Configuring Output Lines; Assigning A Camera Output Signal To A Physical Output Line - Basler Pioneer User Manual

Gige vision cameras
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12.2 Configuring Output Lines

12.2.1 Assigning a Camera Output Signal to a Physical
Output Line
You can use the camera's output signal assignment capability to assign one of the camera's
standard output signals as the source signal for a physical output line. The camera has a variety of
standard output signals available including:
Exposure Active
Trigger Ready
Timer 1, Timer 2, Timer 3, Timer 4
You can also designate an output line as "user settable". If an output line is designated as a user
settable, you can use the camera's API to set the state of the line as desired.
To assign an output signal to an output line or to designate the line as user settable:
Use the Line Selector to select Output Line 1, Output Line 2, Output Line 3, or Output Line 4.
Set the value of the Line Source Parameter to one of the available output signals or to user
settable. This will set the source signal for the selected line.
By default, the Exposure Active signal is assigned to Output Line 1 and the
Trigger Ready Signal is assigned to Output Line 2.
You can set the Line Selector and the Line Source parameter value from within your application
software by using the pylon API. The following code snippet illustrates using the API to set the
selector and the parameter value:
Camera.LineSelector.SetValue( LineSelector_Out1 );
Camera.LineSource.SetValue( LineSource_ExposureActive );
Camera.LineSelector.SetValue( LineSelector_Out2 );
Camera.LineSource.SetValue( LineSource_TriggerReady );
For detailed information about using the pylon API, refer to the Basler pylon Programmer's Guide
and API Reference.
You can also use the Basler pylon Viewer application to easily set the parameters.
For more information about the pylon Viewer, see Section 2.2 on
For more information about setting the state of user settable output signals, see Section 12.2.2 on
Basler pioneer
page 20
and Section 2.4 on
I/O Control


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