Star Micronics Radix User Manual page 146

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Radix User's Manual
A - Set ASCII code. To change the ASCII code (which is shown in
the first status line), press "A." You will then be prompted for
the code you want to use.
C - Clear all dots. Press "C" to get a clean screen.
Q - Quit. "Q" closes all files and ends the program.
R - Perform ROM copy. The ROM character set will be copied to
download RAM immediately.
t + --) 1 - Move cursor. The arrow keys are used to move the
cursor around the grid.
Ins - Insert. The insert key places a dot at the current cursor loca-
Del - Delete. The delete key deletes a dot from the current cursor
+ - Wider. Use the " +" key to increase the proportional width,
which is indicated by the row of asterisks above the grid. The
maximum width is
- - Narrower. Use the " - " key to decrease the proportional
width. The minimum width is four columns.
D - Descender. This command toggles the descender flag, which is
shown in the first status line. If it is equal to zero, the top seven
pins of the printhead are used; if it is equal to
the bottom
seven pins are used to create a descender character.
Enjoy the program!
18 'Program to allow editing down-load characters.
20 'for the RADIX printer.
30 '
40 'Initialization.
50 DIM Z(8,12),MM(ll)
60 AS=33
70 CS$=CHR$(16)+CHR$(17):SC$=STRING$(2,219)
80 RAMNML$ = CHR$(27) + "$" + CHR$(l)
90 RAMNMLOFF$ = CHR$(27) + "$" + CHR$(0)
100 RAMPRO$ = CHR$(27) + "X" + CHR$(l)
110 RAMPROOFF$ = CHR$(27) + "X" + CHR$(a)
120 OPEN "LPTl:" AS #2 : WIDTH #2,255
130 LPRINT CHR$(27) "@" ; : WIDTH "LPT1:",255
140 GOSUB 1930
150 '
160 'Main loop.
170 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="" THEN 170
180 B$ = LEFT$(A$,l)
190 IF B$ = CHR$(pI) THEN 290


Table of Contents

Table of Contents