response The following is the procedure of receiving an RTR and sending response data. Follow this procedure when sending response data manually. Ò Receive RTR Ó Ô MOV/FROM instruction Data transmission executed Control by the program Bit of the 'Layer 2 RTR flags' corresponding (Un\G8350 to Un\G8352)
  • Page 70: Data Reception

    Data reception This section describes the procedure for receiving data in a Layer 2 message. Setting method Configure the Layer 2 message data receive setting in the buffer memory. The following table lists the settings and their locations. Item Location Setting value Remarks CAN-ID...
  • Page 71 Flow of receiving data The following is the procedure of receiving data. This section describes the procedure for receiving data using message slot 1. Ó Ö × Ø instruction instruction MOV/FROM MOV/TO Control by the program instruction instruction 'Data exchange request' (Y1) Õ...
  • Page 72: Data/Rtr Transmission Via Cif

    Data/RTR transmission via CIF The following is the procedure for sending the Layer 2 message data and RTR using CIF. RCPU RJ71CN91 Un\G1000 Transmit/Receive message Read Un\G1066 Ò Ó Ö × Ø Ù instruction instruction MOV/TO MOV/FROM Control by the program instruction instruction 'Command execution request' (Y17)
  • Page 73 Buffer memory area assignment This section describes 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066) assignment when sending Layer 2 message data using CIF. The following table shows the transmit message assignment. Address Description Transmit message Un\G1000 Command code • 000CH: Layer 2 message transmission Un\G1001 CAN-ID (low word) Un\G1002...
  • Page 74: Cpu Module Stop Transition Message

    1.12 CPU Module STOP Transition Message The RJ71CN91 uses the CPU module STOP transition message function to send any data using Layer 2 messages to CAN nodes when the CPU module state changes from RUN to STOP. RUN → STOP : Layer 2 message transmission Setting method Use parameters to configure the CPU module STOP transition message function.
  • Page 75: Chapter 2 Parameter Settings

    PARAMETER SETTINGS This chapter describes the parameter settings required for communications between the RJ71CN91 and other nodes. Setting Parameters When used in the CANopen 405 mode The following is the procedure for setting parameters when the RJ71CN91 is used in the CANopen 405 mode. Add the RJ71CN91 in the engineering tool.
  • Page 76: Basic Setting

    Basic Setting Set the data exchange method for the RJ71CN91 buffer memory. Data exchange setting Item Description Setting range PDO data exchange Set the data exchange method. • Data exchange request method • Data exchange request: Data is exchanged when 'Data exchange request' (Y1) is •...
  • Page 77: Refresh Setting

    Refresh Setting Setting method Configure the refresh settings of the RJ71CN91 buffer memory. Configuring the refresh settings eliminates the necessity of read and write processes by the program. Open the module parameter window. [Navigation window]  [Parameter]  [Module Information]  [RJ71CN91]  [Module Parameter]  [Refresh Setting] Click "Target"...
  • Page 78: Refresh Processing Time

    Refresh processing time The refresh processing time [s] is an element that makes up the CPU module scan time. For details on the scan time, refer to the following.  MELSEC iQ-R CPU Module User's Manual (Application) The refresh processing time [s] required for refreshing is calculated as follows. •...
  • Page 79: Canopen Setting (Starting Canopen Configuration Tool)

    CANopen Setting (Starting CANopen Configuration Tool) Start CANopen Configuration Tool to configure CANopen. For details, refer to the following. Page 79 CANopen Configuration Tool • CANopen Configuration Tool can operate standalone even if GX Works3 terminates. The user can still operate the configuration tool.
  • Page 80 Object dictionary settings The object dictionary settings contained in the module extension parameters are treated as CDCF for each setting target node. (Including the settings for the own node) When the power is turned on or the CPU module is reset, CDCF is saved into Concise DCF (index 1F22H, subindex 01H to 7FH) in the object dictionary of the RJ71CN91.
  • Page 81: Chapter 3 Canopen Configuration Tool

    CANopen Configuration Tool This chapter describes CANopen Configuration Tool. Window Structure The following figure shows the window structure. Name Reference Navigator window  Parameter window Page 82 Parameter window Description window Page 99 Description window 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.1 Window Structure...
  • Page 82: Menu

    Menu The following table lists the menu items of CANopen Configuration Tool. Item Description Reference Project Creates, saves, exports, or imports a project. Page 80 Project Online For the CPU module, sets the connection destination or writes the settings configured with Page 80 Online CANopen Configuration Tool.
  • Page 83 Windows Whether to display/hide the description window can be selected. Item Description Description Whether to display/hide the description window can be selected. Help Displays the version information of CANopen Configuration Tool. Item Description About The version information of CANopen Configuration Tool can be checked. ( Page 119 Checking the Software Version) 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.1 Window Structure...
  • Page 84: Parameter Window

