The Signals Involved - Technogym RECLINE EXCITE Service Maintenance Manual

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RECLINE EXCITE: Service & Maintenance Manual - rev. 1.3
The electromagnetic field produced by the winding and the rotation of the disk will induce eddy
currents in the disk itself, giving rise to a force which tends to brake its motion. This produces the
exercise resistance.
A higher brake excitation signal will produce a correspondingly higher exercise resistance. In
addition, for a given value of magnetic field, a higher speed of disk rotation will produce a
correspondingly higher exercise resistance.
Due to the eddy currents, energy is dissipated on the brake disk in the form of heat.
The brake board effects an open loop control of the brake, with no provision for
regulating the value of resistance produced. The precision of the braking system has a
tolerance of ±10%.
During the movement, the speed sensor detects the heads of the brake disk fixing bolts, and
produces a speed feedback signal that is sent to the brake board.
If the brake board does not receive a speed signal which indicates that an exercise
session is in progress, the machine will not produce any resistance.
During the movement, the brake board checks for possible malfunctions. The errors which can
occur are:
OVERHEATING: this condition occurs when the temperature measured
by the sensor on the circuit board exceeds 90°C.
OVERCURRENT: this condition occurs when the current going to the
solenoid measured by the board exceed the max value.
UNDERVOLTAGE: this condition occurs when the +12 Vdc voltage
drops below 9.7 Vdc (only on the 500, 700 and 700E model).
OVERVOLTAGE: this condition occurs when the +12 Vdc voltage goes
above 13.7 Vdc (only on the 500, 700 and 700E model).
WATCHDOG: this condition occurs when the brake board SW crashes.
EPROM: SW error on the brake board.
MACHINE NOT CALIBRATED: this error condition occurs when the
calibration parameter stored in the brake board is incorrect.
In the case of error 128, the machine will continue to function completely, but the braking
resistance produced will not correspond to the value entered on the display. In all other cases, the
brake board interrupts the supply of current to the brake and sends an error message to the digital
plan board which displays the "THE EQUIPMENT IS BLOCKED" message.
The machine uses the following control signals:
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