Secure Image Signature (Sis): Definition And Scenarios; Sis: Definition; Sis: Scenarios - AVT Pike Technical Manual

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Controlling image capture
Secure image signature (SIS): definition and
For all customers who know SIS from Marlin cameras:
• Pike cameras have additional SIS features: AOI,
exposure/gain, input/output state, index of sequence
mode and serial number.
• In contrary to Marlin cameras, in the Pike SIS feature
the endianness cannot be changed.

SIS: Definition

Secure image signature (SIS) is the synonym for data, which is inserted
into an image to improve or check image integrity.
With the new firmware 3.x, all Pike models can insert
Time stamp (1394 bus cycle time at the beginning of integration)
Trigger counter (external trigger seen only)
Frame counter (frames read out of the sensor)
AOI (x, y, width, height)
Exposure (shutter) and gain
Input and output state on exposure start
Index of sequence mode
Serial number
User value
into a selectable line position within the image. Furthermore the trigger
counter and the frame counter are available as advanced registers to be read
out directly.

SIS: Scenarios

The following scenarios benefit from this feature:
Assuming camera runs in continuous mode, the check of monotonically
changing bus cycle time is a simple test that no image was skipped or
lost in the camera or subsequently in the image processing chain.
In (synchronized) multi camera applications, the time stamp can be
used to identify those images, shot at the same moment in time.
The cross-check of the frame counter of the camera against the frame
counter of the host system also identifies any skipped or lost images
during transmission.
The cross-check of the trigger counter against the frame counter in the
camera can identify a trigger overrun in the camera.
PIKE Technical Manual V4.1.0


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