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Mirage 10000 User Manual page 67


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Setup" from the Main menu), the projector automatically monitors image content and
adjusts the Input Levels controls appropriately as described above—further
adjustment is typically not required. NOTES: 1) This automatic adjustment requires
at least 1 white pixel in the image. Without a white pixel, input levels may produce
skewed colors, particularly in non-video images. 2) Input Levels are not applicable
for sources going through the decoder, which is Input 3 and 4.
However, for a very unusual source exhibiting elevated blacklevels (most often
caused by a noisy signal that causes blacklevel spikes), an experienced user may
prefer to adjust the controls available in the Input Levels menu to further perfect
source image input levels. See Figure 3.19, and Blacklevels and Drives, below.
Note that adjustments in the Input Levels menu are of limited use with digital signals,
but offer some ability to tweak poorly mastered source materials.
Keep off for virtually all sources (default). Temporarily enter a
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checkmark only if you are an experienced user and you have an unusual source that
you feel needs further color temperature and/or input level adjustment. After entering
a checkmark, wait for the six values to stabilize, then delete the checkmark.
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1. Make sure overall Contrast and Brightness are both set to near 50.
NOTE: Not required for "Auto" adjustment.
2. Check the color temperature setup using an internal grayscale test
pattern, adjusting as desired to obtain a neutral grayscale. NOTE: Not
required for "Auto" adjustment.
3. Make sure you are using a non-decoded source (i.e., one that is not
connected to
), since Input Levels are not applicable for sources going through
the decoder. A grayscale is recommended.
4. If the blacks and/or whites appear OK, input levels do not need
adjustment. If black levels are too high (and/or whites are too low, which
is rare), you likely have a noisy source that is producing skewed input
levels. Continue with Step 5.
5. Temporarily enable "Auto" in the Input Levels submenu. Wait for all 6
values to stabilize. Alternatively, do not use "Auto"—reduce blacklevels
manually instead. Judge by eye and change one or more of the six levels
as necessary to obtain proper blacks and whites. You may want to see
only a certain color while adjusting—use the "Color Enable" option
(described below).
6. Delete the "Auto" checkmark and leave the Input Levels menu.
NOTE: Do not use Input Levels to adjust color temperature. This will distort
Contrast and Brightness functions as well as color temperature.
This option (full name sync tip clamping) can brighten the image
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produced from certain high resolution, high frequency graphic sources. Enter a
checkmark if the image appears unusually dim, if there are horizontal streaks across the
To check your image and adjust these controls:
= 50 (approx.)
= 50 (approx.)
, nor composite or S-video connected at
By default (and during an "Auto

