Running A Continuous Horizontal Scan; Running A Discrete Horizontal Scan - L3Harris Narda SignalShark User Manual

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SignalShark User Manual
Stopping a measurement
Saving measurement results
Restart a measurement
Reset max. value
Reset calculated results
Scan type Discrete and Discrete
Starting a measurement
Adding a value
Stopping a measurement
Saving measurement results
Restart a measurement
Reset max. value
Reset calculated results
In the following actions only the usage of the key of the handle is described were available.
You may also use the buttons and keys of the device as described in the table above.
While measuring the results are permanently recalculated and displayed in the polar chart by
the yellow arrow as well as in the right Calculated column. Following figures are calculated:
• Azimuth: The direction of the calculated signal.
• Elevation: The angle above the horizon.
• Polarization: The orientation of the wave, e.g. H + 10° means horizontal plus 10 degrees.

Running a Continuous horizontal scan

1. Tap the Scan Type button and select Continuous from the dropdown list.
2. Press the key on the handle to start the measurement.
3. Turn around 360° slowly. Watch the spirit level and make sure that the antenna is properly
oriented, both horizontally and vertically.
4. Turn around 360° again in the opposite direction.
5. Press the key on the handle to stop the measurement.

Running a Discrete horizontal scan

1. Tap the Scan Type button and select Discrete from the dropdown list.
2. Press the key on the handle to start the measurement.
3. Turn around and press the key on the handle. With each press a value is added to the
scan . Watch the spirit level and make sure that the antenna is properly oriented, both
horizontally and vertically.
4. Long press the key on the handle to stop the measurement.
Short or long press
Long press
Key of antenna holder
Short press
Short press
Long press
Long press
(measurement must be
Stop button
Save key
Restart button
Reset Max button
Reset button
Button / key on device
Start button
Add Current Value button
Stop button
Save key
Restart button
Reset Max button
Reset button


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