    Parameter window The following describes the windows displayed in the parameter window tab page. "CANopen Configuration" window This window is used for setting such as the node ID, baud rate for the CANopen node. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration] (1) Module basic settings (2) CANopen node list (3) Operation buttons ■Module basic settings...
  • Page 85 ■CANopen node list Using the configuration manager, parameters (CDCF) to be set for other nodes can be added. By operating a button such as the "Write CANopen node" button, parameters can be read from or written to other nodes currently connected to the local node.
  • Page 86 "CANopen node settings" window This window is used to check the information of the CANopen node. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name Item Description Setting range  Node ID Displays the number set for the node ID in the CANopen node list. (...
  • Page 87 ■Operation buttons Item Description [Restore Object Dictionary to default] button Restores the object dictionary of the connected CANopen node to default. [Save Object Dictionary to Flash ROM] button Saves the current settings for the object dictionary of the connected CANopen node to non-volatile memory.
  • Page 88 PDO list window This window displays a list of TPDOs and RPDOs. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [Transmit PDO] [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [Receive PDO] 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.1 Window Structure...
  • Page 89 ■PDO list Item Description Setting range PDO number Set the number for identifying the PDO. 1 to 256 (Default: 1) COB-ID Set the COB-ID for the PDO.  The COB-ID is the ID referred to in CANopen. By setting the COB-ID, the CAN-ID is determined. ■For TPDO Transmission type 0x00 to 0xFF...
  • Page 90 TPDO details window This window is used for setting detailed parameters for the TPDO. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [Transmit PDO]  [PDO 1] (When the PDO number is 1) Item Description Setting range PDO number Set the number for identifying the PDO. 1 to 256 (Default: 1) Transmission type...
  • Page 91 ■Mapping parameter Set the objects to be mapped to the PDO. Item Description Setting range Object name Set the object name to be used in the buffer memory area. • Buffer Memory Area Integer8 • Buffer Memory Area Unsigned8 • Buffer Memory Area Integer16 •...
  • Page 92 RPDO details window This window is used for setting detailed parameters for the RPDO. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [Receive PDO]  [PDO 1] (When the PDO number is 1) Item Description Setting range PDO number Set the number for identifying the PDO. 1 to 256 (Default: 1) Transmission type...
  • Page 93 ■Mapping parameter Set the objects to be mapped to the PDO. Item Description Setting range Object name Set the object name to be used in the buffer memory area. • Buffer Memory Area Integer8 If mapping is not required, set dummies. •...
  • Page 94 "NMT settings" window This window is used for reading or writing NMT settings. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings] Item Description [Read NMT settings] button Reads the NMT settings from the connected CANopen node. [Write NMT settings] button Writes the NMT settings to the flash ROM of the connected CANopen node.
  • Page 95 "NMT master / slave" window This window is used for setting the NMT master and NMT slave parameters to the connected CANopen node. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings]  [NMT master / slave] Item Description Setting range NMT master Set the own node type.
  • Page 96 ■Flying master timing parameter Set detailed parameters for flying master. Item Description Setting range Timeout Set the NMT master response waiting time. (Unit: ms) 0 to 65535 (Default: 100) NMT master negotiation time delay Set the waiting time before starting NMT master negotiation. (Unit: ms) 0 to 65535 This waiting time is set to secure time to allow other devices to be initialized (Default: 500)
  • Page 97 "NMT slave assignment" window This window is used for setting the NMT slaves to be assigned to the NMT master on a list basis. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings]  [NMT master / slave]  [NMT Slave assignment] Item Description...
  • Page 98 "NMT slave" window This window is used for setting the NMT slaves to be assigned to the NMT master on a CANopen node basis. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings]  [NMT master / slave]  [NMT Slave assignment] ...
  • Page 99 ■NMT slave identification Item Description Setting range Device type Set the device type ID for NMT slaves. 0 to 4294967295 (Default: 0) Vendor-ID Set the vendor ID for NMT slaves. 0x0000 to 0xFFFFFFFF (Default: 0x0) Product code Set the product code for NMT slaves. 0 to 4294967295 (Default: 0) Revision number...
  • Page 100 "Heartbeat" window This window is used for setting heartbeat parameters. [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings]  [Heartbeat] Item Description Setting range Node ID Set the node ID to use heartbeat. 1 to 127 (Default: Blank) Consumer heartbeat time Set the CANopen node to be monitored and the heartbeat time for monitoring 0 to 65535...
  • Page 101: Description Window

    Description window The Description window displays information about the items selected in the Parameter window. Displayed information includes a setting range and default value. 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.1 Window Structure...
  • Page 102: Setting Procedure

    Setting Procedure This section describes the procedure for setting CANopen parameters with CANopen Configuration Tool. Start CANopen Configuration Tool and create a project. ( Page 100 Creating a new project) To communicate with the CPU module, set the connection destination. ( Page 101 Transfer setup) Set parameters for CANopen.
  • Page 103: Transfer Setup

    Transfer setup To communicate with the CPU module, set the connection destination. [Online]  [Transfer Setup] Operating procedure ■When connecting via USB In the "Transfer Setup" window, click the [Configure] button and create a list of settings. Click the [OK] button to open the setup wizard.
  • Page 104 Set the interface on the computer side and click the [Next] button. Item Description Setting range PC side I/F Select an interface on the computer side. • USB • Ethernet board (Default: USB) Time out Set the communication timeout time. (Unit: ms) 1 to 2147483647 (Default: 1000) Set the interface on the PLC side and click the [Next] button.
  • Page 105 Set the communication path and click the [Next] button. Item Description Setting range Station type Select the communication path. (Fixed as "Host station")  Multiple CPU Select an access destination for the multiple CPU system. • None • No.1 • No.2 •...
  • Page 106 ■When connecting via Ethernet In the "Transfer Setup" window, click the [Configure] button and create a list of settings. Click the [OK] button to open the setup wizard. Set the interface on the computer side and click the [Next] button. Item Description Setting range...
  • Page 107 Set the interface on the PLC side and click the [Next] button. Item Description Setting range  PLC side I/F Select an interface on the PLC side. (Fixed as "CPU module") Host(IP Address) Set the PLC side IP address. • Blank •...
  • Page 108 Set the communication path and click the [Next] button. Item Description Setting range Station type Select the communication path. (Fixed as "Host station")   CPU series Select a CPU module series. (Fixed as "R") CPU type Select a CPU module type. •...
  • Page 109 In "Select transfer setup", select one name from the setup list and click the [OK] button. • Selecting "<Rename/Remove>" in "Select transfer setup" opens the "Rename/Remove Setups" window for changing and deleting the names in the setup list. • Click the [Comm. Test] button to conduct a communication test. 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.2 Setting Procedure...
  • Page 110: Parameter Settings

