R&S OSP Operating Manual page 152

Open switch and control unit
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R&S OSP Common Commands
Common (=device-independent) commands consist of a header preceded by an
asterisk "*" and possibly one or more parameters.
*ESE 253
*IDN? Instrument-Control Commands
Instrument-control commands are based on a hierarchical structure and can be
represented in a command tree. The command headers are built with one or several
mnemonics (keywords). The first level (root level) mnemonic identifies a complete
command system.
ROUTe... This mnemonic identifies the ROUTe command system which provides
'signal routing' capabilities.
For commands of lower levels, the complete path must be specified, starting on the left
with the highest level, the individual keywords being separated by a colon ":".
This command is located on the fourth level of the ROUTe system. It deletes previously
define path configurations. The following rules simplify and abbreviate the command synta
Optional mnemonics
Commands may contain optional mnemonics. These mnemonics are marked by
square brackets in the command description. The full command length must be
recognized by the instrument for reasons of compatibility with the SCPI standard.
Some commands are considerably shortened by omitting optional mnemonics.
Long and short form
The key words have a long form and a short form. Either the short form or the long
form can be entered; other abbreviations are generally not permitted.
Case insensitivity
The short form is marked by upper case letters, the long form corresponds to the
complete word. Upper case and lower case notation only serves to distinguish the two
forms in the manual, the instrument itself is case-insensitive.
Operating Manual 1505.3896.12 - 14
RESET, resets the instrument.
Sets EVENT STATUS ENABLE register to 253
IDENTIFICATION QUERY, queries the instrument identification string.
Remote Control


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