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Mirage 10000 User Manual page 48



and is identified by a 2-digit number entered on the keypad. The first digit specifies
the switcher (0-9), the second specifies the slot (1-9). Note that the projector is
always considered "switcher #0", and has only 4 "slots".
= use source connected to switcher #1, slot #3
= use source connected to the projector, slot #1 (i.e.,
6:,7&+ 72 $1 ,1387 ,1 (,7+(5 21( 2) 7:2 :$<6 ²
key —
of the four inputs connected at the front of the projector. Or, if your projector has a
switcher connected to it at the
the 2-digit number representing the switcher and slot location for the desired signal
(note there is no on-screen feedback for entering the numbers). Regardless of which
method you use to select a source/input, the image will be displayed according to the
If it is the first time you have used the source/input (or if you used the input but did
not define a channel by adjusting anything ), the projector will recognize the new
input signal based on its frequencies and polarities, and will automatically display an
image according to default settings for such a signal. Note that a graphic source will
resize into a full-screen image, whereas a video or HDTV source will resize as wide
as possible while maintaining their original aspect ratio.
If you used the source once before and changed a display parameter such as
contrast, V-Position etc., then a channel was automatically created and still exists in
projector memory (see below). Using an
channel—and all its setup parameters—and update the display accordingly.
If more than one channel exists for the input, the image will be displayed according
to the setup parameters for the first channel with matching characteristics.
A channel is a collection of measurements, locations and settings that
tailor a display to your specific needs. Since source types and applications can vary
greatly, you will likely want to adjust and define a wide variety of parameters, such
as brightness, contrast, tint, size, etc., in order to customize and optimize the display
coming from a particular source. For example, the display settings you choose for a
VCR source may be very different from those you choose for a high resolution
computer source, or one signal may simply vary from another signal used earlier
through the same input location. Once you have adjusted a display parameter, such as
pixel tracking or contrast, all current settings are collectively stored in the projector's
memory as a unique 2-digit channel, such as
channels available for the same input, any of which can be selected by using the
"key on the keypad followed by the 2-digit channel number.
, or
— is a quick and seamless way to display from one
port, press the general
key will automatically recall this
Pressing the appropriate direct
key and enter
. You can have numerous distinct