    Parameter settings Set parameters for CANopen. Operating procedure In the "CANopen Configuration" window, set items for "Module basic settings". ( Page 82 Module basic settings) [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration] In the "PDO list" window, add an entry to the TPDO and RPDO lists. An entry can be added in each list by setting a value for "PDO number".
  • Page 111 Set parameters for TPDO and RPDO. • TPDO ( Page 88 TPDO details window) [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [Transmit PDO]  [PDO 1] (When the PDO number is 1) • RPDO ( Page 90 RPDO details window) [Navigator] ...
  • Page 112 In the "NMT slave assignment" window, add an NMT slave to be assigned to the NMT master. An entry can be added in the list by setting a value for "Node ID". ( Page 95 "NMT slave assignment" window) [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings]  [NMT master / slave]  [NMT Slave assignment] When an entry is added to the NMT slave list, its corresponding item is added in the Navigator window.
  • Page 113 In the "Heartbeat" window, set parameters for the heartbeat. An entry can be added in the list by setting a value for "Node ID". ( Page 98 "Heartbeat" window) [Navigator]  [CANopen Configuration]  Node name  [NMT settings]  [Heartbeat] 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.2 Setting Procedure...
  • Page 114: Writing The Settings

    Writing the settings Write the set parameters into the CPU module. Operating procedure In the "Download Configuration" window, select the download target destination. [Online]  [Download Configuration] Click the [OK] button to complete the writing process. When the CPU module is in the STOP state, parameters can be written. 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.2 Setting Procedure...
  • Page 115: Functions

    Functions This section describes the functions of CANopen Configuration Tool. Network scan CANopen Configuration Tool can scan for all CANopen nodes connected to CANopen. When a CANopen node is found, information for "Node ID" and "Product name" is displayed in the list on the left side of the "Network scan"...
  • Page 116: Sdo Send/Receive

    SDO send/receive In SDO send/receive, SDO read and SDO write can be executed. SDO is a function to directly access an object entry in the object dictionary of any CANopen node. Operation method The "SDO send / receive" window can be displayed by the following operation. [Online] ...
  • Page 117: Export/Import

    Export/import A project set with CANopen Configuration Tool can be exported as a backup file and imported to another project. This operation allows the user to use the setting details in another project. The extension of the backup file is ".xml". Operating procedure The export and import procedures are as follows.
  • Page 118: Module Status

    Module status The status of the connected CANopen node can be checked. If an error is displayed, resolve the error status, and then click the [Clear error] button to clear the error display. Also, click the [Refresh] button to display the latest status. Click the [Reset] button to reset the NMT master.
  • Page 119: Select Language

    Select language The display language for CANopen Configuration Tool can be selected. (Default: English) After selecting the language, restart CANopen Configuration Tool to have the change take effect. Operation method The "Language" window can be displayed by the following operation. [Tools] ...
  • Page 120: Nmt Master Reset

    NMT master reset Resets and restarts the connected NMT master. Operating procedure Execute NMT master reset using the following operation. [Online]  [NMT Master Reset] Click the [Yes] button to reset the NMT master. 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.3 Functions...
  • Page 121: Checking The Software Version

    Checking the Software Version Check the software version of CANopen Configuration Tool in the following window. [Help]  [About] 3 CANopen Configuration Tool 3.4 Checking the Software Version...
  • Page 122: Chapter 4 Programming

    PROGRAMMING This chapter describes programming in the Layer 2 message mode. For data communication in the CANopen 405 mode, refer to the following.  MELSEC iQ-R CANopen Module User's Manual (Startup) Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode This section describes a communication example of message transmission and reception using layer 2 messages. System configuration (1) Programmable controller system (Master side) •...
  • Page 123: Parameter Settings

    Parameter settings Connect the engineering tool to the CPU module and set parameters. Module parameter setting Set the CPU module as follows. [Project]  [New] Click the [OK] button to add the CPU module label. Add a general-purpose intelligent module (for single slot). (Set "Number of Occupied Points per 1 Slot" to "32 Points".) [Navigation window] ...
  • Page 124: Program Example

    Program example Parameter setting program When the RJ71CN91 is used in the Layer 2 message mode, set parameters via the program. Classification Label name Label to be Define the global labels as shown below. defined 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 125 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 126 (0) Execute CAN node parameter setting. (33) Execute CAN node message setting. 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 127 Message transmission program Send the message of message slot 1. Classification Label name Label to be Define the global labels as shown below. defined 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 128 (0) Transition to the online mode. (19) Register the transmission data. (48) Execute data exchange. (69) Execute the transmit trigger request. 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 129 Message receive program Receive the message of message slot 2. Classification Label name Label to be Define the global labels as shown below. defined 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 130 (0) Transition to the online mode. (19) Execute data exchange. (40) Retrieve the receive data. 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 131 RTR response message transmission program Check the RTR flag of message slot 3, and send the RTR response message. Classification Label name Label to be Define the global labels as shown below. defined 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 132 (0) Transition to the online mode. (20) Check the RTR flag. (39) Register the transmission data. (69) Execute data exchange. (91) Execute the transmit trigger request. 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 133 RTR request message transmission program Send the RTR request message of message slot 4, and retrieve the RTR response message of message slot 5. Classification Label name Label to be Define the global labels as shown below. defined 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 134 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 135 (0) Transition to the online mode. (19) Execute the transmit trigger request. (Send the RTR request.) (54) Execute data exchange. (Receive the RTR response.) (84) Retrieve the receive data. 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 Communication Example of Layer 2 Message Mode...
  • Page 136: Communication Example Of Canopen 405 Mode

    Communication Example of CANopen 405 Mode This section shows a program for resetting the values for the object dictionary when an NMT reset occurs in 'Time stamp' (Un\G50 to Un\G59) in the buffer memory (APPENDIX 2). Program example Set 2 (producer) to 'Time stamp' (Un\G50.0). (When the start I/O number of the RJ71CN91 is 0.) Classification Label name Description...
  • Page 137: Chapter 5 Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter describes troubleshooting for the RJ71CN91. Checking with LED This section describes troubleshooting using LED. Error status can be determined by status of the RUN LED and the ERR LED. RUN LED ERR LED Error status Description  Major error An error such as hardware failure or memory failure.
  • Page 138: Checking The Module Status

