Star Micronics Radix User Manual page 259

Table of Contents


Osborne 6 Other CPlM Computers
1520 '
1530 'Subroutine to select EXPANDED print.
1540 S$ = ESC$ + "W" + CHR$(l) : GOSUB 2460 : RETURN
1550 '
1560 'Subroutine to cancel EXPANDED printing.
1570 S$ = ESC$ + "W" + CHR$(p) : GOSUB 2460 : RETURN
1580 '
1590 'Subroutine to select ITALIC character set.
1600 S$ = ES@ + "4" : GOSUB 2460 : RETURN
1610 '
1620 'Subroutine to cancel ITALIC character set.
1630 S$ = ESC$ + "5" : GOSUB 2460 : RETURN
1640 '
1650 'Subroutine to set PAGE LENGTH.
1660 GOSUB 2500
1670 PRINT "Page length in Inches or Lines
1680 PRINT TAB(TB) ;
1690 A$ = INKEY$ : IF A$ = "" THEN 1690
1700 IF A$ = "I" OR A$ ="i" THEN 1730
1710 IF A$ = "L" OR A$ ="l" THEN 1770
1720 PRINT CHR$(7) : GOT0 1690
1730 INPUT "Length of page in inches (l-32
1740 IF X ( 1 OR X > 32 THEN PRINT CHR$(7)
1750 S$ = ESC$ + "C" + CHR$(@) + CHR$(X)
1760 GOSUB 2460 : RETURN
" i x
: GOT0 1660
1770 INPUT "Length of page in lines (1-127)" ; X
1780 IF X ( 1 OR X ) 127 THEN PRINT CHR$(7) : GOT0 1660
1790 S$ = ESC$ + "C" + CHR$(X)
1800 GOSUB 2460 : RETURN
1810 '
1820 'Subroutine to set HORIZONTAL TABS.
1830 S$ = ESC$ + "D" : MAX = 255 : GOSUB 1840 : RETURN
1840 '
1850 'Subroutine to set tabs, either horiz or vert.
1860 GOSUB 2500
1870 PRINT 'lWould you like to set the tabs in"
1880 PRINT TAB(TB) "Regular intervals, or specify"
1890 PRINT TAB(TB) "each one Individually (R,I)"
1900 A$ = INKEY$ : IF A$ = "" THEN 1900
1910 IF A$ = "R" OR A$ = "r" THEN 2060
1920 IF A$ = "I" OR A$ = "i" THEN 1940
1930 PRINT CHR$(7) : GOT0 1840
1940 PRINT : I = 2 : TBS(l) = -1
1950 PRINT TAB(TB) "Enter the list of tabs, in"


Table of Contents

Table of Contents