Star Micronics Radix User Manual page 165

Table of Contents


With Dot Graphics
6@ 'Subroutine to plot a sine wave.
629 '
63pI Xl = 0 : Yl = 10 : X2 = 29 : Y2 = 18
640 GOSUB 270
650 Xl = 10 : Yl = p! : X2 = 10 : Y2 = 20
660 GOSUB 270
670 Xl = pl : Yl = 18
680 FOR X2 = p! TO 20 STEP .2
690 Y2 = 10 - 9 * SIN(3.14159 * X2 / 10) : GOSUB 270
700 NEXT X2
Using Radix for business gmphics
You don't have to be a mathematician, scientist, or computer
hacker/artist to use Radix's graphics capabilities. It can be used
for business graphics too-line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, and
more! There are many commercially available graphics programs
that support Radix's graphics. And, of course, you can write your
own. To get you started, we've written a program that prints a pie
chart. Here it is:
10 'Program to print a piechart on the RADIX.


Table of Contents

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