    Checking the Module Status The following items can be checked in the "Module Diagnostics" window for the RJ71CN91. Item Description Error Information Displays the details of the errors currently occurring. Click the [Event History] button to check the history of errors that have occurred on the network, errors detected for each module, and operations that have been executed.
  • Page 139 Clear Error Click the [Clear Error] button in the Error Information tab page in the Module Diagnostics window to execute this function. This clears all the continuation errors of the RJ71CN91. The following table lists errors and whether they can be cleared. : Can be cleared, : Cannot be cleared Error name Level...
  • Page 140 Module Information List Switch to the [Module Information List] tab to check various status information of the RJ71CN91. Item Description LED information Displays the LED status of the RJ71CN91. Individual information Function mode Displays the function mode set for the selected module. Baud rate Displays the baud rate set for the selected module.
  • Page 141: Troubleshooting Using The Buffer Memory

    Troubleshooting Using the Buffer Memory Check 'Error status' (Un\G29) to confirm the error status of the RJ71CN91. Error description Action  System area Hardware error If this bit is not cleared when 'Module restart request' (Y2) is turned on or the RJ71CN91 is powered off and on or reset, the RJ71CN91 hardware may be in failure.
  • Page 142: Troubleshooting By Symptom

    Troubleshooting by Symptom This section describes troubleshooting method by symptom. If an error occurs in the RJ71CN91, identify the cause of the error using the engineering tool. ( Page 136 Checking the Module Status) CANopen 405 mode This section describes troubleshooting by symptom in the CANopen 405 mode. SDO communication is not available The following table lists the actions to be taken if SDO communication is not available.
  • Page 143 PDO communication is not available The following table lists the actions to be taken if PDO communication is not available. Check item Action Are the NMT state of the CANopen node for PDO transmission and the NMT Set both the NMT state of the CANopen node for PDO transmission and the state of the CANopen node for PDO reception Operational? NMT state of the CANopen node for PDO reception as Operational.
  • Page 144: Layer 2 Message Mode

    Layer 2 message mode The following is troubleshooting by symptom in the 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode and 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode. Cannot send/receive Layer 2 messages The following table lists the actions to be taken if Layer 2 message communication is not possible. Check item Action Is the CAN bus cable connected firmly to the transmission cable terminal...
  • Page 145: List Of Error Codes

    List of Error Codes This section lists the error codes, error definitions and causes, and actions for the errors that occur in processing for data communication between the RJ71CN91 and other nodes or caused by processing requests from the CPU module on the own node.
  • Page 146 Error Error definition and cause Action Detailed information code 1808H An error occurred in the NMT slave setting during Check the following. Node ID NMT start-up. • Is a correct node ID assigned to the NMT slave? NMT slave setting error •...
  • Page 147: Event List

    Event List This section lists the events which occur in the RJ71CN91. System and operation are included in the event types. System Event code Overview Cause 00400 Start in CANopen 405 mode The module started in CANopen 405 mode. 00401 Start in 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode The module started in 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode.
  • Page 148: Appendices

    APPENDICES Appendix 1 I/O Signals This section describes the I/O signals for the CPU module. The I/O signal assignment of when the start I/O number of the RJ71CN91 is "0" is listed below. List of I/O signals The following tables list I/O signals. The device X is an input signal from the RJ71CN91 to the CPU module. The device Y is an output signal from the CPU module to the RJ71CN91.
  • Page 149 Layer 2 message mode This section lists I/O signals in the 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode and 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode. ■Input signals Device number Signal name Module READY Data exchange completed Module restart completed Layer 2 online mode status Message transmit trigger completed X5 to XE Use prohibited...
  • Page 150: Details Of I/O Signals

    Details of I/O signals This section describes the ON/OFF timing and condition for each I/O signal. Module READY (X0) This signal turns on when the CPU module is powered off and on or reset or when the RJ71CN91 is ready. It turns off when a watchdog timer error occurs.
  • Page 151 Module restart completed (X2), Module restart request (Y2) When the following parameters are set in the buffer memory, the RJ71CN91 module must be restarted to enable these set parameters. Recovery from the bus off state can be made and the following settings can be changed. To change any of the following settings, save the settings after change and restart the module.
  • Page 152 Layer 2 online mode status (X3), Layer 2 online mode request (Y3) In 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode or 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode, bring the own node into the online or offline mode. Activate the online mode to communicate data from/to other nodes in the network. Activate the offline mode to change the settings of the own node.
  • Page 153 RJ71CN91 error (XF), RJ71CN91 error clear request (YF) 'RJ71CN91 error' (XF) turns on if either bit 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 15 of 'Error status' (Un\G29) turns on. ( Page 161 Error status (Un\G29)) When 'RJ71CN91 error' (XF) turns on, remove the error cause as necessary and then turn on 'RJ71CN91 error clear request' (YF).
  • Page 154 EMCY message available (X11), EMCY message area clear request (Y11) When the RJ71CN91 receives an EMCY message from another node, 'EMCY message available' (X11) turns on. The received EMCY message can be checked in 'EMCY message buffer' (Un\G750 to Un\G859). ( Page 170 EMCY message buffer (Un\G750 to Un\G859)) To clear all received EMCY messages, turn on 'EMCY message area clear request' (Y11).
  • Page 155 Command execution completed (X17), Command execution request (Y17) These signals are used for execution of CIF. To execute a command, set 'Command interface (CIF)' (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066), and then turn on 'Command execution request' (Y17). When the command execution is finished, 'Command execution completed' (X17) turns on. ( Page 162 Command interface (CIF) (Un\G1000 to Un\G1066)) After 'Command execution completed' (X17) is turned on, turn off 'Command execution request' (Y17).
  • Page 156: Appendix 2 Buffer Memory

