Acquiring A Single Image By Applying One Hardware Trigger Transition - Basler Pioneer User Manual

Gige vision cameras
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Image Acquisition Control
10.3.3 Acquiring a Single Image by Applying One
Hardware Trigger Transition
You can set the camera to react to a single transition of an external hardware trigger (ExTrig) signal
and then you can transition the ExTrig signal to begin image acquisition. When you are using an
ExTrig signal to start image acquisition, you should monitor the camera's trigger ready (TrigRdy)
output signal and you should base the use of your ExTrig signal on the state of the trigger ready
To set the camera to react to a single ExTrig signal transition, follow the sequence below. The
sequence assumes that you have set the camera for rising edge triggering and for the timed
exposure mode.
1. Access the camera's API and set the exposure time parameter for your desired exposure time.
2. Set the value of the camera's Acquisition Mode parameter to Single Frame.
3. Execute an Acquisition Start command. This prepares the camera to react to a single trigger.
(In single frame mode, executing the start command prepares the camera to react to a single
4. Check the state of the camera's Trigger Ready signal:
a. If the TrigRdy signal is high, you can transition the ExTrig signal when desired.
b. If the TrigRdy signal is low, wait until TrigRdy goes high and then transition the ExTrig signal
when desired.
5. When the ExTrig signal transitions from low to high, image acquisition will start. Exposure will
continue for the length of time you specified in step 1.
6. At the end of the specified exposure time, readout and transmission of the acquired image will
take place.
7. At this point, the camera would ignore any additional ExTrig signal transitions. To acquire
another image, you must:
a. Repeat step 3 to prepare the camera to react to a hardware trigger transition.
b. Repeat step 4 to check if the camera is ready to acquire an image.
c. Repeat step 5 to begin image acquisition
You can set the exposure time and the Acquisition Mode parameter values from within your
application software by using the pylon API. You can also execute the Acquisition Start command.
The following code snippet illustrates using the API to set the parameter values and execute the
Camera.TriggerSelector.SetValue( TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart );
Camera.ExposureMode.SetValue( ExposureMode_Timed );
Camera.ExposureTimeAbs.SetValue( 3000 );
Camera.TriggerActivation.SetValue( TriggerActivation_RisingEdge );
Camera.AcquisitionMode.SetValue( AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame );
Camera.AcquisitionStart.Execute( );
For detailed information about using the pylon API, refer to the Basler pylon Programmer's Guide
and API Reference.
You can also use the Basler pylon Viewer application to easily set the parameters.
Basler pioneer


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