Advanced Diagnostics For As-I Masters; List Of Corrupted As-I Slaves (Lcs); Protocol Analysis: Counters Of Corrupted Data Telegrams - Pepperl+Fuchs VBG-PB-K20-DMD-C1 Manual

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Advanced Diagnostics for AS-i Masters

The advanced AS-i diagnostics serve to locate occasionally occurring errors and
to judge the quality of data transmission on AS-i without additional diagnostics
AS-i Control Tools (software for comfortable commissioning of AS-i and pro-
gramming of AS-i Control) supports the operation of the advanced diagnostics
(LCS, error counters and LOS).

List of corrupted AS-i Slaves (LCS)

The LCS contains the history of the delta list. Besides the list of projected slaves
(LPS), the list of detected slaves (LDS) and the list of activated slaves (LAS), a
fourth list, the list of corrupted slaves (LCS), is created by AS-i masters with ad-
vanced diagnostics in order to locate occasionally occurring short-time configura-
tion errors. This list contains entries of all AS-i slaves which were responsible for
at least one configuration error since powering up the AS-i master or reading the
list. Short-time AS-i power failures are listed in the LCS at the position of AS-i slave
with address 0.
With every read-access the LCS will be deleted.
The last short-time configuration error can also be displayed on the AS-i mas-
• Pressing the "Set" button of the AS-i master shows the AS-i slave which was
responsible for the last short-time configuration error. If there was a short-time
AS-i power failure the display shows "39" after pressing the "Set" button.
• This function is only available if the device is in the normal operation mode of
the protected mode (display empty) or in the off-line-phase.

Protocol analysis: counters of corrupted data telegrams

The AS-i master with advanced diagnostics has a counter of telegram repetitions
for each AS-i slave, which count up every time a corrupted data telegram has been
found. This makes possible to judge the quality of the AS-i network, even if only a
few corrupted telegrams occured and the AS-i slave did not cause any configura-
tion errors.
• The counter values can be read via the host interface and will be deleted with
every read access.
• The counter value is limited to 254. 255 will cause a counter overflow.
The protocol analysis is included in the sofware AS-i Control Tools (by using the
command Master | AS-i Diagnostics).
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances.
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Advanced Diagnostics for AS-i Masters
Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany


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