    Appendix 2 Buffer Memory The buffer memory is used to exchange data between the RJ71CN91 and the CPU module, or between the RJ71CN91 and other nodes. Buffer memory values are defaulted when the CPU module is reset or the system is powered off and on. List of buffer memory addresses For the RJ71CN91, buffer memory areas used vary depending on the function mode.
  • Page 157 Address Address Name Initial value Read/Write Used/Not used (decimal) (hexadecimal) CANopen 11-bit CAN-ID CANopen 11-bit CAN-ID 405 mode Layer 2 405 mode Layer 2 message message mode, 29-bit mode, 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 CAN-ID Layer message mode 2 message mode ...
  • Page 158 • In 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode and 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode Address Address Name Initial value Read/Write (decimal) (hexadecimal) *7*8 10000 to 10293 2710H to 2835H Receive/Transmit process data Read/Write 10294 to 32767 2836H to 7FFFH System area *6 Reading and writing is possible via the program.
  • Page 159: Details Of Buffer Memory Areas

    Details of buffer memory areas Common to CANopen 405 mode and Layer 2 message mode The following describes the buffer memory areas common to the CANopen 405 mode, 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode, and 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode. ■Data exchange control (Un\G20) Data for data exchange can be selected with 'Data exchange request' (Y1).
  • Page 160 ■Save/restore configuration (Un\G22) This area is used to save the buffer memory settings to the flash ROM or restore the factory default settings. To enable this setting, turn on 'Configuration save/factory default configuration restore request' (Y1F). ( Page 153 Configuration save/factory default configuration restore completed/request (X1F)/(Y1F)) When the processing is finished, 'Save/restore configuration' (Un\G22.0) and 'Save/restore configuration' (Un\G22.1) will automatically turn off, and 'Configuration save/factory default configuration restore completed' (X1F) will turn on.
  • Page 161 ■Baud rate (Un\G24) Set the baud rate for communications. The current value for the baud rate can be checked with 'Baud rate display' (Un\G37). ( Page 161 Baud rate display (Un\G37)) • 10: 10kbps • 20: 20kbps • 50: 50kbps •...
  • Page 162 ■Communication status (Un\G25) This area indicates the communication status of the RJ71CN91. Description Stores the NMT state of the RJ71CN91 when the function mode is CANopen 405 mode. 0: The NMT state is other than Operational 1: The NMT state is Operational Error counter warning level 0: Except warning level (Below warning level, error passive, or bus off state) 1: Warning level...
  • Page 163 ■Error status (Un\G29) This area indicates the error status of the RJ71CN91. For details, refer to the following. Page 139 Troubleshooting Using the Buffer Memory ■CAN transmission error counter (Un\G35) This area stores the current value of the CAN transmission error counter. The CAN transmission error counter counts up in increments of 8 if a transmission error is detected.
  • Page 164 ■Buffer memory setting error display (Un\G39) This area stores the buffer memory address where an error occurs when a value out of the setting range is written to the buffer memory and 'Error status' (Un\G29.6) turns on. If multiple errors occur, the buffer memory address where the first error occurs is stored.
  • Page 165 Information stored as additional information varies depending on the error type. The following table lists the error types and error details, as well as whether additional information is available. Error type Name Description Additional information 0003H SDO error An SDO error occurred. Available 0064H Unknown command...
  • Page 166 • Clear error of unauthorized access in the CIF busy state If unauthorized access occurs in the CIF busy state, no command can be executed. Before executing any command, execute "CIF busy" error clear/reset to clear the errors. The procedure for executing "CIF busy" error clear/reset is the same as the procedure for executing a command of Display current parameter.
  • Page 167 CANopen 405 mode This section describes the details of the buffer memory areas used only in CANopen 405 mode. ■Node ID (Un\G27) Set the node ID. The setting range is 1 to 127. When the CANopen405 mode is active, if a value outside the specified range is written, 'Error status' (Un\G29.6) turns on. For details on the error status, refer to the following.
  • Page 168 • The RJ71CN91 does not support daylight saving time. • The actual clock time data will be delayed by the time required for internal processing of the RJ71CN91 and data communication processing in the network. • Leap years are automatically adjusted. Address Name Setting range...
  • Page 169 ■NMT all nodes start delay time (Un\G70) When the NMT master is used, Communication reset or Remote node start runs in accordance with the parameter setting when the NMT master starts. Set the minimum transmission interval (ms) for node control messages in milliseconds in this area so that NMT slaves that take some time to start can recognize the remote node start.
  • Page 170 ■NMT error control status (Un\G401 to Un\G527) This area indicates the Node guarding and Heartbeat status. Address Description Un\G401 CANopen node 1 status Un\G402 CANopen node 2 status   Un\G526 CANopen node 126 status Un\G527 CANopen node 127 status The following table lists the bits in this area, and describes what each bit means when it is turned on.
