Speed In The Same Cuelist - Martin Professional Maxxyz User Manual

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Select the "Tilt" attribute.
3 In Regular Effects, set the Swing to 45. Do Not Change The Seed. Leave Speed at zero.
4 Record this as cue 1 in a new cuelist.
As might be expected, when this cue is activated, the fixture comes to full, but it doesn't move.
5 Clear the programmer.
6 Select Fixture 1 again.
7 Select the "Tilt" attribute.
8 In Regular Effects, set the Speed to 300. Do Not Change The Swing.
9 Select a new cuelist and record this as cue 1.
10 Open the cuelist options for this cuelist and set to type "Override."
11 Execute both cuelists.
You can now see fixture 1 tilting up and down stage. But, if you pull down the Override cuelist
fader, you will notice that you now have manual control over the speed of the effect. What's
more, the other fader will control the intensity of the fixture giving you full control of the look on
1 Select all the MAC 500s and bring them to full.
2 Using the Swing and Speed attributes in Regular Effect, set them to tilt up and downstage at a
speed of 200.
3 Record as cue 1 in a new cuelist (do not clear the programmer).
4 Increase the speed to 400.
5 Record as cue 2 in the same cuelist and clear the programmer.
When we play these cues, we can see that the speed increases when cue 2 is executed.
However, if we wish to make changes in cue 1, we'll see those changes track through and again,
all cue 2 will do is increase the speed.
6 Release the cuelist (if it is running).
7 Press Edit Cue 1 Enter
8 Press the Tilt attribute hard key
9 Select the "Time Effects" LCD key and set to "Wave per 12."
10 Press Update Enter and clear the programmer.
Again, as we execute the cuelist, we'll see the fixtures moving, but this time in a wave. As we
execute cue 2, the wave will track through, but it will be moving at twice the earlier speed.
26. Note that had a speed been entered in the first cue created, the override cue would have taken
control of the fixture. Once the override cue had been released, the fixture would have returned to
the original speed.


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