Star Micronics Radix User Manual page 212

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Radix User's Manual
1. Be sure that the program that you wish to list is in the memory
of the Apple II.
2. Direct the output to the printer by typing PR#l.
3. Type LIST to start the listing.
4. When the listing is finished, type PR#O to redirect the output to
the screen.
Program Listings
Following are program listings in Applesoft BASIC for the
main utility programs used in the tutorial section of this book.
Download character editing utility
10 DIM Z(8,12),MM(ll)
11 PF$ = CHR$ (27) + "X" + CHR$ ($3)
12 PN$ = CHR$ (27) + "X" + CHR$ (1)
13 NF$ = CHR$ (27) + "$" + CHR$ (0)
14 NR$ = CHR$ (27) + "$" + CHR$ (1)
15 CS$ = "*":sC$ = "6"
16 BEEP$ = CHR$ (7)
18 AS = 33:PP$ = "$":ESC$ = CHR$ (27)
20 GOSUB 1910
260 REM
265 FOR I = 1 TO ll:MM(I) = 0: NEXT I
270 VTAB 3: HTAB 6: PRINT CS$;
275 VTAB 23: HTAB 1
280 GET A$
290 IF A$ = "J" THEN GOSUB 390: GOT0 370
3pI@ IF A$ = "K" THEN GOSUB 410: GOT0 370
310 IF A$ = "M" THEN GOSUB 430: GOT0 370
32p IF A$ = "I" THEN GOSUB 450: GOT0 370
IF A$ = CHR$ (13) THEN GOSUB 470: GOT0 370
340 IF A$ = CHR$- (32) THEN GOSUB 490: GOT0 370
350 IF A$ = CHR$ (27) THEN HOME : END
360 IF A$ = "+" THEN GOSUB 3000: GOT0 370
362 IF A$ = "-" THEN GOSUB 3100: GOT0 370
363 IF A$ = "A" THEN GOSUB 3500: GOT0 370
364 IF A$ = "D" THEN GOSUB 3200: GOT0 370
365 IF A$ = "P" THEN GOSUB 3300: GOT0 370
366 IF A$ = "C" THEN GOSUB 1910: GOT0 260
367 IF A$ = "R" THEN GOSUB 3700: GOT0 370
370 GOT0 280


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