  • Page 171 ■NMT state (Un\G601 to Un\G727) This area indicates the NMT state of each CANopen node. ( Page 18 NMT state) The NMT state of the own node is always stored. For the NMT states of other nodes, the states obtained as follows are stored. If the state is not obtained, 00H (NMT state unknown) is stored.
  • Page 172 ■EMCY message buffer (Un\G750 to Un\G859) A maximum of 22 received EMCY messages are stored. The buffer memory area is divided into the 11 stack buffer (Un\G750 to Un\G804) and 11 ring buffer (Un\G805 to Un\G859). The stack buffer will store the first 11 EMCY messages received after power-on or after the EMCY message buffer was cleared the last time.
  • Page 173 ■RPDO (Un\G10000 to Un\G11023), TPDO (Un\G13000 to Un\G14023) Configure these area to run RPDOs and TPDOs for data transfer. To ensure that the RJ71CN91 can handle send/receive data in a consistent way, it is necessary to turn on 'Data exchange request' (Y1) to exchange data before reading and after writing the PDO transmit/receive data.
  • Page 174 Index Subindex Buffer memory address Unsigned 8-bit object Signed 8-bit object A4C6H A486H Un\G10762 Lower 8 bits Upper 8 bits   Un\G10888 Lower 8 bits Upper 8 bits A4C7H A487H Un\G10889 Lower 8 bits Upper 8 bits   Un\G11015 Lower 8 bits Upper 8 bits...
  • Page 175 The following table shows direct receive buffer memory access for float 32-bit objects, and unsigned and signed 32-bit objects. Index Subindex Buffer memory address Float 32-bit object Unsigned 32-bit object Signed 32-bit object A6C0H A680H A640H Un\G10000 Un\G10001 Un\G10002 Un\G10003 ...
  • Page 176 The following table shows direct transmit buffer memory access for unsigned and signed 8-bit objects. Index Subindex Buffer memory address Unsigned 8-bit object Signed 8-bit object A040H A000H Un\G13000 Lower 8 bits Upper 8 bits Un\G13001 Lower 8 bits Upper 8 bits ...
  • Page 177 The following table shows direct transmit buffer memory access for unsigned and signed 16-bit objects. Index Subindex Buffer memory address Unsigned 16-bit object Signed 16-bit object A100H A0C0H Un\G13000 Un\G13001   Un\G13253 A101H A0C1H Un\G13254   Un\G13507 A102H A0C2H Un\G13508 ...
  • Page 178 Layer 2 message mode The following describes the details of the buffer memory areas used for the 11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode and 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode. ■Message slot specific error code list (Un\G5001 to Un\G5042) This area stores error codes of each message slot. Address Description Un\G5001...
  • Page 179 • Pre-defined Layer 2 transmit messages The meaning of the parameters A to D for a transmit message is as follows. Set Layer 2 message n parameter A to FFFFH, and set Layer 2 message n parameter B to 7FFFH, 6FFFH or 5FFFH to assign the buffer of this area to the transmit message.
  • Page 180 ■Layer 2 message n parameter D This is only enabled if Layer 2 message n parameter C is set to 0002H or 0003H. Specify the interval for message transmission in units of 10ms. Setting this parameter to 0000H sets the interval to 0001H (10ms) automatically.
  • Page 181 • Pre-defined Layer 2 receive messages The meaning of the parameters A to D for a receive message is as follows. Parameter Description Initial value Layer 2 message n parameter A Reception CAN-ID Low word FFFFH Layer 2 message n parameter B High word FFFFH Layer 2 message n parameter C...
  • Page 182 When Layer 2 message 2 parameters A and B are 00000180H, and Layer 2 message 2 parameters C and D are 00000006H Receive messages whose CAN-ID is 00000180H, 00000182H, 00000184H, or 00000186H are stored in the message slot of Layer 2 message 2 in 'Receive/Transmit process data' (Un\G10000 to Un\G10293) since bit 1 and bit 2 of each CAN-ID are ignored in verification.
  • Page 183 ■Layer 2 RTR flags (Un\G8350 to Un\G8352) When the following conditions are met, message slots that received RTR messages can be checked. • The CAN-ID of an RTR message and the CAN-ID of the corresponding message slot match. • The corresponding message slot is configured as a transmit message slot. •...
  • Page 184 ■Message transmit trigger flags (Un\G8400 to Un\G8402) Set the send request message slot. For the message slot set for the send message, turn on the corresponding message slot in this area. For the message slot set for the receive message, if the corresponding message slot in this area is turned on, the setting is discarded.
  • Page 185 ■CPU module STOP transition message (Un\G8450 to Un\G8477) The RJ71CN91 can define up to four transmit messages to send them when the CPU module state changes from RUN to STOP. CPU module STOP transition messages 1 to 4 are sent when the CPU module state changes from RUN to STOP. Best practice is to use only one CPU module STOP transition message.
  • Page 186 ■Receive/Transmit process data (Un\G10000 to Un\G10293) The RJ71CN91 can send/receive up to 42 messages pre-defined by the user. CIF can be used to send messages. ( Page 70 Data/RTR transmission via CIF) • This area is updated every time 'Data exchange request' (Y1) is turned on. ( Page 148 Data exchange completed (X1), Data exchange request (Y1)) •...
  • Page 187 The following describes settings of each buffer memory area. Buffer memory area Description Transmit message Receive message CAN ID n (CAN-ID n LW, CAN-ID n HW) Set the CAN-ID of the transmit message. Reception CAN-ID RTR/new/DLC ■Upper byte ■Upper byte b12 = 1: RTR DLC precise check 00H = New data not received b15 = 0: Send data frame...
  • Page 188: Appendix 3 Object Dictionary

