R ear W indow D efro ster
The sw itch is located in the center
Turn key in steering lock to
position 1 or 2.
W hen activating the rear w indow
defroster, the indicator lam p in the
sw itch w ill com e on.
The rear w indow defroster uses a
large am ount of power. To keep
the battery drain to a m inim um ,
turn off the defroster as soon as
the w indow is clear.
The defroster is autom atically
turned off after a m axim um of
20 m inutes of operation.
Heavy a ccum ulation of snow and
ice should be rem oved before
activating the defroster.
If several pow er consum ers are
turned on sim ultaneously, or the
battery is only partially charged, it
is possible that the defroster will
autom atically turn itself off. When
this happens, the indicator lam p
inside the sw itch starts blinking.
As soon as the battery has suffi
cient voltage, the defroster auto
m atically turns itself back on.
S h e lf below Rear W indow
W arning!
The sh e lf below the rear w in
dow should not be used to
carry objects. This will prevent
such objects from being
throw n about and injuring
vehicle occupants during an
accid en t or sudden m aneuver.