Star Micronics Radix User Manual page 68

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Radix User's Manual
BASIC (specifically, Microsoft BASIC for the IBM Personal Com-
puter). With minor modifications, the examples and utility pro-
grams can be adapted to run in any version of BASIC. In this
chapter and in the appendix for your computer, we'll tell you what
modifications need to be made and how to do it. In this chapter we
assume that you have some familiarity with BASIC.
Some Basics About BASIC
Probably the simplest thing to do with your printer in BASIC
is to list a program on the printer. But in this world of proliferating
microcomputers even this presents a problem. It seems that every
computer uses a different system of communicating with the
printer. We are going to tell you about some of the more common
ways, and hope that between this and your computer's BASIC
manual you will be able to stay with us.
First on our list is Microsoft BASIC's way of communicating
with the printer. They just add an "L" to the beginning of the LIST
and PRINT commands, making them LLIST and LPRINT. This
method is used by more computers than any other and so we will
use it throughout this book, after telling the rest of you how to
follow along.
Microsoft BASIC is used by TRSSO computers, IBM-PC com-
puters, many CPlM computers, and many other computers. (Look
in your BASIC manual; it will probably say if it's Microsoft
Next we need to talk about Apple II computers. They have a
real simple system. To list a program that you have loaded into
memory, just type:
says "send everything to the printer," the LIST
sends it, and the PR#O says "Ok, back to the screen now."
Some other computers require you to open the printer as a
numbered device, and then direct the output to that device. For


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