    Appendix 3 Object Dictionary Object dictionary list The object dictionary is structured in indexes and subindexes. Each index addresses a single parameter, a set of parameters, network input/output data or other data. A subindex addresses a subset of the parameter or data of the index. Index Object Reference...
  • Page 189: Communication Profile

    Communication profile This section provides a brief description of the CANopen object dictionary of the RJ71CN91 module and related information. : Writable, : Not writable Index Subindex Object Description Data type Initial value Read/ Write to Write flash ROM  1000H Device Type Describes the device profile or the...
  • Page 190 Index Subindex Object Description Data type Initial value Read/ Write to Write flash ROM      1019H to System area 101FH  1020H Verify Maximum subindex Read Configuration Page 209 Verify Configuration  Read/Write  Read/Write  ...
  • Page 191 Index Subindex Object Description Data type Initial value Read/ Write to Write flash ROM Page 213 Page 197 TPDO mapping  1A00H to TPDO mapping Number of 1AFFH parameter TPDO mapping valid object parameter initial values parameter entries First mapped object Second mapped object...
  • Page 192 Index Subindex Object Description Data type Initial value Read/ Write to Write flash ROM  1F85H Vendor Maximum subindex Read identification Page 218 Vendor  01H to 7FH Read/Write identification  1F86H Product code Maximum subindex Read Page 218 Product code ...
  • Page 193 RPDO communication parameter initial values The following table lists the RPDO communication parameter initial values. Index Subindex initial values 00H (Readable) 01H (Readable/Writable) 02H (Readable/ Writable) 1400H 200 + node ID 1401H 300 + node ID 1402H 400 + node ID 1403H 500 + node ID 1404H to 14FFH...
  • Page 194 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1623H A5808D10H A5808E10H A5808F10H A5809010H 1624H A5809110H A5809210H A5809310H A5809410H 1625H A5809510H A5809610H A5809710H A5809810H 1626H A5809910H A5809A10H A5809B10H A5809C10H 1627H...
  • Page 195 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1655H A5815710H A5815810H A5815910H A5815A10H 1656H A5815B10H A5815C10H A5815D10H A5815E10H 1657H A5815F10H A5816010H A5816110H A5816210H 1658H A5816310H A5816410H A5816510H A5816610H 1659H...
  • Page 196 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1687H A5822110H A5822210H A5822310H A5822410H 1688H A5822510H A5822610H A5822710H A5822810H 1689H A5822910H A5822A10H A5822B10H A5822C10H 168AH A5822D10H A5822E10H A5822F10H A5823010H 168BH...
  • Page 197 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 16B9H A582E910H A582EA10H A582EB10H A582EC10H 16BAH A582ED10H A582EE10H A582EF10H A582F010H 16BBH A582F110H A582F210H A582F310H A582F410H 16BCH A582F510H A582F610H A582F710H A582F810H 16BDH...
  • Page 198 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 16EBH A583B310H A583B410H A583B510H A583B610H 16ECH A583B710H A583B810H A583B910H A583BA10H 16EDH A583BB10H A583BC10H A583BD10H A583BE10H 16EEH A583BF10H A583C010H A583C110H A583C210H 16EFH...
  • Page 199 TPDO mapping parameter initial values The following table lists the TPDO mapping parameter initial values. Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1A00H A1000110H A1000210H A1000310H A1000410H 1A01H...
  • Page 200 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1A2FH A100BD10H A100BE10H A100BF10H A100C010H 1A30H A100C110H A100C210H A100C310H A100C410H 1A31H A100C510H A100C610H A100C710H A100C810H 1A32H A100C910H A100CA10H A100CB10H A100CC10H 1A33H...
  • Page 201 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1A61H A1018710H A1018810H A1018910H A1018A10H 1A62H A1018B10H A1018C10H A1018D10H A1018E10H 1A63H A1018F10H A1019010H A1019110H A1019210H 1A64H A1019310H A1019410H A1019510H A1019610H 1A65H...
  • Page 202 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1A93H A1025110H A1025210H A1025310H A1025410H 1A94H A1025510H A1025610H A1025710H A1025810H 1A95H A1025910H A1025A10H A1025B10H A1025C10H 1A96H A1025D10H A1025E10H A1025F10H A1026010H 1A97H...
  • Page 203 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1AC5H A1031B10H A1031C10H A1031D10H A1031E10H 1AC6H A1031F10H A1032010H A1032110H A1032210H 1AC7H A1032310H A1032410H A1032510H A1032610H 1AC8H A1032710H A1032810H A1032910H A1032A10H 1AC9H...
  • Page 204 Index Subindex initial values (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ (Readable/ Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) Writable) 1AF7H A103E310H A103E410H A103E510H A103E610H 1AF8H A103E710H A103E810H A103E910H A103EA10H 1AF9H A103EB10H A103EC10H A103ED10H A103EE10H 1AFAH A103EF10H A103F010H A103F110H A103F210H 1AFBH...
  • Page 205: Standard Interface Profile

    Standard interface profile This section provides a brief description of the standard interface profile of the RJ71CN91 module and related information. This area is an interface between the CANopen network and the RJ71CN91. This area has two types of objects: Network input variable object for input from the RJ71CN91 to the CANopen network, and network output variable object for output from the CANopen network to the RJ71CN91.
  • Page 206 Network input variable The following describes Network input variable object (index A000H to A242H) and the corresponding buffer memory areas. ■List of network input variable objects and their initial values The following table lists the RJ71CN91 network input variable objects, data types, and initial values. Index Subindex Description...
  • Page 207 Network output variable The following describes Network output variable object (index A480H to A6C2H) and the corresponding buffer memory areas. ■List of network output variable objects and their initial values The following table lists the RJ71CN91 network output variable objects, data types, and initial values. Index Subindex Description...
  • Page 208: Object Dictionary Details

