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Mirage 10000 User Manual page 55


N 6(/(&7 ´12 5(6,=,1*µ
smaller or larger than the projector's own 1024 x 768 resolution. All Size,
Vertical Stretch, H-Position, V-Position or Blanking values will change
accordingly. For example, for a source with a native resolution of 800 x 600, "No
Resizing" will center a smallish image within a black border. Conversely, an
HDTV image is wider than 1024 and will be cropped on the sides—or, in the
case of "1080i" HDTV, cropped at top and bottom too. With "No Resizing",
signals with non-square pixels, such as video connected to
produce distorted images that are too tall or too wide. See below.
N 6(/(&7 ´)8// 6&5((1µ
for displaying the image, regardless of source or
original aspect ratio. See right.
N 6(/(&7 ´$1$0253+,&µ
HDTV "wide screen" (anamorphic) image in its native 16:9 aspect ratio. Known
as letterbox, the image will fill the screen from left-to-right, but will not use all
vertical pixels available (top and bottom will be black). If you do not choose
"Anamorphic" when a non-HDTV anamorphic image
is present, the default image will be stretched
vertically, characterized by obvious distortion and
"thin people".
NOTE: Use "Anamorphic" for regaining a 16:9
display of non-HDTV anamorphic sources only
(common to some DVDs, for example). For HDTV, the
"Default" setting will produce the same result.
Size controls both the image width and height in tandem, maintaining the original
aspect ratio (proportion) of data from the incoming signal. Under some conditions,
adjusting size also adjusts keystone.

NOTE: If Size
1000 (1000 = No Resizing) and Size

1,000,000, adjusting Size also adjusts keystone simultaneously.
to display the image in its native resolution, which may be
to use all pixels (1024 x 768)
to display an entire non-
Vertical Stretch value