    Object dictionary details Error register • Index: 1001H This object provides error information. The CANopen node maps internal errors into this object. It is part of the EMCY message. • b0: Generic error • b1: Current • b2: Voltage • b3: Temperature •...
  • Page 209 Communication cycle period • Index: 1006H Set the transmission cycle of the SYNC message. Set a 32-bit value in s units. Note that a value smaller than 1ms will be adjusted to 1ms because the RJ71CN91 counts the time in ms units. Setting the value 0 to this object disables SYNC message generation. To generate a SYNC message, the RJ71CN91 must be the active NMT master.
  • Page 210 Restore default parameters • Index: 1011H • Subindex: 01H This object resets all parameters of the object dictionary to the factory default settings. Write 64616F6CH (ISO8859 string code daol (load)) in subindex 01H, power off and on or reset the CPU module to reset all parameters stored in the object dictionary of the RJ71CN91 to the factory default settings.
  • Page 211 Consumer heartbeat time • Index: 1016H • Subindex: 01H to 7FH Set the CANopen node to monitor and the heartbeat time for monitoring the CANopen node in heartbeat. Monitoring of the producer starts after reception of the first heartbeat message. The heartbeat time set by this object must be larger than the one set by the corresponding Producer heartbeat time (index 1017H).
  • Page 212 Error behavior • Index: 1029H • Subindex: 01H Set operation at error occurrence. Setting value Description Switch NMT state to Pre-operational. (Only if the current NMT state is Operational) No change of the NMT state Switch NMT state to Stop. *1 When the CPU module switches from RUN state to STOP state, the NMT state of the RJ71CN91 transitions to Pre-operational.
  • Page 213 RPDO mapping parameter • Index: 1600H to 16FFH • Subindex: 01H to 08H Set the objects to be mapped to RPDO. In the initial setting, unsigned integer 16-bit objects are mapped to RPDO. ( Page 191 RPDO mapping parameter initial values) Item Description...
  • Page 214 TPDO communication parameter • Index: 1800H to 18FFH • Subindex: 01H to 05H Set the COB-ID and transmission type of TPDO. ■Subindex 01H: COB-ID Item Description b0 to b10 11-bit CAN-ID 11-bit CAN-ID of the CAN base frame b11 to b29 Fixed to 0 0: RTR permitted 1: RTR prohibited...
  • Page 215 TPDO mapping parameter • Index: 1A00H to 1AFFH • Subindex: 01H to 08H Set the objects to be mapped to TPDO. In the initial setting, unsigned integer 16-bit objects are mapped to TPDO. ( Page 197 TPDO mapping parameter initial values) Item Description...
  • Page 216 Configuration request • Index: 1F25H • Subindex: 01H to 80H This object requests the configuration manager to configure a CANopen node. Write 666E6F63H (ISO8859 string code fnoc (conf)) in the subindex corresponding to the node ID of the CANopen node to be configured.
  • Page 217 NMT start-up • Index: 1F80H Set the startup operation of the own node. If the own node is not a flying master, the node starts as NMT master and ignores node control from the network targeting all nodes. After setting the own node as a NMT master, it is necessary to store the parameters, and restart the own node by turning on 'Module restart request' (Y2) or by node reset.
  • Page 218 NMT slave assignment • Index: 1F81H • Subindex: 01H to 7FH Set NMT slave assignment to the NMT master and node guarding. Each subindex corresponds to the node ID of each CANopen node in the network. The subindex corresponding to the NMT master node ID will be ignored.
  • Page 219 Request NMT • Index: 1F82H • Subindex: 01H to 80H Set this object for node control. Each subindex corresponds to the node ID of each CANopen node in the network. Set subindex 80H to control all nodes. Only the NMT master is allowed to execute node control. Read this object to read the NMT state of the node ID corresponding to the subindex.
  • Page 220 Request node guarding • Index: 1F83H • Subindex: 01H to 80H Set the node guarding status for CANopen nodes in the network. Also, node guarding can be stopped/started for each node. However, node guarding cannot be started if it is not set. Each subindex corresponds to the node ID of each CANopen node in the network.
  • Page 221 Revision number • Index: 1F87H • Subindex: 01H to 7FH To identify NMT slaves via the LSS master or NMT start-up, set the revision number of the NMT slave. The subindex corresponds to the node ID. Set this object to the same value as the index 1018H and subindex 03H of the object dictionary of the corresponding node ID.
  • Page 222 NMT flying master timing parameters • Index: 1F90H • Subindex: 01H to 06H Set parameters used for NMT flying master negotiation when the flying master function is used. ■Subindex 01H: Active NMT master detection timeout Set the active NMT master response waiting time (ms). ■Subindex 02H: NMT master negotiation time delay Set the waiting time (ms) before starting NMT master negotiation.
  • Page 223: Appendix 4 Operation Of The Rj71Cn91 When The Cpu Module Operating Status Is Changed

    Appendix 4 Operation of the RJ71CN91 When the CPU Module Operating Status Is Changed When the operating status of the CPU module with which the RJ71CN91 is installed is changed, the communication status of the RJ71CN91 is also changed. (Including the case in which the CPU module goes into the STOP state due to a stop error.) The following tables show the details of how the RJ71CN91 communication status is changed.
  • Page 224 Layer 2 message mode CPU module operating status RJ71CN91 communication status Remarks STOPRUN Not changed  (Including the case in which the status is RUN immediately after startup) RUNSTOP • A CPU module STOP transition message is sent. After a CPU module STOP transition message is (Including the case in which the •...
  • Page 225: Appendix 5 How To Set Parameters When Not Using Canopen Configuration Tool

    Appendix 5 How to Set Parameters When Not Using CANopen Configuration Tool The following describes how to set parameters with the program in CANopen 405 mode without using CANopen Configuration Tool. When using a project of the MELSEC-Q series for example, set parameters as follows. Setting parameters This section describes how to set parameters with the program or the device/buffer memory batch monitor in the engineering tool.
  • Page 226: List Of Object Dictionary To Be Set

    List of object dictionary to be set The following table shows a list of parameters to be set in an object dictionary. For details on the object dictionary, refer to the following. Page 186 Object Dictionary Index Subindex Object Corresponding CANopen Configuration Tool parameter 1005H COB-ID of SYNC message...
  • Page 227 MEMO APPX Appendix 5 How to Set Parameters When Not Using CANopen Configuration Tool...
  • Page 228: Index

    INDEX ......14 ......151 Buffer memory RJ71CN91 error .
  • Page 229 MEMO...
  • Page 230: Revisions

    Japanese manual number: SH-081735-B This manual confers no industrial property rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual.
  • Page 231: Warranty

    WARRANTY Please confirm the following product warranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis Warranty Term and Gratis Warranty Range If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Failure") found to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi occurs during use of the product within the gratis warranty term, the product shall be repaired at no cost via the sales representative or Mitsubishi Service Company.
  • Page 232: Trademarks

    TRADEMARKS   and CANopen are registered Community Trademarks of CAN in Automation e.V. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. in Japan. The company names, system names and product names mentioned in this manual are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
  • Page 234 SH(NA)-081736ENG-B(1709)MEE MODEL: RJ71CN91-U-OU-E MODEL CODE: 13JX71 HEAD OFFICE : TOKYO BUILDING, 2-7-3 MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPAN NAGOYA WORKS : 1-14 , YADA-MINAMI 5-CHOME , HIGASHI-KU, NAGOYA , JAPAN When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for service transaction permission.

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